The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Sorry about the mouth thing Canna and hope you are much better. The pics are beautiful as always and the colors are turning here too. Haven't been about much so haven't gotten any pics but my fella did drive me home from the hospital thru the back roads and it was beautiful. I am surrounded bu the mountains so actually can sit on my azz on my couch and watch the colors.... If that is a pic of your house you need to give me back my house... I thought I was looking at one of my pics!!! Can't tell ya what I would give to have my folks back and to be going crappie fishing with them. You are truly blessed.....:circle-of-love:
Hi Dennise! So good to hear from you. You and I both have dealt with Hospitals a bit too much lately. Hope you are better!

That could be your house if you live in Michigan. LOL It's not mine, I was headed to the folks and saw that in a front yard and had to take a pic. The trees in my yard are a bit late compared to that. It's a cute house. ;-)

I'm still waiting on the fishing, Pops is working on the boat motor today for some reason and Mom had a terrible time with an abscessed tooth that they finally yanked yesterday. They had to wait for the infection to decrease apparently. (Dentist issues seem to be rampant here as of late) She was swelled up like a balloon for a few days. NO chance of fishing in that kind of pain and discomfort. We'll get out there.

I'll bet it's beautiful looking at the mountains changing.

@MaPilot, so glad you enjoyed the pics. Stop back soon!

Couple more pics. First one is looking out from the Folks front yard down the road.


This is the front south end of my place, in front of the creek:


A couple miscellaneous, there are berries all over the place to feed critters.



And critters still eating leaves. I never know if I am looking at the head or the tail on these caterpillars. LOL



I put a request in to change the thread name to "The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons". Might take some time, I know moderators are busy ppls. here.
Kali spera, Cannafan. Jolly good to hear from you. What RL said, of course. (What was that picture? Something tremendously amusing about it. I think it's the definitive definition of "twinkle in the eye". Is he weightless? Lester? Are you Americans so advanced you can actually smoke in space?)

Please mend soon, Cannafan.

And whoa, yes please get out for those autumn colours. I'd try and rival you, but it's been so blooming miserable here. Unseasonably cold and very wet with daytime temperature 10 degrees lower than average. And I've only now started catching up on your other journal. Got to the third time-lapse. And now *raises Deerstalker and fills Meerschaum* all the pieces fit into place, Watson. I recently accused Lester of employing Anne Liebovitz for one of his updates. Now you, with your clever videos and beautiful flowers.....Your cover is broken, Liebovitz. I was never a fan of your celebrity stuff - smart but too indulgent. However your mushroom work is tremendous. Look forward to your landscapes.
:love: Mr Teddy x

You really get me laughing with your wit Mr. Teddy. How cute, had to think a bit.....but that's good for the brain.

So that's Michigan is it? WOW. I can promise you at least one person is really enjoying your photos. Hasn't Michigan got something like the largest fresh water coastline in the world? Or is that Eel Pie Island in the Thames? :laughtwo: Anyway, it looks extraordinarily beautiful.

PS Looks like you're the mods' favourite. :cheer:
I don't have much to contribute at the moment, but I did want to thank the folks who did add to this thread. I grew up out west and always treasured the views that are made up of such wonderful flora and fauna.

Each and every one of the photos here bring back fond memories and aspirations of heading back sooner than later.

Thank you one and all,
DRM Ranch
So that's Michigan is it? WOW. I can promise you at least one person is really enjoying your photos. Hasn't Michigan got something like the largest fresh water coastline in the world? Or is that Eel Pie Island in the Thames? :laughtwo: Anyway, it looks extraordinarily beautiful.

PS Looks like you're the mods' favourite. :cheer:

I'm not sure about being a favorite, but I sure appreciate the speedy reaction to my request. :)
Michigan does have lots of freshwater, surrounded by it pretty much. There are Lakes and Rivers everywhere it seems. Definitely no shortage of water sport activities, other than surfing. We don't get waves as big as Oceans do. LOL

Wow! That caterpillar!! Very neat coloration pattern and bristle protrusions. It's saying "Don't eat me!" to the predators. :)

Hi my friend, yes the color arrays of the caterpillars around here are amazing. All times of year there is something so colorful that it takes the breath away.

While waiting for my huge omelet to come out of the oven (I make a huge pan of omelet, then cut into squares and put on english muffins with ham and cheese. Get breakfast fast that way!)
I saw the sun setting and it's lighting up the tops of the colored trees in the front yard. So I snapped a shot from the front window:

I don't have much to contribute at the moment, but I did want to thank the folks who did add to this thread. I grew up out west and always treasured the views that are made up of such wonderful flora and fauna.

Each and every one of the photos here bring back fond memories and aspirations of heading back sooner than later.

Thank you one and all,
DRM Ranch

Thanks for stopping by and enjoying our seasons thread, DRM Ranch. This time of year in Michigan is beautiful, and I am truly enjoying seeing where everyone else spends their time. Western, Eastern, Northern and around the world.

Stop again soon and I hope you get to where you want to be in great time!
Eh, hi guys. The realtor just did her walk through with the list of all we have to do. 90% of all work needs to be done on the outside, not the inside. I have to put tile in the bathrooms, fill this hole, do that thing, remove those tons of nicknacks, but outside! Aye carumba!

