The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Thanks for the identification on the lizard. :)

I feel you and I both will come to treasure looking through the spring/summer/fall pics on this thread. I dread the winter with a passion, but I'm hoping this will help keep the depression away. LOL

I have relatives that spend the winters in Florida also, I sure wish I could afford to do that. Maybe in twenty years or so. :laugh:

Throw some pics on here if you like, it's a sharing thread.


I'll have to get to taking some pictures worth sharing, then figure out this wonderful upload system 420 uses.

DRM Ranch
I hadn't seen outside in the daylight since Sunday. It looks good :)

Hammock and Brook


Back yard in afternoon. First look in daylight :)



Here's another one for you Lester. These spikey critters are all over out here at all times of year it seems. When you mess with them they roll themselves up into a tight ball. My brothers used to throw them at each other. Mean dudes they were....



And more from my local fungusphere


Has anyone ever seen these before? They are large and very woody textured.



I just thought this shot was pretty on the pond


And these grow everywhere around pines. They are very translucent. Haven't a clue what they are.


This is where my wood is being stored this winter. No chance of getting icy or wet. YEY The barn is 32' x 40' not including the lean-to part. Plenty of room

Cute Rooster!

To insert your pictures into the post, click on the little camera icon on the tool bar above the post box. 3rd from the end. That brings up your gallery and then just click on the picture you want inserted. It will appear as a link in the post box.
Easy peasy!

Android Phone is unhappy with that method, I got it using the little my pictures tab to the lower left of the reply box.

DRM Ranch
He is one of two boys and six girls. They are just about six or seven months old now and the girls are just about to start giving us eggs. Found the first yesterday so I'm happy about that.

They are all Australorp chickens, beautiful iridescent feathers and fairly friendly too. They are split into two groups, no need for the boys to fight, or stress each other out.

They all need names, suggestions?

DRM Ranch
The first thought that came to mind on the one you posted was "Curious George". No idea why, maybe because he looks curious about something "over there".


And you are right, I used to have that breed and when the sun hits them they just glow with color. And it changes depending on the light. Never had one of those attack me when I turned my back either, unlike some of the other breeds with their show of dominance.
Wow! Amazing set my friend!! :drool: And I love hearing about the yummy food you make. Especially the way you make omlets. :circle-of-love:

Thanks Lester. :)

I've been making these breakfast sandwiches by the dozens. Just put them all together with the meat, cheese and eggs on a buttered english muffin and wrap them up. Each morning I just throw one in the microwave for 50 seconds.
Why dozens? My folks liked them so much they have me making up batches for them too. LOL
This morning I added some caramelized onions on one. So delicious!
.........................have I got you hungry now?

BEAUTIFUL Radogast! That's my kind of living, in the woods with nature all around. Love the creek shot.
Thanks so much, that looks so relaxing. I hope you can get out to see more and enjoy it again regularly.

Are those peppers on that plant on the deck? Yum!


I took a walk whilst my dinner was in the oven and got some shots. Gorgeous warm fall day here today.

Not pepper plant, Chinese lantern or Japanese lantern plant. I have three little pepper plants out in the yard :)
I made a rambling video in my yard tonight, but I don't know how to upload to YouTube :)
Not pepper plant, Chinese lantern or Japanese lantern plant. I have three little pepper plants out in the yard :)
I made a rambling video in my yard tonight, but I don't know how to upload to YouTube :)

You have to first set up an account, which is free. Do not use your real name or email for all to see. Then there will be tabs you click to upload your videos. It's not hard. If I can do it, anyone can. ;)
Beautiful pics DRM Ranch! The variation of colors of those berries kept me looking at that photo several times. I have the same kind of red berries here. No clue what they are.
I snapped a pic of some "Wintergreen" berries yesterday, I'll upload that later. They grow close to the ground, not on trees.

The first pic made me want to get my sack lunch out and have a sit. Then just be perfectly still and see what comes my way. One thing about this time of year, you don't have to swat at mosquitoes constantly. LOL

Thanks for the contribution, it's lovely.


Radogast, when you upload to Youtube you might want to choose the "unlisted" tab if you don't want it to be completely public. Then when you insert the video here, only the 420 magazine members will have access to it.
I've been trying to get out to get a video of some landscape, you may have prompted me to do that today. ;-)

Looking forward to it.
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