The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I got a few pics around the property yesterday. I have been meaning to get out there for days and when I finally did most of my flowers were gone... so now I have to wait on the summer flowers to pop up but my lavender did amazingly well. I planted those from seed last year and they are around the front of my house to so between that and the honeysuckle... it smells amazing..... :circle-of-love:
You've got the same kinds of wildflowers and berries there that I have here Dennise. So lovely, and the Robin just adds the final touch to the picture of tranquility.
I am going to grow some lavender this year indoors if it's the last thing I do. I can just imagine the smell of that mixing with all of the peaceful!
I used to make lavender water and mist it over my pillow at night. A very calming effect to help sleep. And a little drop in a hot soaking bath was wonderful too.


And btw,....introduce us {{in her best Al Pacino voice}} "to your little friend" on the step..
That's my Lucy... Very rarely will you get a glimpse of her. She is very shy and doesn't like people at all... her Momma's girl.... and runs from the camera... she is also a Rat terrier and she and my male Rat.... Rufus.... had one litter... 2 pups... male looked just like her and female looked just like Rufus.... my first experience with any critter giving birth... remember I'm originally from a very large city.... also my last experience... Rufus was fixed very soon after.... I didn't have a clue what all it entailed and I thought it was the most disgusting and scariest thing I had ever seen and I thought my poor Lucy was going to die but I will give her credit... she was the best little Momma in the world for 6 weeks.... day 6 weeks and 1... she was done and over it... Any who sorry for the ramble.....:circle-of-love:
Although a bit blurry, I wanted you to see my greeting while I was on the deck photographing the thyme,

Patches the Red Squirrel came over and started begging for peanuts


A young Blue Jay grabbed a peanut off the deck and flew off to eat it (as Blue Jays like to do.)
I'm not sure it knows it's a Blue Jay, it landed with no fuss and flew off thrugh the slats of our railing with more skill than your average Jay :)

I have flowering on my Lemon Thyme.

If I cut off the flowering stalks will the Thyme leaves stay longer, or will the Thyme still grow good if I let the natural cycle progress?




Although you can pinch the flowers off to allow the plant to produce more leaves, the flavor of thyme really isn’t compromised by letting the plant bloom.

Beautiful pictures Rad.:love: I like this way you have with small earthlings.
Lemon Thyme sounds lovely! I have thyme growing, but it's your standard "flavor". Cute flowers on it.

That squirrel is adorable. How nice that you can make friends with it. Around here they just holler at me for disturbing their domain. LOL

Bluejays used to come around here a lot, but they've become rather scarce and I can't figure out why. They are beautiful birds, large and truly funny.
And believe it or not, I used to sit on the deck and they would gather in the pine trees near me and you could hear them imitating Robins, Chickadees, and other smaller bird sounds in addition to red tailed hawks. It really surprised me.

I'm going to have to analyze why they've left the area here.

Thanks Radogast!
I'm totally stumped Canna.
I went for a short walk this morning, it's so freaking cold here that it makes me grumpy. Supposed to hit low 70's today...whoopee doop. :rollingeyes:

I did snap some pics when my cold fingers would work on the phone:

First up is the inside of the Bull thistle...kind of pretty...but I still hate these plants. LOL


And I call these little guys crab spiders. I'm not even sure that's what they are, but when they move they remind me of little crabs scurrying across the beach:


And the lily's at the pond edge are starting. In this stage they look like something that is yakking with their mouth full:



More later

Looks like a feeding Cormorant. LOL!!!
So cool Canna. I love your close ups. I just spent the entire bus trip home searching for the identity of your seed pod thingy, to no avail. Not for lack of trying. Thanks for the much needed distraction. :thanks:
Got to tell ya... I had stuck a gallon jar of Bubba Kush up that was grown in the PJ soil and completely forgot about it until today.... and it is about the first of it I have tried since it had time to get a good cure.... this zhit is awesome...:yahoo:... can't really believe I forgot about it but really glad I remembered and it had 3 Boveda packages in it so it is in perfect smoking order.... I am stoned to the bone......:lot-o-toke:.....:circle-of-love:
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