The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I really wish you could see it the way I do but this is the best I can get....

Good enough, Dennise...certainly good enough...:) (By which I mean, beautiful).
Hi Canna!

I, too, am so happy about the elections and the progress we are making in the USA. My elderly parents just left for FLA for the winter, which just missed by 3% of the vote. My dad called tonite questioning what happened in FLA and why 60% was the magic number when 57% should have been a pass in that state.

I have been discussing the benefits of marijuana with my parents since I was 15 years old....I am now 59, growing legally and happy as a clam that this has passed in my lifetime. My parents are my best friends and I am totally transparent with them about what I am doing...

Canna, you were right, I got spanked by the moderators regarding my first photo I ever posted of my driveway trees. I was following a "how to post pictures" tutorial, which landed me in jail and made me retreat to the foxhole with the resident fox on my property...

I have lots of pictures of my family of animals that I would love to share, but, like I said, am very shy and timid about showing off or doing something wrong.
Hi Canna!

I, too, am so happy about the elections and the progress we are making in the USA. My elderly parents just left for FLA for the winter, which just missed by 3% of the vote. My dad called tonite questioning what happened in FLA and why 60% was the magic number when 57% should have been a pass in that state.

I have been discussing the benefits of marijuana with my parents since I was 15 years old....I am now 59, growing legally and happy as a clam that this has passed in my lifetime. My parents are my best friends and I am totally transparent with them about what I am doing...

Canna, you were right, I got spanked by the moderators regarding my first photo I ever posted of my driveway trees. I was following a "how to post pictures" tutorial, which landed me in jail and made me retreat to the foxhole with the resident fox on my property...

I have lots of pictures of my family of animals that I would love to share, but, like I said, am very shy and timid about showing off or doing something wrong.

Hi ya Shawnee :)
Don't let the off topic pic thing bother you one bit. We've all done it and it happens all the time. LOL (I have done it accidentally quite a few times myself recently, but I caught it after I saw the post.) If it has the 420 Magazine logo on it, then it didn't load as off topic.
When you start your upload on the first page of the process, just be sure to scroll down the box to "OFF TOPIC" (it's capitalized) and choose that. I always double check on the next page that comes up after I've chosen the photos.
Anything that is not directly related to MJ growing or marijuana needs to be off topic. :)

We'll help you if needed.

I woke up this morning BRrrrrr cold, the darned wood stove went out. It's still raining here and getting colder by the hour. Guess it's time to set the alarm for midnight so I can make sure the wood will last the night. blech! :laughtwo:
Hi ya Shawnee :)
Don't let the off topic pic thing bother you one bit. We've all done it and it happens all the time.

Canna's right (as usual), Shawnee. I must have had half a dozen polite slaps and I've reported myself three times, all for the off-topic photo, drop-down menu, God I've forgotten AGAIN thing. Even when Relaxed Lester specifically instructed me. We not all idiots here, but I think the mods understand that sometimes we might be a little bit :tokin::laughtwo:

Good luck with that wood stove, CF. :circle-of-love:
Thanks for the support, Mr. Teddy! Too funny about all the potential mistakes made when imbibing and chatting.....makes perfect sense, ha!

Living in Greece sounds like heaven to me. May I ask what kind of dog you have??
Like I need to be asked twice to talk about Teddy. We rescued him. When we bought him home he was so frightened that I spent the night on the sofa with him. I think he's going to spend the rest of his life saying 'Thank you'. Mrs Teddy says he loves me down to his very bones. 'What kind of dog?" - the kind that's THE BEST DOG IN THE WORLD. :laughtwo:

Here he is with a couple of Nazi Kittens that wandered up the drive, tiny, poorly and hungry, who have rewarded our bed and board by making us an occupied territory. I'm planning to take to the mountain with a shotgun and, as the Greek resistance fighters did so bravely, cut off their supply chain of Whiskers delivery vans.


EDIT - Posted Off Topic :thumb:
What an awesome picture....way too adorable.

The reason I ask, is that he looks like a west highland terrier......I have one too! I posted a photo on the 'Off topic photo gallery" but couldn't figure out how to import it to this page.

If you look there you will see my Auggie.
What an awesome picture....way too adorable.

The reason I ask, is that he looks like a west highland terrier......I have one too! I posted a photo on the 'Off topic photo gallery" but couldn't figure out how to import it to this page.

If you look there you will see my Auggie.

Hi Shawnee, the picture will still be in your own's just that it is off topic (not watermarked with the 420 Logo). Click on the little camera icon on the text box and choose the pic from your gallery.


Success!!! Thanks Canna!

Here is my Auggie. Mr. Teddy, is this what you have?
Auggie stands very well. A good dog.

You had mentioned posting pictures of yourself and family earlier. I caution you to think about that.
Posting a dog pic is good. Posting personally identifiable information and pictures may put you at risk.

With government officers what that are, no one should mind if you use discretion about identifying yourself.
Success!!! Thanks Canna!

Here is my Auggie. Mr. Teddy, is this what you have?

Oh how pretty Auggie is! Got a professional stance going on there.

Yepper, you got the pic perfectly. Future thinking... (cuz we've all done it more than once. LOL) just take a look at your post right after you post it for a double check on the off topic (no logo). That way you can edit right away by reuploading to off topic and then clicking on "edit Post". Remove the link to the wrong photo and insert the correct photo using the camera icon. Easy peasy!

Excellent prudent advice and I thank you for it. When I say 'my family' I meant my animals. I don't live with any humans.
Auggie stands very well. A good dog.

You had mentioned posting pictures of yourself and family earlier. I caution you to think about that.
Posting a dog pic is good. Posting personally identifiable information and pictures may put you at risk.

With government officers what that are, no one should mind if you use discretion about identifying yourself.

Hi Radogast,
I'm pretty sure she meant her family of animals. But that is a VERY good point that you make for sure. Try to have no identifiable items in your pictures.

Edit, sorry Shawnee. We must have been posting at the same time. :loopy:
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