The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Beautiful pics DRM Ranch! The variation of colors of those berries kept me looking at that photo several times. I have the same kind of red berries here. No clue what they are.
I snapped a pic of some "Wintergreen" berries yesterday, I'll upload that later. They grow close to the ground, not on trees.

The first pic made me want to get my sack lunch out and have a sit. Then just be perfectly still and see what comes my way. One thing about this time of year, you don't have to swat at mosquitoes constantly. LOL

Thanks for the contribution, it's lovely.


Radogast, when you upload to Youtube you might want to choose the "unlisted" tab if you don't want it to be completely public. Then when you insert the video here, only the 420 magazine members will have access to it.
I've been trying to get out to get a video of some landscape, you may have prompted me to do that today. ;-)

Looking forward to it.
I wanted to get as much diverse color in that post as I could, the wooded area is an absolutely wonderful place to quietly observe. Deer are pretty bold in this particular area, you can easily get within 20 feet of them (if you are still and quiet).

The red berries are on a tree of sorts, more bush than tree actually, I like the color in fall so they are free to do as they please on my property.

The blue and purple berries are on a low bushy plant, similarly they remain because I like the colors.

The yellow flower cluster is simply a weed LOL, I'm not so inclined to do much about them because the chickens will eventually get to it as they have most other plants where this one took root. It is in the chicken outdoor run.

Most of the other plants are looking rough at the moment, we had some hail and high winds that did a number on any landscape.

I'll try to get some more pics later today, we are off to visit a pumpkin farm in the county.

DRM Ranch
I wanted to get as much diverse color in that post as I could, the wooded area is an absolutely wonderful place to quietly observe. Deer are pretty bold in this particular area, you can easily get within 20 feet of them (if you are still and quiet).

The red berries are on a tree of sorts, more bush than tree actually, I like the color in fall so they are free to do as they please on my property.

The blue and purple berries are on a low bushy plant, similarly they remain because I like the colors.

The yellow flower cluster is simply a weed LOL, I'm not so inclined to do much about them because the chickens will eventually get to it as they have most other plants where this one took root. It is in the chicken outdoor run.

Most of the other plants are looking rough at the moment, we had some hail and high winds that did a number on any landscape.

I'll try to get some more pics later today, we are off to visit a pumpkin farm in the county.

DRM Ranch

WOO HOO! Punkin' Pie is on the menu!

How about a Breakfast story? While I was eating and watching the kitten play in her new fort I made from a cardboard box, it reminded me of some childhood treasures.


We grew up on dirt roads. Very few neighbors and even the ones we had that were within sight didn't have any kids our age. We were left to our own imaginations and activities, such as digging holes to "China" in the sand hills (We really thought we were going to make it China LOL), digging tunnels and pretending we were gophers...etc. etc.

One of the most treasured memories I have was when we went into the woods one day and decided we were going to build a fort. A fort such as no one has ever seen before. It would have walls, bunk beds, a door that we could lock and of course a roof.

We set out to work clearing up a great flat space, knocked down some dead pines for the frame and painstakingly nailed and roped them together. Back at the house Pops had some plastic sheeting, and we trudged back to the woods with it and wrapped our fort and made the roof with the plastic. We stapled the plastic to a door frame we had built with the thinner pine trees.

The bunk beds took right up until evening and we finally had to call it a day and return home. We were so excited that the next day we would come home from school, pack a dinner and head for our fort for a night of joyous satisfaction at what we had achieved.

It had been a hot day.......when we arrived at our creation we discovered it was literally dripping with moisture on every wall and from the roof. Well....okay we can deal with that. We went inside only to discover that the heat was literally unbearable. Now-a-days we call that a Sauna. LOL We had no choice but to leave out of there and eat our picnic dinner outside the structure.

The disappointment soon left our minds and we headed onto new adventures on our dirt road.

The amazing thing is, part of that structure still stands after almost 40 years. It is such a comforting feeling when I take a trek through the woods and come upon it. It brings back so many great memories of being out in the country and fending for ourselves for fun activities, when there were no game consoles and ridiculous televisions programs to keep us inside letting our muscles and our brains grow weak.

This is whey you see the words I put in the dirt road picture a page or two back. Those kinds of memories would not have happened on a hot paved, busily traveled road.

Share a story if you like!
Most of the roads around here are dirt and I feel sorry for the kids here now. They don't have a clue as to how to use their imaginations for play. They all have xbox... internet...TV and most are latch key kids even here... My niece lived here for a bit and had 3 smaller children and I would actually have to force them to go outside to play.... They all had tablets and game consoles and all they did was fight to see who would get to play with the video games next cause I would only let them use one TV to play them on.... When I was a kid my folks had to force us to come in the house and I truly think we are the better for it. The crap "technology" they want now does nothing but make em lazy and dummy them down and it seems like they have no imagination anymore.... Rant stopped... It has done nothing but rain here for days but I tried to get ya some better shots. The mountains are mostly covered in clouds and are hard to see but I got a couple that are worth posting I think.......:circle-of-love:
Lovely photos Dennise. I don't think the clouds detract from the beauty, they add to it for me. Just gorgeous!

