The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

You always manage to get that little something extra, don't you Canna? Great eye, even if you don't realize it until later. :laughtwo:
Sue, I see and feel things constantly that I can't explain, I just have to go with it. I have seen exactly what you have just described in the form of a pink aura wrapped around none other than my dog! It was years ago, but I will never forget it....we were sitting on my pontoon boat out in the middle of the lake on a splendid summer afternoon, just the 2 of us.....he was in my lap facing away from me and it was real quiet and peaceful....

He was a white Westie, an amiable, loving, sweetheart of a soul. I looked down at him and saw a very thick pink band, shimmering around his body....I glanced away at the shoreline thinking the sun was playing tricks on me and then looked back at him...sure enough, the pink band was there alright, no mistaking it and I knew in that moment it was his aura and I savored the moment, knowing it was special...

Haven't seen one since, either....

That gave me goosebumps Shawnee. I haven't seen auras for many years, too distracted in keeping Dale alive. My daughter picks up on the emotional balance or imbalance of everyone she comes near. I can't imagine living with that, but she often steers me away from undesirables. The universe is so much more wondrous than we can imagine.
That gave me goosebumps Shawnee. I haven't seen auras for many years, too distracted in keeping Dale alive. My daughter picks up on the emotional balance or imbalance of everyone she comes near. I can't imagine living with that, but she often steers me away from undesirables. The universe is so much more wondrous than we can imagine.

My mom has the same "gift" as your daughter and she hates it, but she has never been wrong yet.....incredible 6th sense, for sure....Sue, good luck tomorrow with Dale, hard to know what to say in these awkward moments, but I couldn't forgive myself if I said nothing...know that you both will be in my thoughts, for will be in my prayers and thoughts.....:circle-of-love:
My mom has the same "gift" as your daughter and she hates it, but she has never been wrong yet.....incredible 6th sense, for sure....Sue, good luck tomorrow with Dale, hard to know what to say in these awkward moments, but I couldn't forgive myself if I said nothing...know that you both will be in my thoughts, for will be in my prayers and thoughts.....:circle-of-love:

I would love to have that gift. Would have saved me from a lot of unfortunate things in the past years.
We have to rely on our "inklings".

Hope you are doing well Shawnee, and have you heard anything back from what you've been waiting on?

Sue, thoughts are with you and Dale from me as well.
Thank you both. I was just awakened by the "swoop" of Vascular Surgeons on their 6AM prep rounds. Dale's scheduled for late afternoon. It's a bit harrowing to pick up on both their sense of urgency with his case and their obvious concern for the risk involved.

It is what it is. Every surgery along the way, and this makes eight in a year (ugh!), there's been risk. We are blessed with the services of one of the best vascular surgeons on the east coast working on him today, a talented gentleman who has shepherded us through many minefields.

No matter how hard I try it's going to be a long day. Your kind thoughts will help us carry through. :circle-of-love:
No matter how hard I try it's going to be a long day.

The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part

The Waiting, Tom Petty, 1981
I would love to have that gift. Would have saved me from a lot of unfortunate things in the past years.
We have to rely on our "inklings".

Hope you are doing well Shawnee, and have you heard anything back from what you've been waiting on?

No news from either the state or the business so far, Canna....the wheels of "progress" certainly turn slowly around here....

A violent storm came thru on Friday nite and took out parts of 2 of my driveway ornamental Bradford Pear tree canopies...a 300 pound and a 500 pound piece....time to get out the tractor, tie up a rope, and haul the pieces to the back where I must chop up and burn at a later date....oh yeah, I now have fencing repair to perform on pasture #1 where I have been turning out the horses on the lush tall grass where the trees fell over...UGH...

This week is harvest week....all of the plants must come down....I am not all zen and one with trimming yet....I am slow and find it tedious business...time for an attitude adjustment....

Slurping coffee and trying to get ready for the least the weather has improved....
Good luck with all that Shawnee. You certainly have your hands full. :love:
Well, apparently the storm we had here picked up some guts on it's way to you Shawnee. It's sad to hear of the trees.
I'm not a tree hugger by any means, but I chose to live in the woods for a reason. Every time I lose a tree, it saddens me.

Happy harvesting though!

I am still waiting on paperwork from the State for new patient too. They are truly slow this year.

Thoughts are with you and Dale today Sue!

Well, apparently the storm we had here picked up some guts on it's way to you Shawnee. It's sad to hear of the trees.
I'm not a tree hugger by any means, but I chose to live in the woods for a reason. Every time I lose a tree, it saddens me.

Happy harvesting though!

I am still waiting on paperwork from the State for new patient too. They are truly slow this year.

Thoughts are with you and Dale today Sue!


Thank you. All those positive thoughts worked like a dream. They found unexpected damage that they were able to very carefully repair. This man of mine knows how to go right to the edge sometimes. It wears on the emotions, but right now I'm so overjoyed I can't stop smiling. Still days of observation ahead, but he should recover quickly.

Thank you all for the support. It kept me from feeling lost and alone.
Thank you. All those positive thoughts worked like a dream. They found unexpected damage that they were able to very carefully repair. This man of mine knows how to go right to the edge sometimes. It wears on the emotions, but right now I'm so overjoyed I can't stop smiling. Still days of observation ahead, but he should recover quickly.

Thank you all for the support. It kept me from feeling lost and alone.

