The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I just wanted to get in on the fun, lol
Creedence Clearwater I call this photo, looking out my back door.... Over ten years ago I had the song playing, just smoked a few cones and was in a deep stare, from my couch straight out the back door, brother inlaw that I was living with at the time lost it with laughter, I didn't know what was going on until he pointed it out, lol.

Oh canna, that album cosmos factory, I listened to it till the groves were smooth on the vinyl, lol. Ramble tamble and run through the jungle... No the whole album, it's still a great listen.
Hello everyone. Hope that rainbows are over your shoulders. (Not here, sadly. It's raining sideways.)

Shawnee - Auggie is a fantastic looking dog. Love him (her?). Teddy's a bitsa. Bits of this and that. Looking at Auggie, I'd say 40% terrier, 20% poodle, 10% rotweiler (or something with a strong jaw and no fear) and 30% clown. :cheesygrinsmiley: Mrs Teddy originally wanted a French Bulldog, but what's the point of paying 100s of euros for a pedigree here when there are little things like Teddy that need a home? So many dogs are abandoned here because people can't afford to keep them. If we gave into our emotions, this house would become a crowded, barking sanctuary. Mind you, that doesn't stop us keeping dog food in the car and frequently stopping on the country roads to feed strays. :laughtwo:

Grizz - love the photo. I like this thread. So wonderful to see what others see around their homes over the world.

Pip Pip!
Are teddy and auggie run by batteries? Lol.
I have a friend with the surname march, his known as augie, lol. Augie march, I think he was a singer, lol.
:laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo: I see exactly what you mean, Grizz.

I wish Teddy was run by batteries. It would be lot cheaper than the best quality (of course) dog food and easier than roasting butcher's bones. And I could turn him off when I'm knackered and he wants to play "Chase Me".
Hi Canna,

You are my 50th post, finally, now I can PM people; thought I would never get there, so hurrah!!!!

Watching the MI State Ohio State game (GO GREEN). I went there for 3 years, then moved to CALI and graduated, but still...old rivalries run deep....I have 3 brothers so sports of all kinds are in my DNA, big time. Spent every Thanksgiving at the Lions games in Detroit with my dad and 3 bros freezing my azz off while my mom and gran cooked the dinner. Was a tomboy, no doubt and proud of it! HA!


Kind of interesting that I wrote a post last nite about this time about going to Lions games every Thanksgiving with my dad and team lost last nite (MSU vs OS)....but the Lions won tonite...

My dad called me from FLA just now and asked..."as cold as it was in Tiger Stadium every Thanksgiving, why did we (me and my 3 bros) not protest and say we didn't want to go downtown DTW and freeze our azz off to watch those games as children?...

As he is 85 years old I said , "Dad, because that was our thing and we loved it!"

Then I said, "Who is your biggest sports fan?" And he said, "You..." His only daughter.....
Well guys and gals, it's a rare occasion that I ask for support of any kind. But today I need some good karma for sure.

We achieved our first real snowfall and icy conditions overnight here and it's continuing this morning. Realizing this, I was prepared to leave for work early so I would have plenty of time. My pops called, the ambulance just took my Mom to the hospital because she fell coming back in from loading the wood stove. Her cane (she broke a hip a few months ago and is still recovering from THAT one) collected some ice on the bottom and it slipped. She fell down the cement stairs in the foyer. We don't know if the hip is broken or her back at this point. The ambulance was very late getting her due to the icy conditions and all of the calls they are trying to handle with accidents.
Pops was going to head up to the hospital and I was on my way too. Of course, the car is on to the gas station I headed first. Glare of ice. I made it over the highway overpass barely. I got the gas, went to leave, and there were two semi's stuck on the overpass because they couldn't make it over it on the ice. That was my only route to town. So, I had to make the decision to just try to make it back home and went miles out of my way to take back roads around the highway. In the meantime I called Pops and told him not to even try to get there. It isn't right to take a chance on the roads. We need to be sure we are able to take care of her when she returns. He agreed.
So, now I sit here with tears in my eyes because I can't be there for her. It's just killing me not to be able to be at her side, and not knowing how bad she is hurt.
I got ahold of my boss who is just this morning back from another vacation, and pretty much let him know I'm not going to be there on time. I think he's ticked that I won't try it. But that place isn't worth taking my life in my hands.
So, this has been the worst morning. I sure hope this is not an indication of how bad this winter will be.
I will take all of the good Karma I can get!
Thanks for listening.
Kama, good wishes, prayers for your got it CF.
:love: Mr Teddy

Got to rush to an English lesson (teaching not learning!), but I'll be back later.

Oh Canna,

I know all too well how you must be fretting right now and I feel ya....have you called the hospital to inquire about your mother's condition, to see if she is still waiting to be seen or secured a room yet? Can you persuade the staff to get a message to her that you and your dad are waiting for the weather to clear and will soon be there by her side?

I looked up the weather over there, and not knowing the exact town you are in I see that the sun will start to peek out at noon and it will go up one degree above freezing....big whoop....oh dear.....

Did you tell your boss that you would be late or that you're not coming in at all today?????? That makes a difference too.

Geez, heart goes out big time....I will be sending positive karmic thoughts your way today for you, your mother, and whole family....wish I could do more...

Keep us posted and will check in periodically for updates.:love::love:
Thanks so much my friends! My Pops is on his way to get me now. We are heading to the hospital..slowly. Another round of snow squalls hitting us now.
I did call emergency and got a message through to her a while ago, they were just taking her in for xrays. We should be there, roads providing, when she gets back to the ER.
Thanks again!


Coincidentally my boss is currently at the same hospital waiting for his wife's colonoscopy to be done. Work is only a couple minutes away from there, so I'm leaving his biz up to him as to when the doors will open.
Glad you and pops are driving together, glad you got a message to your mom, and glad the boss man will have to fend for himself. He's a big boy and needs to step up to the responsibility. Shit happens, geez.

Keep us posted on your mom....:love: Good thoughts still coming to your neck of the woods.
Oh Lordy, Canna, another hip surgery??? Per our recent conversation, good thing you didn't have to hightail it back here from Carolina. In hindsight, staring down another ghastly midwestern winter is exactly what the universe has planned for us.

Sending healing wishes to your mom....
God bless you and your Mum, CF. May all be well.

I thought the only way to cheer you would be to respect the thread theme. So here is some Greek autumn colour from two days ago: first some blousey garden November colour and then up into the woods for a free lunch.....

Cherry. Blossom, fruit and colour. The tree that keeps on giving.


The view down the road. Sure beats Camden Town.


Chrysanths - got to love the last big flowerer, eh?


And the Bougainvillea keeps on keeping on.


Up in the woods the Parasol mushrooms were the size of, well, parasols. The views were good too.


And when I got back the Datura was trumpeting and the Judge's Wigs on the lawn were added to the fungal feast.


Peace be with you, Canna.
:love: Mr Teddy x
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