The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I hope my artwork on the snow poo didn't make anyone groan. LOL It's probably the ugliest part of winter, seeing all that dirty snow dropping off vehicles. Thought I would try to make it humorous. ;-)

We've had above 40's this weekend and all of the snow this morning is gone again. Crazy weather for sure. But I'm not complaining. Love seeing the grass!

Busy day here, chopping a and planting seedlings. My kitchen is a mess, I started out making a rolled stuffed pork loin wrapped in bacon...then decided to make baked beans....then decided to make lyonnaise potatoes. I got so hungry preparing all of that, I made some glazed cinnamon rolls for breakfast. I ate four of them! :smokin:

Hope everyone is doing well. It's so nice outside this morning that I might head out for a walk and see if there are any picture opportunities.

Ahhh, so it was just dirty snow. I took you at your word. And wondered whose it was. That's a weight off my mind.

Looking forward to seeing what photo opportunities you discover.
What time do you want us over for dinner?? Mmm sounds so nice canna..
Glad your able thaw out.. That is so crazy, the weather there at the moment.. First day of summer here today, so winter for you tomorrow... Hopefully you can start it with no snow.. Take care, have a good Sunday, 1:30 Sunday night/ Monday morning. :peace:

That was such a cute girly picture canna... I showed my three year old and she now asks to see the snow poo, lol..
Yes, lovely weather in these parts, Canna, for sure. My indoor Christmas cactus is in full bloom already....a little early this year, but I'll take it...very cheerful.

Easy to drive around with no snow, feed the animals, still pruning back perennials in the garden and burning dead branches and sticks from the property outside. If the entire winter could linger like this I would be a happy camper!
Hullo Canna and all. :ciao: Hope all is well with you and yours (thinking of your mum, CF).

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty," — that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

Appropriately enough, that of course is a Grecian urn speaking. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Mrs Teddy, Teddy and I headed off for a little drive and walk this afternoon. The clouds were rising up the mountain from the gulf but above us the sun occasionally broke through. Teddy got really excited because we took a track he hadn't been on before. This is what we saw.


There were some weird mushrooms which had exploded their spores.


When we got home I remembered that someone, possibly Grizz, had been polite enough to ask for a picture of some veg. Be careful what you wish for.


Greens In The Mist. The moving story of one man's struggle to protect his broccoli from slugs.

And as the chapel at the back began to retreat we too took shelter.


:ciao: YASSUS! :circle-of-love: Mr Teddy x
Beautiful Mr. Teddy

I worked from home today.

I had the pleasure of watching the birds from a new location of the shepherd's hook, 2 feet from the sliding glass doors between breakfast table and the deck.

At a couple of points today there were 6 Bluebirds and a yellow finch. Yesterday there was a cardinal.

I am grateful just to see the land in daylight !

I visited the old oak tree in search of a staff, and returned with a dried staff with Cernunnos antlers and a piece of old exhaust duct (garbage). I left a wine cork and a pretty stone.

. . .

Even with this day, I would have more enjoyed spending the day there with you.
40 today, 104 to most reading... Enjoyed yesterday at a friends property that backs onto the river... My little girl loved it... Absolutely beautiful spot....


Nice day in the bay today... Friday and I've just knocked off for the weekend... :)
Denise, my property looks out over the mountain view... If I added a 2nd story, I'm poking right over the bay and harbour.. Maybe one day...I do enjoy my mountain view... I think I'm a river person ( with that shaded, explaining yourself..
For this "squash the winter doldrums" idea to work, we have to look at the pictures again. :)


I decided to gather up some pictures to remind me of what I look forward to in the Spring & Summer months. Hopefully this will help squash the Winter doldrums when it arrives again.

I'll start with some Wild Flowers that just appeared here. These Lily's sparkle like crazy in the sunlight!






Almost ready, mmmm.... Out my back door, don't have to get off my step.


And for those that haven't seen... Tree house near my folks... The guy learnt wood turning techniques from Nepal India and Mongolia.. He had a 10-15 storey Mongolian like temple across the road, but was burnt down around 20 years ago... The tree house is built around a liveable house.. It's the ' boingaology headquarters of south ambrosia'


Me and my daughter have been watching them since they were little buds... She discovered them last year and is excited by them. I think it's the getting food off a tree. Whatever it is, it's sooo cute!!
Top bump, Radogast. (Still trying to catch up with your tremendous garden thread). :thumb:

Hey, Grizz - that's fantastic (in both the modern and old fashioned senses). WOW. Did you build it? Beautiful. :love:

Here's to Cannafan. May her God bless her and return her here soon. :circle-of-love:
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