:bravo: To the surgeons!
We just love good news here.
That's wonderful news, Sue, whew, now I can exhale <all hot air blows out>

Now, coming from the purest of intentions, please take a moment for yourself.... even in the smallest form....of meditation, saying a prayer, sing a song, take a bath, go to bed early, fix a nice meal, catch a bite out, watch the sunset, take a walk.....the stress on you has been unimaginable, I can feel it and it takes one to know one....stress is a killer do something kind for you....

This week is harvest week....all of the plants must come down....I am not all zen and one with trimming yet....I am slow and find it tedious business...time for an attitude adjustment....

Slurping coffee and trying to get ready for the least the weather has improved....

I am a lightweight, 4 or 5 times a month, consumer of cannabis. I find harvest, wash and trimming to be an excellent time to indulge in an energetic, sativa dominant, heavy stone.

I don't really need it though, I love gardening - especially digging :)
I am a lightweight, 4 or 5 times a month, consumer of cannabis. I find harvest, wash and trimming to be an excellent time to indulge in an energetic, sativa dominant, heavy stone.

I don't really need it though, I love gardening - especially digging :)

I am a sativa girl as well, Rado, but I grow for my patients....I am so busy that I rarely smoke as well....actually that was my new year's smoke more...

For many years I had a side summer side business after my day job where I power washed wood decks and backyard was in a very wealthy area where these decks were 1 to 3 stories high with stairs and railings...and I absolutely hated power washing the spindles on the railings...but years later and after many thousands of spindles washed, I grew to love doing them......

I am hoping that I will grow to love trimming....I am still a very new grower and the trimming is not my favorite at the moment.....
I am a sativa girl as well, Rado, but I grow for my patients....I am so busy that I rarely smoke as well....actually that was my new year's smoke more...

For many years I had a side summer side business after my day job where I power washed wood decks and backyard was in a very wealthy area where these decks were 1 to 3 stories high with stairs and railings...and I absolutely hated power washing the spindles on the railings...but years later and after many thousands of spindles washed, I grew to love doing them......

I am hoping that I will grow to love trimming....I am still a very new grower and the trimming is not my favorite at the moment.....

I grow for a patient, my beloved wife. We have yet to try a high CBD strain, which should be good for her fibromyalgia. Not that THC is not also excellent :)

We have trimmed as a family, around one large table, with a sound track from greats like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Queen, Bowie, and Willie.
It has been a long time since we had a harvest, we'll see how the next one goes :)
My dispensary owner has fibromyalgia.... a young single mother with 3 kids that also has a dispensary....very cool...I could speak with her for you if you like....trimming with a group must be awesome, good music is also welcome....and then I smoke as are a good man...I see you take the time to appreciate the nature around you....:Namaste:
My dispensary owner has fibromyalgia.... a young single mother with 3 kids that also has a dispensary....very cool...I could speak with her for you if you like....trimming with a group must be awesome, good music is also welcome....and then I smoke as are a good man...I see you take the time to appreciate the nature around you....:Namaste:

Please do speak with her on my wife's behalf.

My wife is 50 and unable to work as a dental hygenist due to loss of hand sensitivity and randomly dropping things.
She also has cronic pain that her former GP rated as a 7 out of 10, a level that most patients would find crippling (and some days it is.)
She has replaced all her pain meds and her hormone replacement therapy with cannabis. The better pain management and freedom from the kidney damage, weight gain and mental fog caused by conventional medicine has improved her life, but it's still a challenge.

My wife self medicates to be high function on regular days, and then someimes just enjoys getting high.
I think her best future involves edibles and oils, but we really need harvests to start kitchen work.
The current perpetual grow is finally going very well.

I am interested in strains, delivery method, whatever wisdom your dispensary owner contact has to share.

Thank you for even considering asking on her behalf - it means a lot.
That's wonderful news, Sue, whew, now I can exhale <all hot air blows out>

Now, coming from the purest of intentions, please take a moment for yourself.... even in the smallest form....of meditation, saying a prayer, sing a song, take a bath, go to bed early, fix a nice meal, catch a bite out, watch the sunset, take a walk.....the stress on you has been unimaginable, I can feel it and it takes one to know one....stress is a killer do something kind for you....

Thank you Shawnee. I took the evening for myself. I'll sleep in and take the morning too. He has to heal and I can let them take care of him. I keep telling him they're paid professionals and can easily do all those little things he wants me to do. In fact that's what they're paid to do. :laughtwo:

This time is mine. I told everyone I was going to bed. I'm being indulgent. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Please do speak with her on my wife's behalf.

My wife is 50 and unable to work as a dental hygenist due to loss of hand sensitivity and randomly dropping things.
She also has cronic pain that her former GP rated as a 7 out of 10, a level that most patients would find crippling (and some days it is.)
She has replaced all her pain meds and her hormone replacement therapy with cannabis. The better pain management and freedom from the kidney damage, weight gain and mental fog caused by conventional medicine has improved her life, but it's still a challenge.

My wife self medicates to be high function on regular days, and then someimes just enjoys getting high.
I think her best future involves edibles and oils, but we really need harvests to start kitchen work.
The current perpetual grow is finally going very well.

I am interested in strains, delivery method, whatever wisdom your dispensary owner contact has to share.

Thank you for even considering asking on her behalf - it means a lot.

This is our life with diabetes, only we didn't get away from the drugs that "save" your life by killing you off in bits and pieces. I'm thankful you and your beloved figured that out earlier. I discovered this plant's medicinal value late in the game and I still feel it can make a difference with edibles. If I can keep him alive through a couple harvests.... I like the chances.

A special hug for the wife Rad. :love:
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