One of the ponds needs to come out. Bah. Drainage needs to be address (move or not that needs to be done) and several of the large beds out back need to return to grass to appeal to a family with kids. Me, I have no grass because it is a astronomical waste of water and every other thing, but oh well...I suppose families want it.

So, I have to say, this is my prediction. We are going to do all the cleaning, painting, organizing, and updating and then we'll stay put because I'll love it! That, my friends, is my prediction. How can I predict that? Well, because I know myself. I don't hate it here. Big music festival this weekend downtown, all the time big bike rallies, and really is a perfectly fine American city. I think pot will even get legal here sooner than later because they see dollar signs in their beady little eyes.

That's my update on is your day?
Eh, hi guys. The realtor just did her walk through with the list of all we have to do. 90% of all work needs to be done on the outside, not the inside. I have to put tile in the bathrooms, fill this hole, do that thing, remove those tons of nicknacks, but outside! Aye carumba!

One of the ponds needs to come out. Bah. Drainage needs to be address (move or not that needs to be done) and several of the large beds out back need to return to grass to appeal to a family with kids. Me, I have no grass because it is a astronomical waste of water and every other thing, but oh well...I suppose families want it.

So, I have to say, this is my prediction. We are going to do all the cleaning, painting, organizing, and updating and then we'll stay put because I'll love it! That, my friends, is my prediction. How can I predict that? Well, because I know myself. I don't hate it here. Big music festival this weekend downtown, all the time big bike rallies, and really is a perfectly fine American city. I think pot will even get legal here sooner than later because they see dollar signs in their beady little eyes.

That's my update on is your day?

Thanks for the update Victoria. I've been wondering about you and Mark and how that realtor thing went. Knick Knacks are always an issue, we love what we display but to people who don't understand the significance of each piece....they look at it as clutter. LOL To me, it shows it as a comfy, homey feeling. Some people like stark, way too organized, and nothing on the walls. They hide all of their personal treasurers in boxes or drawers. Yuck.

I hope you are right on your prediction. The hesitation I've been reading between the lines on your posts makes me think you really do love it there, and you've just gone through a period where you got yourself worked up for something you weren't sure was right. I think it will settle down now, it sounds like it in your post.

I had decided early last year, after that winter from hell was finally over with, that I would not stay for another. I was preparing to move.
After the spring and summer went through, it reminded me why I stay and why I love it and will not leave it.
Farmers almanac is predicting another harsh one with even colder temps. At least this year I will be expecting it and a whole lot more prepared!

I hope you are feeling better about things.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoying our seasons thread, DRM Ranch. This time of year in Michigan is beautiful, and I am truly enjoying seeing where everyone else spends their time. Western, Eastern, Northern and around the world.

Stop again soon and I hope you get to where you want to be in great time!

My Grandmother used to reside in either Michigan or Florida, she was a seasonal resident of each state following the birds I suppose to avoid the winters. Where I live now is beautiful in it's own way, beautiful old homes, 100+ year old trees, and the dreadful (to me at least) quickly advancing threat of winter.

Unlike my Grandmother I can't up and cart off to another state where it is warmer on a seasonal basis. I keep a plethora of critters (reptiles) that need my attention on a daily basis. In any case I am trying to enjoy the fall as much as I can before I settle in for the winter.

Much like my Grandmother that I think suffered from seasonal affective disorder, I am not looking forward to what I feel is the most depressing time of the year.

I didn't grow up in a place that experienced the seasonal changes like it does here, I think that in combination with my ancestry is a big part of why I feel this way about winter.

So yes, This thread is a wonderful thing to view, as it definitely has uplifting qualities for me.

Oh, the green lizard (not a gecko) pictured earlier in this thread is a Carolina Anole (Anolis carolinensis carolinensis).

DRM Ranch
My Grandmother used to reside in either Michigan or Florida, she was a seasonal resident of each state following the birds I suppose to avoid the winters. Where I live now is beautiful in it's own way, beautiful old homes, 100+ year old trees, and the dreadful (to me at least) quickly advancing threat of winter.

Unlike my Grandmother I can't up and cart off to another state where it is warmer on a seasonal basis. I keep a plethora of critters (reptiles) that need my attention on a daily basis. In any case I am trying to enjoy the fall as much as I can before I settle in for the winter.

Much like my Grandmother that I think suffered from seasonal affective disorder, I am not looking forward to what I feel is the most depressing time of the year.

I didn't grow up in a place that experienced the seasonal changes like it does here, I think that in combination with my ancestry is a big part of why I feel this way about winter.

So yes, This thread is a wonderful thing to view, as it definitely has uplifting qualities for me.

Oh, the green lizard (not a gecko) pictured earlier in this thread is a Carolina Anole (Anolis carolinensis carolinensis).

DRM Ranch

Thanks for the identification on the lizard. :)

I feel you and I both will come to treasure looking through the spring/summer/fall pics on this thread. I dread the winter with a passion, but I'm hoping this will help keep the depression away. LOL

I have relatives that spend the winters in Florida also, I sure wish I could afford to do that. Maybe in twenty years or so. :laugh:

Throw some pics on here if you like, it's a sharing thread.


Now that the thread is reflecting all of the seasons, I'm going to do my best to try to find some beauty in Winter. I didn't venture outside at all last winter, other than necessity for work traveling, etc. I will attempt to reprogram my mind to believe it's a beautiful season with the help of everyone else here. :cheer:
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