The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

We're back in the house. Bathtub water is the temperature of the pool. Nice on the arthritis. The dollar store inner tubes; not everything is a good buy at the dollar store! haha

These were more like inner balloons. We didn't realize how thin they were until we got them blown up. Oh well, I got my dollars worth and Mark dunked me, got my hair wet (it is almost to the waist so THANKS A LOT), made an ocean of the pool complete with surfing waves with his big mitts, and then said, okay I'm done.

Yeah, pics, but please watch it and don't sit there recording it with the phone! We go to concerts and a million of these people are filming the concert they just paid 200 dollars to see in PERSON IN HIGH DEF! Real live, high def! Sheesh, that is a pet peeve of mine.

Okay, so anyway, here is the remains of the dollar inner tube which Mark sufficiently killed and grew tumors on.

Ok my friends. Gonna post a bit of a splurge here so forgive me :) The show was amazing. What an honor it was to see Sir Paul :adore: So many great songs. He played a lot from Sgt. Pepper. Lonely People almost brought me to joyful tears. Now I sit here and puff my herb. What a show. :circle-of-love:

Paul McCartney Dodger Stadium 2014

I just got Mika all fed and medicined and now Mark is home from work with a belly ache, so they can stay together and cuddle all day. I feel better not leaving Mika for 6 hours or however long it takes. They said it varies, so I'm a pretty fast tester. Maybe I'll be back sooner.

Thank you for the well wishes. Always welcomed by me.

Canna's turn tomorrow, I think. I hope that GF's examination went well.

I spent my day dealing with my son's latest medical crisis. He has a difficult condition to treat and has been doing well for almost a year on a certain medication. Over the weekend he developed an unexplained rash that got progressively worse. Yesterday afternoon I directed him to go to the ER immediately. They told him to discontinue his medication and see the specialist as soon as possible. So, today I set off early driving two hours to fetch him. Then I pulled a U-turn and drove back an hour to the capital so we could be in the specialists office right when they opened. The specialist couldn't see him until 2:00.

We had 6 hours to kill. We drove downtown and strolled by the shops and galleries on our way to a favorite breakfast spot. After breakfast we still had several hours to kill. We jumped in the car and drove up to the ski basin where there is a trailhead leading into the Pecos Wilderness. In times of stress a good uphill march soothes the soul. Most of the trail is cut into the side of steep treed slopes and there are few good views. There were some macro opportunities, but we were marching. I did snap a few pictures, though. If we'd had another 45 minutes to march upwards we would have broken out above timberline, but we didn't have that luxury.






The specialist said that we couldn't rule out that the evil rash was caused by environmental conditions, but that the rash appears to be a side effect from the medication. One option was for him to go off the meds for a week and try them again after the rash was gone. This was a bad option due to the problems of being off the meds. The other option was to switch him to a new medication with a whole new slew of side effects. After much discussion, we went with option two. I trust his doctor.

On the way back to drop him off we both agreed breakfast was great and the march was better.
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