The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Here's ya a few mountains to add to your colors... beautiful video.....:circle-of-love:
Great pics Dennise! Looks like your rain has left the area and you've got blue skies. :)

You can really see the tree colors in the distance now. Is that smoke from a house on that mountain, or a fire? Maybe a whisp of a cloud that didn't know it was supposed to leave with the others?

that video was cool! The home owner sounded just like me.
I wanted to grab up every animal out there and bring them in for some warmth. Amazing that they weren't fighting or anything, given that cats are usually a fox's snack around here...and the Eagle would probably pick up a cat if it was small enough.
Thanks for sharing that.

No the rain is still here and is not supposed to leave for another 5 days...:thedoubletake:... The smoke is just the clouds coming up out of the mountain and the mountains are closer on the back side of the house and you can see the colors because they are basically in my backyard... just the other side of my fence then on each side from the back are my pastures but what I usually have pics of are from the front of the house. I am literally surrounded by the Appalachian mountains......:circle-of-love:
It actually stopped raining for a bit yesterday so I went out on the property a bit farther than I normally do but I was feeling exceptionally good and took a really long walk around the property. There is a church at the end of my property and I stopped there and it has my favorite tree for the fall every year. The Bradford Pears are just now starting to turn purple and I have a row of them planted down the end of the road so as soon as they have a bit more color on them I will post some of those too. I wish I was as good with the camera as Canna and Mr Teddy but this is the best I can do... There is a storm here today that is supposed to have winds at a sustained 40 to 45 MPH with gust 60 to 65 MPH so I figure it was a good thing I went out yesterday cause they will be mostly blown out after this storm comes through. They started posting storm and wind warning yesterday in the sunshine for today so they are expecting it to be a bad one and already have tornado warnings out until 8 tonight.... Good times..:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
Excellent shares Mr. Teddy and Dennise!
I just love the blue morning glory with the light coming through it!

And Dennise, so glad to see you got a break from the rain and out and about. Your photographs are great! Just lovely over there! You buckle up and be safe for the upcoming weather.

We have the rain today, had thunderstorms last evening (I just love a good thunderstorm)
With the gray skies, the colors here are soooo saturated. It is really on fire here right now, as Dennise is getting.

Yes, Cannafan, you're absolutely right - a good thunderstorm is a marvellous thing. It speaks to something primal in us. That word 'awesome' is applied to everything these days; but a thunderstorm truly inspires awe. You can keep your fireworks and your fairground rides. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Oh my Lordy Lord. America is beautiful. Thank you so much, Dennise. Worth the walk. Especially as I didn't have to do it. :laughtwo:

I like it here at 420.
Thanks for those videos, Canna. Particularly loved the lakeside. What fabulous trees too. Your work is very much appreciated!

It's a dull afternoon but early was a real Shakespearian "Full many a glorious morning have I seen / Flatter the mountain-tops with sovereign eye", so I took a few snaps around the garden. I've been planning for some autumn colour and now, at the end of our first year here, I think it's coming along. Hopefully I've still got a few decades left to work on it.

I think an ON-topic plant crept into that last one. Will I get a slap from a mod?
Mr Teddy x

I love the stone wall and stairs, of course the plants are beautiful as well.

DRM Ranch
I know I've mentioned it elsewhere: the house was built by the village stonemason and Mayor, Pantsatis. He's no.2 round here, after the Papa of course. He's also the leader of the village dance troupe - where I'm learning just how complicated something is that looks like it's made-up-as-you-go-along. Oh, and he's a philanderer. There are more than the average number of kids running around the village with pot bellies and walrus moustaches.
I know I've mentioned it elsewhere: the house was built by the village stonemason and Mayor, Pantsatis. He's no.2 round here, after the Papa of course. He's also the leader of the village dance troupe - where I'm learning just how complicated something is that looks like it's made-up-as-you-go-along. ...

Yes you have mentioned it in the past, and it looks to me that it will remain beautiful well into the future. I would love to visit Greece one day, alas for now the only Greek item I have is a Nemesis by Atmomixani, I liken it to a bit of treasure I've collected from places across the globe. Unfortunately the Nemesis came to me by way of mail and not a visit to the country of origin.

Oh, and he's a philanderer. There are more than the average number of kids running around the village with pot bellies and walrus moustaches.

A skilled craftsman and his ... diversions ... I shall excuse his extracurricular activities in light of the beautiful hands on work pictured and try to forgive the hands on work behind closed doors.

DRM Ranch
Now, guess what comes next this time of year? We get to rake/blow leaves!! WOO HOO, YIPPY YAY!


I just use a mulching blade on the mower and go over them as if I'm mowing the lawn that isn't really much other than green weeds and some grass mixed in for good measure.

I like to think this helps return some lost minerals to the trees around here and organic material to the soil in which they grow. In fact I take my neighbors bagged leaves and use them in my compost (with his blessing).

DRM Ranch
I just use a mulching blade on the mower and go over them as if I'm mowing the lawn that isn't really much other than green weeds and some grass mixed in for good measure.

I like to think this helps return some lost minerals to the trees around here and organic material to the soil in which they grow. In fact I take my neighbors bagged leaves and use them in my compost (with his blessing).

DRM Ranch

Yeah, don't I wish I could mulch them this year. The bearings are out on my mower deck.......Pops can't get it fixed right now. Going to have to sit till next year. So out with the backpack blower and rake. Blah!
I wish I could just mow the leaves here. The Live Oaks have semi-evergreen, very waxy leaves which are small and take a very long time to break down. I almost killed my front lawn under the trees a few years ago because I never raked. I finally did it one year and the grass was gorgeous out in front.

The Hackberry and Pistachio trees are easier to mow because those leaves get crisp. Not Live Oaks.
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