The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

There's a Scotty dog falling head over heels down onto the pelican

I totally see that! :)

(Lower Black spot ) I see a 50's cartoon girl and boys shadow passing each other, each going in different directions. Girl walking towards left of screen, holding a teapot.... What would the psychologist say about that?

Well if the psych can spot an opportunity, they might say it sounds like a jolly good time for tea. Although, I'm not seeing it... :)
Another wild flower I found in the lawn.


Inside a cone flower.



An artistic Lilly.


And another Whatizit!

Hey Smokey!

Well, I don't believe it's animal....there is green on it like a plant. I keep coming back to some kind of berry...bumpy like a mutant strawberry or raspberry. Or maybe a new bud on some kind of tree or bush?
I'm going to keep looking at though. Certainly wouldn't want to eat it. LOL

Great whatizit, I agree!

And your close up photography is really doing awesome! I love how you reversed the focus on the Cone flower. Amazing pictures, thank you.

So, thunderstorms finally came today. I rushed out to the back deck and sat on my swing to watch the festivities, however short lived they were going to be. I enjoy them.
I kept hearing something just in front of me outside the screen, I got up and looked was a woodchuck trying to lift the plastic window well cover up with his paws and nose! Not sure if he was looking for a place out of the rain, or if he has a home in that window well.
I stomped my foot and startled the heck out of him, then said "Get outta there"...he took off across the yard almost as fast as lighting strikes. LOL
He made it underneath an old shed at the edge of the woods, where I would expect him to live.
Now that I know he's there, we're hoping for pictures real soon. ;-)

Always an adventure waiting around here. :laughtwo:
I have tons of fun with Dragonflies here Sue. Last year there were lots of pics of them on the thread.

Check these two out if you have time:

The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I'm sitting here babysitting my washing machine to make sure it doesn't back up in the pipes again.....{{sigh}}

Wow Canna! Amazing to get both the dragonfly and the walking stick together. You have an amazing eye.

Our washing machine sits in our kitchen on the third floor of an ancient apartment building. When it goes into spin I have to sit on it to keep it from vibrating the building apart. :laughtwo:
I'm guessing pomegranate, Smokey. Not a common one though.

You take such marvelous pictures. They just keep getting better and better. :thumb:
Just getting the rainstorm now, Canna...all of SE MI under a severe storm watch...hey, question for you....has anyone visited Tassie lately...I don't know whether to worry or not...well, I lie, I do worry...can anyone check out his last post and see if I am off my rocker or he just closing his journal, forsaking all of us, or something more dark....I need a second person's opinion...and thank you in advance anyone....
Just getting the rainstorm now, Canna...all of SE MI under a severe storm watch...hey, question for you....has anyone visited Tassie lately...I don't know whether to worry or not...well, I lie, I do worry...can anyone check out his last post and see if I am off my rocker or he just closing his journal, forsaking all of us, or something more dark....I need a second person's opinion...and thank you in advance anyone....

Tassie opted to leave us and his journal due to some internal the only way I can put it. Hopefully not for long, but it sounds like he has some deep soul searching to do on his own. I will certainly miss him, and hope he comes back soon. :)
I hope I stated that somewhat eloquently.
You read it correctly, you are not off your rocker.
The nature of PTSD - believing you're too much for others to deal with. Geez, I'll miss him.
okay, girls, thanks, I'm a real hard ass which is code for I'm really a marshmellow...I get attached and the written word tends to take me right into a person's soul...I'm a big reader and fan of language to express heart goes out...I have never been exposed to PTSD either, so it was a real education for heart just goes out, can't help it....thanks, girlfriends....

Canna, your disappearance floored me, I cannot tell a glad you are back...
So, thunderstorms finally came today. I rushed out to the back deck and sat on my swing to watch the festivities, however short lived they were going to be. I enjoy them.
I kept hearing something just in front of me outside the screen, I got up and looked was a woodchuck trying to lift the plastic window well cover up with his paws and nose! Not sure if he was looking for a place out of the rain, or if he has a home in that window well.
I stomped my foot and startled the heck out of him, then said "Get outta there"...he took off across the yard almost as fast as lighting strikes. LOL
He made it underneath an old shed at the edge of the woods, where I would expect him to live.
Now that I know he's there, we're hoping for pictures real soon. ;-)

Always an adventure waiting around here. :laughtwo:

Many moons ago, I watched Jon Stewart interview Christopher Walken.

Jon Stewart: "Do you have any pets?"

Christopher Walken: "I have a groundhog. I have hummingbirds. I have huge raccoons. They have kind of short hair and look like small kangaroos."
me neither, it just doesn't feel right....and I always go with my gut....
you rock Dennise, thank you....
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