And that old barn! Oh, does THAT bring back memories. Sliding down haystacks....finding skunks and snakes in the hay.....(back then they didn't bale hay too much in our area, it was just thrown into the barns in piles and tossed out the upper window onto a flatbed when needed)....hide and seek...finding old farm tool treasures...and best of all going up to the loft in the evenings to watch the sunset from the hay tossing window.

Thanks so much!

And I know exactly what you mean on the kids and video games. My grandaughter lived here with me for a year, she was 15 at the time. I could NOT get that girl outside. There was a permanent indent on my couch where she sat and watched Annimae ALL day and night. Took her for a ride on the pond in the paddle boat one sunny beautiful day, and a dragon fly landed on her knee. I thought she was going to have a heart attack and topple the paddle boat over.
Tried several times to cook and eat out on the back deck, but she did nothing more than complain about the ants and the bees she saw. A walk in the woods? Hah! She wouldn't stay off her cell phone. I finally instructed her to turn it off and her attitude made us go right back to the house and I trekked off on my own.
I finally gave up.
City kid she is, and city gal is what she will be. To each their own. LOL
Well, I hit a pothole in my surprise plans and it's going to take more time than I had thought. I will have to reschedule this for tomorrow morning.
Hope everyone has a great night, or morning wherever thou art!

Oh, here's the wintergreen berries I mentioned earlier. These were a treat for us as kids when walking through the woods. They have a very sweet mint flavor, the texture is somewhat like a soft radish.


The trees along the railroad tracks near my property are starting to get some color:

It's "anime" and some of it is quite good. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind by Hayao Miyazaki has a theme most here could really appreciate, the art is good too. Most Hayao Miyazaki movies are very good actually.

I recall making forts as a child, I doubt any remnants are left of what I built as a kid remain though. I wanted the whole Robinson Crusoe type life as a kid.

DRM Ranch
Yassou! everyone. Look what happens. I don't check in for a couple of days and what do I miss? Loads. Beautiful, everyone. Really adore all these autumn photos. Where have I been? Well not staring at a games console or computer. :rofl: Friday my best mate Kostas and I went fishing on his boat for 7 hours. A beautiful night with a fat, yellow moon and flat waters. Plenty of fat chipora too (sea bream). I love seeing the wooded mountain from the sea, with little scattered groups of lights from the villages. We even had the company of the pod of dolphins that live here, their inky black bodies leaping from the shimmering moonlit sea. And last night we all had a fish feast. I bought some Greek chamapagne which was really most acceptable. :cheesygrinsmiley: I don't know why there's a tiny man with a hammer inside my head right now.

Just wanted to pop in and thank everyone for the pics. I think a walk in the woods with the camera today is exactly what my poor head needs.
:thanks: everyone. :circle-of-love:
It's "anime" and some of it is quite good. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind by Hayao Miyazaki has a theme most here could really appreciate, the art is good too. Most Hayao Miyazaki movies are very good actually.

I recall making forts as a child, I doubt any remnants are left of what I built as a kid remain though. I wanted the whole Robinson Crusoe type life as a kid.

DRM Ranch

Oh, the Robinson Crusoe thing was on our minds as kids too. Loved it!
I wondered about the spelling on the Anime, don't get me wrong...I don't dislike it. I just couldn't get that girl to do anything else. I expected one morning to wake up and see her morphed into a large eyed wild haired girl. LOL

Well good Sunday Morning everyone! Mr. Teddy, so glad to hear you had a great day of fishing. I've heard of Sea breem, but obviously there are none to be caught in freshwater lakes around here. LOL

I was busy yesterday too, and decided to invite some company. How would everyone like to take a drive to my Folks house with me to drop off some breakfast Sammy's? I did a video during the drive, got started about a mile from the house before I thought about doing it. It's about 20 minutes of video, so grab a coffee....or whatever you like.
One or two sections are blurry, don't know what happened to the phone but I fixed it quickly. And believe it or not, I'm only traveling about 40 mph in the vids, but it sure looks like I'm a speed demon. LOL This is just to see the colorful trees, no stopping ...just driving

So let's go!


I mention in the video about it being Sunday, but it was late yesterday afternoon. oops

Today, I'm going to drive down to lake Michigan and shoot some Video. Now that I see how this turned out I can do some improvement, figure out how to get it widescreen, etc.

The reason I couldn't post it last night is because Youtube took over 6 hours to load a 20 minute video! Sheesh!
Thanks, Canna! I plan to watch this later in a nice, hot bubble bath!

