The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Enjoy the moist foraging Canna.
Got to tell ya... I had stuck a gallon jar of Bubba Kush up that was grown in the PJ soil and completely forgot about it until today.... and it is about the first of it I have tried since it had time to get a good cure.... this zhit is awesome...:yahoo:... can't really believe I forgot about it but really glad I remembered and it had 3 Boveda packages in it so it is in perfect smoking order.... I am stoned to the bone......:lot-o-toke:.....:circle-of-love:

It' always nice to read when someone is so calm...did I say calm? errr....overjoyed at being "stoned to the bone".

A couple more daisy shots. I like the last one.




I do have some Hollyhocks! A chocolate, burgundy and a white-ish. I would have gotten that right away for you Canna. Also Wisteria but, like you waiting for blooms...


Great pictures though guys and gals, my basil, lemon thyme and cilantro are all in bloom as well Radogast. :) Dennise, I have a red/pink honeysuckle and they sure do smell great, quite sweet. I'm sure I forgot other things I was going to say whilst waiting for pictures to upload, takes a bit and I always do... :)
Smokey, are those the true color of those daisies? I've never seen any in different colors like that.
I want to grow the orange/white ones! Such a smooth feeling color.
Thanks for those.
And thanks for the pic of the Hollyhock seeds! I have some germing...I hope. How do you start yours from seed? If you have time, I would love to know your method.


Edit: I know what that orange/white daisy reminds me of now...push up pops ice cream. Remember those? YUM!
Damn I love it here!

I walked out to the back deck to sit, and just as I did a Doe came down to the pond. I had my phone with me this time. I stood up carefully and shot some pics through the screen with the camera zoomed all the way out. Not the greatest pics, but you can see she's watching me.


After a minute or so, down came a fawn to join her!


It scampered around in the water a bit and then Mom decided it was time to leave, she went up the hill while the fawn stayed below just playing and jumping over bushes like it was the first day outside. So cool to watch.


I, too, saw my first baby of the year yesterday with mom....I'm talking deer of course....way way cute...let the new season begin.....
Canna, these last ones I am 98% sure they are all dyed in some form, yes! They came from a designer series line which usually indicates this. The orange I believe is it's original color but the bleeding of the two isn't very common, it can happen though. I was going to upload a picture of a dyed rose but I seem to have misplaced my card reader now...

So.. here are some chocolate ivy again at a further stage, not the best pictures though.



We have a family of three I believe that likes to hang around.

And thanks for the pic of the Hollyhock seeds! I have some germing...I hope. How do you start yours from seed? If you have time, I would love to know your method.


Edit: I know what that orange/white daisy reminds me of now...push up pops ice cream. Remember those? YUM!

Canna, I was in the middle of a few things when I suddenly realized I never answered your question. I just lightly buried the hollyhock seeds in a peat/sand/perlite mix at about 1/4 inch depth or so. Then just toss them under the dome I seem to always have in my veg room, I'm sure a window would work fine with some of that clear wrap over as well. Sorry I missed it! See I do forget things while the pics upload quite often. Like how you had me looking through a clover patch... :laughtwo:

There has been a few other things as well, funny thing is I have an excellent memory, seems to more photographic though.

Radogast, they usually do leave but we at least see them monthly fluttering from tree to tree singing. Of course the hawks and eagles come out as well, so could be something to that. :)
Canna, I was in the middle of a few things when I suddenly realized I never answered your question. I just lightly buried the hollyhock seeds in a peat/sand/perlite mix at about 1/4 inch depth or so. Then just toss them under the dome I seem to always have in my veg room, I'm sure a window would work fine with some of that clear wrap over as well. Sorry I missed it! See I do forget things while the pics upload quite often. Like how you had me looking through a clover patch... :laughtwo:

There has been a few other things as well, funny thing is I have an excellent memory, seems to more photographic though.

Radogast, they usually do leave but we at least see them monthly fluttering from tree to tree singing. Of course the hawks and eagles come out as well, so could be something to that. :)

Thanks so much Smokey! I did it right. After I read your post on how you germ them, I went to check them and there were 3 that sprouted and were touching the plastic wrap. Woo Hoo! I count at least 8 sprouting up and there's more to come. The sprouts leaves look almost exactly like the seed, kind of 3/4 moon shape and flat together until they open up.
Here's one of them all opened:


And I took this picture of one of the others at an angle, not on purpose...but I think it came out like a snake or alien writhing into the picture. Too Cool. You can even see its mouth...

You get the most amazing pictures Canna.
We have yellow finches in winter, but once the wild produces seeds, they go 'au naturale.'

I love watching them fly with that aerial bobbing movement they do. I used to grow thistle in the yard to help them feed the young. Got fined for that once. Growing weeds in a residential lot. I always considered them "spontaneous vegetation". LOL!!!
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