The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

How do I remove them and refile?
How do I remove them and refile?

Click "Edit post", and just delete the images. Re-upload them, but at the upload screen click the tab and scroll down to OFF-TOPIC Photos. :surf:

Be sure to upload your off-topic photos to the off-topic tab during upload :thanks::Namaste:

Note: ( I believe there is 4 hours and 20 minutes from the time of post for the member to edit their own post, after that then it can only be edited by the moderators. ) Just a short tidbit of info. :volcano-smiley:
I've taking so many photos for you all, but they download sideways. I'll learn one day, lol.

Thanks for the link canna :) I'll get to that later. Saturday here, sports? Debatable, but competition to play anyways... without reading I think I could adjust the photo before downloading and it should adjust again when it downloads.

The second shot is from the balcony of the house I'm painting... You can see the beach break just right of the electricity pole on the left side of the photo. On the right you can see the lighthouse...

That tree looks like a giant terradactyl nest.. Or a tree hand, able to grab things when nobody's looking or suspecting, lol. Ohh you said that already :loopy:
Thanks, GrizzWald. Great to see the Antipodes at this time of year. And yes, that off-topic thing can be easy for a stupid man to forget to do. Just ask me and OMM. Handy editing advice, RL. Have a good weekend everyone.
And I've been winterizing the house/windows today. I could see the fire bush from the bedroom window, actually it's pretty much all I can see from there. LOL It's beautiful.


I can't decide if these are seeds or berries on it, but they are drenched in deep color:


Oh, what the heck....a closer shot. :)

Fabulous Firebush, CannaFan. I want one.

PS Pedant's Corner: I think you'll find that the song was written Jeff Wayne and is on "War of the Worlds" with quality narration from Richard Burton. It's sung by the great Justin Hayward of course. And I love it. Thank you. :circle-of-love:
Thanks Mr. Teddy, I remember the song from way back, but it was always the Moody Blues. I tried to look for who was the actual originator and got mixed results on that. I'm going to check that again.

Edit: No wonder I had an awful time finding that on music downloads. I was typing in Hayward's name. LOL I have learned something today, always a good thing. :)

While often associated with the band, “Forever Autumn” is not actually a Moody Blues song. It is from Jeff Wayne’s 1978 musical version of “The War of the Worlds”. Justin Hayward, lead vocalist of The Moody Blues, participated as the musical thoughts and voice of the journalist/narrator in the story. (The spoken lines were performed by screen star, Richard Burton.)

And I would love to send you half of this fire bush, the height has gotten way out of control. I can't see out my front door anymore. LOL However, I shall not cut it...the birds absolutely love to build nests in there and I get to see babies now and then.

Okay, couple of random pics. One more from the back yard. The colors are dying out here, I call this time of the year "Brown and Down". All the leaves are turning brown on the ground.


One more from the lake that I wasn't sure I had uploaded. I just love driftwood, and this was a big one:


A short trip to the folks house today and I had to get a pic of one of my Mom's plants. I think this is some sort of cacti....the flowers are beautiful and odd shaped. These were indoor pics, so they are little darker than I like, but I hate using flash:


Driving along the road and caught this.

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