The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Kitties are so adorable! I also love what you did with that dry stack.

Melons are ripe usually when they fall away from the stem. Check that to see how far along it is separating away from the melon. Also, when you tap on it, it should give a dense sound, not a hallow sound.

Beautiful plants, lots of lantana and I love the clematis and ruellia. All plants I'm very familiar with.
Mr. Teddy,
absolutely beautiful pictures! I just love seeing the different types of flowers and plants of the world. You can post anytime. I just prefer no snow, Ice and Blizzards. :laughtwo:

So happy you are getting the rain, and the lightning shows are always a nice feature to that. I love to sit out on the back deck and watch storms.

The kitties are adorable...but then I am a kitty fan. LOL I think Bingo is my fav. ;-)

I planted some clematis cuttings about 5 years ago, they are growing very well but have yet to flower. I'm told they can take 7-10 years to flower depending on the climate area. I am anxiously waiting for them. I have them in 3 different areas where they are receiving different amounts of sunlight just to see which one thrives the best.

And....tickety-boo? It sounds like a happy thing, so I'm gonna say yeah!

Trick to get Clematis to bloom is the feed heavily with high P and keep the roots cool with a very deep pile of mulch or a shrub planted at the base. I have mine trained up the climbing rose vines. They weave in there nicely and bloom spring and again in fall. Jackmanii is the variety.

Also, Sweet Autumn Clematis is divine. Smells like honey.
Thanks Victoria. I don't have any trouble keeping the roots cool, but I will get some mulch around them for sure. I have to keep training them, they are going everywhere and I'm told that once they find something to grab onto they stop growing. I haven't found that to be true at all. This year they went wild with growth, but no flowers yet.

I haven't been real active on the forums the last couple of weeks, this is my major prep time for winter. Farmers Almanac predicts even colder temps this year with the same, if not more snowfall due to the arctic vortex. I'm going to be much more prepared for a hard winter coming up than I was last year, that's for sure! Picking up 4 cords of good seasoned oak firewood this weekend and I have at least 2 cords already split and ready here.

Last year I had an awful time with keeping the wood dry due to the extreme amount of snowfall. This year it's getting stored in the barn. It will take hauling it in the wheel barrow a lot, but that's better than trying to heat a house with wet wood. :loopy:

I will have some good photo opportunities for autumn and will post, but once the snow starts...that's it for outdoor photos. I'll be viewing this thread to keep me sane. :laughtwo:
Well darlin, we have my friend coming next week to tell us what our house can actually sell for, exactly what we have to do in each room to make it what people look for, etc. Then, if it is worth what they think it is, we may be getting out of here a lot sooner than planned. Like, by next spring.

There are no words long enough to express how overwhelmed I feel right now with all of this. On one hand, I love my garden and can't stand the idea of all these years working, planting trees which now drop fruit, pecans, peaches, pomegranates, etc. Then I think, oh boy, the mountains, getting snowed in, four definite seasons again...Montana.

I have to stop watching The Horse Whisperer on a loop. :)
I know exactly how you feel kiddo. It's a tough decision and you will have second thoughts and thirds. LOL Just stay true to where you want to be during your latter years and you will be fine. Leaving behind all of your hard work blood, sweat and tears is hard to do. But you can build more where you end up. :circle-of-love:

I have a couple pics tonight, first up are some random flowers growing outside the front door. Don't know what they are, but there are clumps of them all over the place and the bees are loving them because there isn't much left blooming here right now. The honeysuckle has already expended it's second bloom and will be going into slumber mode.



And appropriately, during the eve of the harvest moon, a good friend brought me some goodies from his garden:


And here's a couple of kitty pics. Sassy and Skeeter:


Just after the above pic was taken, the kitten (Skeeter) decided to bite Sassy's foot. It looks like Sassy is hollering in pain.....but it was actually a yawn. LOL

Kitties! I miss having kitties! My green thing, bird, sits on my hand when I type. She sometimes deletes my whole message too. I must have a pound of shreddings in my laptop from her sitting here preening her waxy sheaths on her feathers! Little pisha that she is.

Us and our fur/feather babies. She is 12 and I am trying to get her to eat sprouts and greens. Ever hear of a crack ho? She is a bread ho.

Eh, gotta take a shower, start the day. It's already almost 7.
Well, I would like to add something to your beauty collection, if I may. Just another facet of the garden :Namaste: Though, this is my centerpiece at the moment. Hope this cheers you up in the winter :Namaste: :circle-of-love:

My organically grown KC-45 (Brazilian Sativa X Russian Ruderalis) from KC-Brains

Grown in a pot that is less than 5 gallons

You have a stand of Sedum 'Autum Joy'

It's a succulent. I have on plant. I think it needs to be in a bit more shade in my heat. The thornapples are ripening so when they do I'll send you seeds OF NON-CANNABIS plants. Datura wrightii, to be exact. I think Don Quixote used to ingest that, as well, but please don't!

I'll also have seeds for Pride of Barbados. Do a search for it and let me know if you want those, also. They grow anywhere, but need sun.

I had to take a xanpanix last night so I am still completely wiped out. Wow those are some strong little blue pills. Speaking of little blue pills, Viagra, Cialis and the other one is causing cancer. Some type of melanoma. Big class action lawsuit. So if any of you guys take it, heads up.
Thanks Victoria! I did a little research on them this morning and see that they dry up during the winter and the birds chow down on the seeds. I'm going to collect some of the seeds when ready and plant these down by the pond in an area where they will get full sun and provide some root systems to hold the soil from erosion. There is a slope in the lawn down to the pond and it becomes a problem during heavy rains, I need all the help I can get there. Besides they are very pretty and colorful for a time of year that color is dull around here.

I'll be flying a PM to you today. :)
You might want to look into some wetland grasses to help erosion. I have the same problem, but I don't have a lay down. My property is on a slope and it is washing away. My neighbor never waters his grass so he has none. It is just dirt eroding away and dragging mine with it. I have to put a retaining wall or system between them and us. Also in about 6 places on the property rain gardens need to be put in, IF we stay here. If not, that bare minimum.
Yeah, I have a retaining wall. Unfortunately the extreme hard run off we had two years ago during the main thaw damaged it, so the dirt is eroding at the areas that aren't holding. The melt off was so harsh that I could not tell where my creek was. I had a lake there that was only about an inch from going over the driveway and culvert, which would have caused major issues. It started receding just in time. As a result of that many trees along the edge of the creek came down and the creek was widened by about 2' on each side.
Retaining walls are a PITA to get secured at a pond. It's old. LOL
I had a Rhododendron planted there, but since I moved it there about 4 years ago it does very little flowering. So, I'm moving it back to the old location where it was happy.
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