The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Last evening I went on a hunt for a particular kind of mushroom that has a very small window of opportunity to harvest young, a mere couple of days. My search went on for almost two hours in and out of the woods. The variety of what I found was surprising.
I'm going to call this series of many pictures...


In no real order.... there are a LOT of pics. LOL

































After almost two hours I finally found what I was seeking. These are called "Coral Mushrooms" and they are a delicacy here like the Morel. You can see that they look like coral formations underwater. I only eat three varieties of wild mushroom. They are Coral's, Morels, and stumpers (some refer to stumpers as button mushrooms)

And a couple of random pics while I was out there:

This bumble bee has to be the epitome of dedication. Apparently it went for that last stop for pollen, and that's where it ended. It died right there, clutching that flower.


And if you remember the earlier pics from the summer, the little flowers that looked like tiny acorn squash? They turn into these dark berries that the birds, turkeys and deer munch on:


And the acorns are dropping early and are very large this year:

I see black trumpets, lobsters, in the fungus fanfare. Don't eat any of them until I can look close, but they are both yummers. BTW, Canna, lavender chopping time is almost upon us!
Thanks Mr. Teddy. :love:
I am so glad to hear the kitten is recovering. It's so stressful to have injured or sick pets. My Sassy has been sick for a couple weeks now, getting to the point of some pink upchucks. Yesterday morning I gave her some tuna oil, and an eyedropper of Olive oil and last night she managed to get rid of a small blockage. Apparently she went to chewing on some dried grasses I have in a large pot for decor. (the kitten introduced her to that. grrrrr) They do not break down in the system by the looks of it. I'll medicate her again tonight with the oils to help move things around, I think the slight pink tinge is from that irritating her esophagus causing minor bleeding. She's eating now. YEY!

And yes, that was PeeJay. He disappears sometimes for awhile to take care of things on the home front and studies, but he always comes back when he has time. ;-)

Victoria, are things going any better? You KNOW I'm going to check up on you.
Hi guys...I posted an update, but this is what happened today.

Mark, after puking all night Saturday till 4am, and we were FU ing each other all that day, fighting and yelling (which we are NOT USED TO on any level at all), he decided to quit.

So, Monday he saw the doctor who cleared him and I was satisfied it was stress related, but that is enough of that crap. Doctor told him to rest Mon and Tues and he went in this morning to quit. He saw a manager and explained he could not do what he was doing for one more second. She was interested in what he said and agreed the way things are being resolved or NOT being resolved was definitely a problem. He never said he quit. She took his badge and said go home and she wanted to talk to the other manager and her superior about Mark.

So, we don't know what that means, but nobody called yet and it is now 6p CDT. He will email her in the morning asking what is up and we shall see. If he never goes back there, it would not upset me. We'll buy him some ACA medical insurance for him, and I have my Medicare from disability and moving on.

We see the realtor next Wed. for her to tell us how much we can list as is, and how much value we can add if we renovate a bit before selling. First impression is everything. If we can sell this house and make money on it, we can buy another house, but because this is really too much for us to do it all, for now I think we'll stay here in this city. That is not certain, but I think we were way too overwhelmed with it all.

So that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Everyone is so sweet about asking. Thank you it is much appreciated.

PJ -- Nice to hear from you mate! Hope all is well!

Canna - Ugh, sorry to hear about the cats, I hope they get well soon, we've had some serious kitten issues as well. We had to make sure not to leave any strings around. It turns out one of our new kittens ate a shoelace that I had laying on the floor. We had to take him in for a 3000$ surgery (with pet insurance) to get it removed. It was ridiculous. So trying not to leave things around they could eat like that.

BTW Incredible mushrooms pictures, I am just amazed by them. I will continually be looking back to see the different ones. When I was young, I had a very spiritual experience with magic mushrooms from Ecudor, ever since then I felt so interconnected with the Universe, and closer to it, I will always remember what happened that night.