There is a guy on Youtube who rode his bicycle all throughout Brooklyn, NY. I watch him all the time. The camera is on his head, I think. He goes through all the neighborhoods in the entire borough.

I think if you turn your phone on its side when shooting video, it will record in wide screen. I "think."

When we were kids we'd build great forts in the snow in the back alley. I grew up smack dab in the city, so there was not hay. However, I did have a horse in one of the only stables in the borough and that was in Bergen Beach Riding Academy. Was a rich kid. Not my fault!

But I remember being outside day and night, freezing to death, soaking wet head to toe. We also had to be threatened back into the house at night or in the evening in winter. In the summers, the Jewish Center across the street would have a Carnival with rides and games every summer. They would put it in the parking lot out back. That is the same lot we used to go treasure hunting. Never found more than rocks or garbage, but we would imagine it was much more.

I can also remember making up games. My mother had a colorful scarf she gave me to play with and I became the magical fairy and we would play in the basement for hours. Same with Barbie dolls. When I was a kid there was very few Barbie house things, or cars, RVs, etc. We used hat boxes and made furniture out of junk we'd find laying around the house. I remember American cheese and mayonnaise sandwiches on Wonder Bread!

I do look at kids and feel so sad for them. They will never see Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin or the Greatful Dead. They will never have the imaginations we had as kids and that is very sad. In 100 years, we'll have cyber everything and it will be like that movie, "Her" and we'll have love affairs with operating systems and live in pods like in The Matrix. I need to smoke a fatty.
LOL Victoria! I totally agree. Although I didn't have Barbie's, our family was from the poor side of the tracks. I did pretty much what my brothers did. Everything was outside and creativity was necessary. I grew up on an Arabian horse ranch, we took care of the horses and my Pops worked in a foundry all day. He would come home so black with foundry dust that it would take a minimum half hour in the shower to get the black dust off him. Kind of explains his emphysema I'm thinking. Mom had to wash his work clothes separately from everything else. The horse ranch was not a great money maker, Mom was pretty much a hobbyist on that aspect. I sure miss riding and training!

I've got another video coming up. Short one. I did try the turning the phone this morning and that did not work, I had to go in to movie maker and rotate it.
I'll figure it out, I think it's the settings on the phone video that I need to adjust. I'll probably take a regular video camera with me today down to the lake, it's one of those like you spoke of. I can clip it to my hat. LOL (The one I use for time lapse vids)
Oh, the Robinson Crusoe thing was on our minds as kids too. Loved it!
I wondered about the spelling on the Anime, don't get me wrong...I don't dislike it. I just couldn't get that girl to do anything else. I expected one morning to wake up and see her morphed into a large eyed wild haired girl. LOL


I spent the better part of last night looking for a particular illustrated version of Robinson Crusoe I had loaned from the local library once upon a very long time ago. That particular version focused on the works he constructed while on the island. I can recall only very little of the art that book contained but much of it was, at least in my faded recollection, detailed and to some extent expressions of how a man might make many functional things with what little he had.

Unfortunately I did not find what I was looking for.

DRM Ranch
I spent the better part of last night looking for a particular illustrated version of Robinson Crusoe I had loaned from the local library once upon a very long time ago. That particular version focused on the works he constructed while on the island. I can recall only very little of the art that book contained but much of it was, at least in my faded recollection, detailed and to some extent expressions of how a man might make many functional things with what little he had.

Unfortunately I did not find what I was looking for.

DRM Ranch

I did a search on Google images for "Robinson Crusoe Illustrated" and saw many many books.

Funny, my Pops and I always talked about how we could survive on a deserted Island or be mountain dwellers, avoiding society and the badness of the world. We still talk about it to this day.

I think Robinson Crusoe was the instigator for us learning how to make bows and arrows out of Sassafras trees and bale twine. LOL
I have been wanting to read all the classics I never read. Robinson Caruso, Huckleberry Fin, and a whole bunch of others. I was not a reader as a kid, but I discovered it in my 30s and now I love to read.

We saw "Gone Girl" the other day. I think I have to read the book. Anybody read it? I won't spoil the movie for anybody who wants to see it. I guess it was a very dark drama/comedy. Not comedy, just some really funny spots sprinkled in.

Today, football, spreadable cheese for Mark and Ritz crackers.
Well, I'm seriously thinking of getting rid of the driving video. Way too long and boring me thinks.
I did something better. I had a wonderful day traveling to Lake Michigan for some photos. What I did this time was a slide show on you tube of all of the pictures. I think you will enjoy this.
I added music, but it stopped a couple of times. So, if it bugs ya...turn your sound down. LOL Oh, and be sure to use the full screen option for optimal size. Lost a tiny bit of quality from the upload, some of the pics are not as sharp as they were.

This is only 6 minutes long, and I think you will truly enjoy the scenery:

Let me know whatcha think.

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