The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Fun photos as usual, Canna.

We felt like some wide open spaces, adventure, and a world famous green chile cheeseburger that is frequently on America's 10 best burgers lists today. The burger is 100 miles South down the interstate at a bar in a dusty little town in the middle of the Jornada del Muerto. The interstate is no fun. We took a scenic route.

Scientists are at work out in the Big Empty searching for the origins of the universe.


We're headed towards Beaverhead, 60 miles South down the dirt road. When you get to Beaverhead there is nothing there except a few broken down mobile homes, but the road turns to pavement.


These native butterfly bushes were blooming in great profusion in spots. The scent in the fields of them was almost overwhelming. The insects were having a feeding frenzy and raising a buzzing cacophony.



Spot the antelope?


Sing it with me!

Home, home on the range.

We saw tons of antelope. Some were quite close to the road as we came upon them, but they would go bounding off into the distance as we drew near. They flee so gracefully. This group was far enough away they weren't scared and close enough I could get a better picture with a little bit of digital zoom.


These white desert poppies were blooming en masse in many areas.



I expect life was hard out in the Big Empty back in the day...


The only vehicle we saw the whole way to Beaverhead.


Amazing land and sky scapes the whole way.





There are a few horse fans here so when I saw these guys on the wrong side of the fence I pulled over and took a picture.


They started moving in for an attack so we made a hasty escape.


My battery went dead so there is no picture of the famous green chile cheeseburger. It was quite tasty as usual.
PeeJay - love those wide open American spaces. Stunning. Thank you. I walked up our little mountain on Friday and took some snaps for you. Was going to post yesterday but that Malware malarky kept me out of 420. Will pop them up here soon. Pip Pip!
What a gorgeous morning coffee show PeeJay! I was singing "Home on the Range" while viewing I can't get the song out my head. :laughtwo:

I really love the open spaces there, although I am partial to wooded areas now, it's a great view where you are. It reminds me of my hiking days/biking days, we had so much fun and it was healthy for the soul as well as the body.

I hope the horses weren't really mean, I know they can be that way when not having a lot of human contact. When I lived in Las Vegas I used to hike around and go through old gold mines. I spent very little time in the hustle and bustle money pit city. The mules (can't remember what they are supposed to be called at the moment) are descendants of the work mules and run wild. I saw one as I was coming out of a mine site and decided to get some shots. He was NOT happy with me and proceeded to chase me down that hill kicking, fartin' and hollerin' at me. I made it to the jeep without a minute to spare. LOL

I envy your traveling time for sure!

Thanks for the morning wake up show. :nomo:

I was with my crazy friend Kim who is nursing a ruptured Achilles. She is a former ice capades skater amongst many other things and has a horse. Kim's motor runs a bit faster than most - one of the reasons our romance didn't work out. We remain great friends. She wears a person out with her limitless energy. I don't know if the horse was mean. The horses were basically ignoring us while Kim sat inside the truck talking a blue streak. Then the black horse looked up at me and pinned it's ears back.

"That old black mare is going to bite your ear off," Kim told me.

"You're fill of shit, Kimmy."

The old black mare started towards me and the other two horses fell in behind her.

"After she bites your ear off she's going to stomp you."

I jumped in the truck and drove off with Kim in stitches. "PeeJay, you're such a pussy."

I don't know if they were really mean... :rofl:
I really love the open spaces there, although I am partial to wooded areas now, it's a great view where you are. It reminds me of my hiking days/biking days, we had so much fun and it was healthy for the soul as well as the body.

Dazzling emerald landscape like where you live have a lot going for them. I've lived in Vermont, Wisconsin, Western Washington... There is a lot of variety in the landscape here. You can go from the driest of deserts to very high alpine through a variety of climate zones very quickly. The best window for spending time in the very high above timberline alpine is almost upon us. It's best in late summer after the snow melts and the thunderstorms die down so you don't get fried by lightning. I'll be headed there soon.
Along the dirt road there was ranch land, big spreads. You'd see a mailbox by the road and a dirt track heading off into the distance with no structures in sight - maybe 10 in 60 miles. Once you hit the pavement there are more smaller properties. I don't think the horses were very lost. The two bays in particular were very well groomed. The old mare was more ratty looking.

As we drove along Kim said that she took the poor grooming and the way she pinned her ears back when she looked up at me as signs she was a nasty old thing with a foul temper. That's why she warned me. Kim knows horses better than I do and is a smart cookie in general. I took her word for it, but wish I hadn't squealed like a frightened child as I jumped back into the vehicle.
Along the dirt road there was ranch land, big spreads. You'd see a mailbox by the road and a dirt track heading off into the distance with no structures in sight - maybe 10 in 60 miles. Once you hit the pavement there are more smaller properties. I don't think the horses were very lost. The two bays in particular were very well groomed. The old mare was more ratty looking.

As we drove along Kim said that she took the poor grooming and the way she pinned her ears back when she looked up at me as signs she was a nasty old thing with a foul temper. That's why she warned me. Kim knows horses better than I do and is a smart cookie in general. I took her word for it, but wish I hadn't squealed like a frightened child as I jumped back into the vehicle.

You just gave my patient and I a great laugh.

Btw,'ve got mail. A little research on some things. :)
Yes, ears back is indicative of anger, or fear, actually. More likely with the other body language, she wanted you gone and had you screaming like a little girl! Hhahahahahaha. Well, if you WERE trying to make a go of a relationship, that many not have been a good thing to do. But, when Mark gets afraid and screeches, it's very adorable and I love it, so there, take THAT.

I updated my outdoor journal. Lots of photos. And I made sure I didn't post the same photo more than once.
Ha Ha, GF. Kim is old news on the relationship front. She goes through about a half dozen men a year, it seems. She's just too much of a handful to deal with on a daily basis even though she possesses many of the qualities valued by the superficial man. We hang out when she's between beau-hunks and that's fine by me!

I'll swing by and have a look at your update in a few.

Lester, are you away from home right now? Did I read that you were heading out to go to a concert? If so, I hope you're having a great time!
Awe, so sweet! I was not offended, I just actually put my finger over the fish. I'm over the top, though. Images burn into my brains. It is probably the PTSD aspect of me. Nutcase I am.

Tomorrow the 5 hours of tests and all will be revealed! What can they possibly tell me about myself I don't already know? I've been self-aware from birth!
I actually like the pic better that way. When I think about the great times I had there I don't just think about the fishing now. LOL

I sure hope you get some kind of solid answer from the tests tomorrow. The worst part of suffering issues that you yourself can't fix, is not knowing what it is that needs fixing. I have always been a self healer using home proven methods and things I learned on my own, but internal stuff sometimes is well beyond our self care capabilities.

I'll be thinking about you for sure.

I'm being lazy today, staying inside where it's cool and watching my Tigers game.

I used to love Kirk Gibson. He was like, like, a dirty bird! Hahaha. Baseball used the hypnotize me. I had Yankee season tickets and every time I entered The Stadium I would get butterflies when I'd walk out of the hallway into the field view. It was like hearing angels singing every time.

Then, they went on strike for a year in what, 93 or 94? Haven't returned since. World Series, Champ Series, Playoffs. That's it.

When I lived on Long Island we used to go large mouth bass fishing in Lake Ronkonkoma. We'd get sunfish and bluegills, also. It's the largest lake on Long Island and I lived across the street for a few years. My mom used to have a bungalow.

I think I'm going swimming with Mark and a few inner tubes, smoke a doob in the pool, then make sumpin tuh eat.

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