GF - You and Mark are in our thoughts! It sounds like a hectic time, but I hope you two can get things sorted out and things settle back down soon. Positive Vibrations my friend :circle-of-love: :Namaste:
Canna, I apologize, I didn't see the post about the kitties.

What is there, a full moon? Geez, when it rains it pours.

Mark is awaiting HR to answer his manager. Far as I'm concerned, it's over Johnny. I hope he can collect while he gets something else or while we decide what to do.
Victoria, you and Mark need to give each other a BIG hug!

I hope he gets something resolved today. You never know, it could all work out for the best. And I hope the realtor gives you some good news on what you can expect for your house. :)

You two seem to be trying to get too much accomplished at once. Try to take things one at a time. Make a list and handle one thing per day. That works for me when I'm overwhelmed.
I don't even think about everything as a whole, I only think about what I'm handling on that day. It's the only way to keep from going bonkers.
Thanks, Canna. Mark and I both have traumatic pasts from childhood. His trauma manifests differently than mine, but when you combine us together with poor skills within our PTSD is difficult. So, it definitely does look like one whole drowning hole and I do have lists, we also hug often and tell each other we love one another. That is said at least ten times a day.

I went into therapy with the psychologist who did my neurological testing. I really liked her very much and asked if I could come to her for a while till I can sort this out and develop skills to make these types of decisions. Change is very difficult and we like stability so it's literally driving us a little crazy!

I hear everything you said and you are dead on. They won't protest unemployment and Mark is home. Realtor comes Wed. next week. Also, Mark is going to come with me to therapy on Monday. His request. I hope he brings all his grievances so he can air out. He does not do that very well and in session it is a safe environment for that stuff.

So, we're really on track FOR US! It will not be long now. I'm so happy you guys are engaging me. I need feedback in my life and I get very little as I cloister away in my hermit cave.
I'll update what's going on here since you care. I had to take Mark to the ER last night. First we went to a walk in clinic and they said kidney stones and sent us to the hospital. They checked for kidney stones, and released him with tramadol and flexaril thinking he pulled a muscle in his flank.

FF to today. He was in excruciating pain all day, wincing and yelping! OMFG. After trying this and that (he failed to tell me no poo since Wed.) I went out and bought citrate of magnesium and he downed it. Nothing. Pain, yelping and he can't lay down on his back or sides. OKAY, get in the car we're going.

They do a CTSCAN. No kidney stones, it may be a combo of pulled flank muscles from violently puking last Sat. night AND he may have had a large gas bubble in there, but whatever it is he is in intense pain. He got a shot of morphine and the scan found a tumor on his adrenal which they said is benign and common, so okay...what now? They find his left lining of the lung is bruised and swollen. Hmmm.

Anyway, I'm freaked out like a maniac and he needs an MRI. We will see his REAL doctor on Monday. I love the doctor because he wears his engineer boots to work and rides a big ol' Harley. He's also board certified in internal medicine and he 's a board certified pediatrician, as well.

So that is what's going on here.
I certainly will keep you guys in my thoughts for tomorrow! I hate that Mark has to endure the morphine and other such pharma stuff, but if it is relieving his pain...well that's a very good thing.
Thanks for the update, and I sure hope things calm down for the two of you soon! :hug:

Lester, thanks for the good thoughts. Having a bit of trouble with the mouth surgery, but I refuse to take any of the Norco pain script. The oil is doing well so far to keep in minimal, I just have to set my alarm around midnight to keep my dosage from wearing off. LOL
Hope all is well at your end of the planet too. :volcano-smiley:

We've got extraordinarily beautiful fall colors going on here. I really want to get out and get some pics. Hopefully I will feel a bit better tomorrow before work and have the ambition. ;-)
We've got extraordinarily beautiful fall colors going on here. I really want to get out and get some pics. Hopefully I will feel a bit better tomorrow before work and have the ambition. ;-)

If it helps you get motivated, I'd bloody love to see your autumn colours. C'mon, Cannafan - you show me yours and I'll show you mine.
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