The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Just beautiful, Mr. Teddy. Wonderful way to lighten the mood. And how is the best dog in the world?
Radogast, thanks so much. That was sweet. I think all of your spirits were with us today, because it could have been much worse for Mom. She's going to be okay, but I'm going to be watching her closely. No more loading wood stoves for that young lady!

Shawnee, we can't think that! LOL You know how it is with the first true snow/ice here, people fear nothing and remember not what the roads can do. I'm usually far away from roads and highways on the first true snow because of that. As the paramedic crews can tell you, the first true day of winter is their busiest days.
Now that we have this under our belts, maybe the rest will be easier? :)

Mr. Teddy! That was the most refreshing and calming feeling I've had all day. Going through those beautiful photos was just what was needed. You have so much color there yet, and the mushrooms are so fresh! I can't wait till next year when I can try some of those "dog pee" mushrooms and the Parasols that I have been reluctant to try. Hopefully you cooked them up into something yummly today.

Your view is awesome. The pastel colors of the trees on the hillside is not like anything I have here. They are so subtle and pretty. I would love to have a cherry blossom tree here. ......I would love to have a lot of different trees here. LOL
Thanks so much. You really know how to cheer a gal up.

I think all of the Karma sent today was effective, and I appreciate all of you. Where would we be without friends? Peace be with you all too.

Tomorrow I'm going to try my best to get some nice snowy shots to send. It ought to be a beautiful white everywhere.

Okay, welcome to the Winter Wonderland. Here's some quick shots outside this morning:

The pond


The Barn


And the fire bush. I don't know if the birds will eat these "berries" or if they are just seeds for next year. I'll have to look this up on google later.



And the pine trees out here are looking like Christmas trees:


I hope those brighten your day!
Sorry canna, hope it doesn't affect your daily production...almost 1 Saturday morning here, don't worry Friday was a cruise, lol
Well, I've learned something today. ;-)

The burning bush that I keep calling fire bush (Euonymus atropurpurea), has berries that the birds will eat. However, they are toxic to humans with a #2 rating on the poison scale.

2 – Symptoms may occur which are moderate (hallucination, severe stomach irritation, profuse diarrhea/dehydration)

So if I see one of the Cardinals that hang out on this bush through the winter acting goofy....I will know it was eatin' berries. LOL
Thank you Brightlight. :)

She's probably in surgery now. I'll be heading up there as soon as I get out of work.
She had been commenting on her wrist being really sore, they finally did an x-ray on that today and discovered she fractured that too. It's on the opposite side of the broken hip, so she will at least have a hand to use her cane with when she's ready.
Geez, when it snows it rains.
How is Cannamom doing? Waiting for an update on hip and wrist please. Hope the fixing is done and the healing has begone and she is resting comfortably.
How is Cannamom doing? Waiting for an update on hip and wrist please. Hope the fixing is done and the healing has begone and she is resting comfortably.

Well, as usual the surgical team was more than two hours backed up, so by the time I got out of work she had just gone into surgery. She finally made it back to the room around 8:00 p.m. She looked awful and was feeling really bad with nausea and pain. The surgery went just okay, the surgeon said he had to undo everything he did before and try to correct it all again with a huge nail (that just amazes me). He also said that if she breaks it again, he will not be able to fix it and she will have to have everything removed including the knob etc. and an internal prosthesis placed by a qualified surgeon for that.
She will not be able to walk this time for 6 weeks, and she has a cast on her left arm/wrist now too. I have a brother and SIL that live right around the corner from the folks, I sure hope he steps up to the plate to help out. My brothers and I will be getting together about trying to convince Pops it's time to give up the wood stove. The two of them are almost 80 years old, it's time to stop working so hard and their bones are not going to take this anymore.

So, that's where we stand now. We just wait and help with the heal. Going to be hard to keep her down, but we are resolved to do it.

I'm going to be heading into the woods this morning, and will try to get some shots if I see anything worthy. Hope you all have a great Saturday or Sunday wherever you are!

Well guys and gals, it's a rare occasion that I ask for support of any kind. But today I need some good karma for sure.

We achieved our first real snowfall and icy conditions overnight here and it's continuing this morning. Realizing this, I was prepared to leave for work early so I would have plenty of time. My pops called, the ambulance just took my Mom to the hospital because she fell coming back in from loading the wood stove. Her cane (she broke a hip a few months ago and is still recovering from THAT one) collected some ice on the bottom and it slipped. She fell down the cement stairs in the foyer. We don't know if the hip is broken or her back at this point. The ambulance was very late getting her due to the icy conditions and all of the calls they are trying to handle with accidents.
Pops was going to head up to the hospital and I was on my way too. Of course, the car is on to the gas station I headed first. Glare of ice. I made it over the highway overpass barely. I got the gas, went to leave, and there were two semi's stuck on the overpass because they couldn't make it over it on the ice. That was my only route to town. So, I had to make the decision to just try to make it back home and went miles out of my way to take back roads around the highway. In the meantime I called Pops and told him not to even try to get there. It isn't right to take a chance on the roads. We need to be sure we are able to take care of her when she returns. He agreed.
So, now I sit here with tears in my eyes because I can't be there for her. It's just killing me not to be able to be at her side, and not knowing how bad she is hurt.
I got ahold of my boss who is just this morning back from another vacation, and pretty much let him know I'm not going to be there on time. I think he's ticked that I won't try it. But that place isn't worth taking my life in my hands.
So, this has been the worst morning. I sure hope this is not an indication of how bad this winter will be.
I will take all of the good Karma I can get!
Thanks for listening.

Canna I am so sorry... I just read this and saw on the oil journal about your Mom... I always send ya good karma but will send extra doses of it for the next few days... I'm glad you opted for safety cause you are certainly right that your mom is getting the help she needs and if you guys get hurt there will be no one to take care of her once she is home.....:circle-of-love:
Hey canna, yeah there's always a rainbow. Surrounded by beach and hills, it always has just rained, lol. Wettest part of the state.
All that snow you live in, wow, those photos look magical. I hope it's not to hard to live in.. How long will it be like that for? Do you have weeks where life closes down and your at home due to snow in? Is there local sports that use it, ice hokey/ curling?? How about food, how long of a supply do you need, or are shops easily accessible?
Have a good day all, Tuesday morning, off to do some grown ups colouring in.. If only I was joking, lol
Hey canna, yeah there's always a rainbow. Surrounded by beach and hills, it always has just rained, lol. Wettest part of the state.
All that snow you live in, wow, those photos look magical. I hope it's not to hard to live in.. How long will it be like that for? Do you have weeks where life closes down and your at home due to snow in? Is there local sports that use it, ice hokey/ curling?? How about food, how long of a supply do you need, or are shops easily accessible?
Have a good day all, Tuesday morning, off to do some grown ups colouring in.. If only I was joking, lol

Joking is fine, but it is times like this when kiwis and Aussies need to step up and deliver with the spring photos.
It's wet and chili out here, think of Anzac day with 5 degrees and no warm weather in sight.
Don't make me go find a South African to show off their flowers :)
10-4 on that Rado! I think Canna is a glass half full kind of, not much. Since we live in the same state, her answer will probably be total opposite of mine.

Forget magical snow....think of polar vortex, temps 20 degrees colder that it's supposed to be already, windy, bone chilling cold, snowing,black ice on the roads, potential snow storms that force you to run to the store to get provisions just in case.....six long months of hibernation, darkness, with everything dead outside......

As you can see, I have no use whatsoever for winter:lot-o-toke:
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