The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Awesome action shot Peejay! And if anybody can identify you by that, they deserve an award.

I tried skiing once, I couldn't stay up on the danged things. I had kids passing me on the bunny hill! I slipped and slid my way down to the lodge and stayed there happily drinking and enjoying the fire while the rest of the gang enjoyed the slopes. :)


Hello, Cannafan. What a lovely thread. Full of lovely people. PeeJay sent me here. (In my experience, I find doing what PeeJay says is always A Good Idea). And when it comes to skiing, you sound EXACTLY like Mrs Teddy.

Thank you for having me. :love: Mr Teddy
Oh I went skiing once with a group of kids when I was in Jr. High School. We went to a dude ranch, it was so great!

I think I may have been the only or one of the only kids in Brooklyn who had a horse! But he had nothing to do with the trip, just saying.
Anyway, one of the days was skiing. Did not stand up for more than a half minute and I too fell all the way down the bunny hill. Actually, holding that rope to get UP the hill was even harder than anything else on earth, at the time.

Nope, no skiing for this klutz.
Oh I went skiing once with a group of kids when I was in Jr. High School. We went to a dude ranch, it was so great!

I think I may have been the only or one of the only kids in Brooklyn who had a horse! But he had nothing to do with the trip, just saying.
Anyway, one of the days was skiing. Did not stand up for more than a half minute and I too fell all the way down the bunny hill. Actually, holding that rope to get UP the hill was even harder than anything else on earth, at the time.

Nope, no skiing for this klutz.


Yepper, I'll take horse back over skiing any day! I was raised on an Arabian ranch. We broke and trained horses up until we lil' ones left the nest. I had horses here for a few years, but the expense was out of control so I sold them. I miss it for sure.
I remember back then when we had the horse, board cost us 30 a month at Bergen Beach Riding Academy, Bergen Beach, NY. Tip of Brooklyn near Plum Beach. NOW! HAHAHA. They want 575 down the road from me and that does not include exercise! Uh wow.

So Arabians. I had an Appaloosa, but he was so gorgeous, jet black with white spots and his gait was so perfect I mostly rode him bareback. Loved that guy. Did some dressage with him, some piaffe. He was very natural.

I can't wait to get stoned tonight and melt into the couch. I think I did too much today.
Okay, I had some fun with pictures of my footprints at the beach in Australia. These are kind of like an illusion. Do you see raised footprints or sunken?

I love that camel picture and have seen it before. Great shadows ladies! I'm glad to see that Mr. Teddy dropped in. Sometime soon he is going to post some pictures of his environ. It will be fun, trust me. The text that accompanies them will be, too.

GF, I spent a little time last night checking out technomadia. Fun stuff! I got tired of it after a bit and went looking for videos of peoples RV travels. My very favorite was a 70 minute long video made by some guy from a Nordic country. They were with a group of friends in multiple RVs and went from Las Vegas to Zion, Bryce, Escalante, Moab, Lake Powel, the Grand Canyon, and returned to Las Vegas. Mostly it was just scenery, a cute little boy, decent music, and speaking in a language I couldn't understand. It was awesome! They had a blast. I watched the whole thing.
Yeah, those Technomadia people are cute. She's very cute, all with her lists and her outline. So cute. He just looks at her and smiles.

Well, it's just a thought. I have no idea of what we will do in the future.

The camel photo is an oldie, but goodie.
Well, morning walk turned out to be morning work out. I decided to fix the lawn mower and get this grass mowed. I cannot tell you how many times I cringed from little toads hopping out of the way. I don't ever remember such a high number of these things here. I also managed to damage the tail of a pretty garter snake, but he's going to make it just fine. I shut the mower down and scooted him off to the woods.

So on to things more fun. My wild mint is flowering all over the place:


And these flowers were the prettiest shade of blue I've seen yet. Sure beats the ever present yellow flowers around here!


This looks like a sparkly confetti party.


In the back yard are some flowering weeds that start out like a woven basket.


And end up looking like tiny fly catcher plants:


And of course they house citters:


If you have ever been stung by one of these bat rastard bees, for as small as they are it's like a baseball bat hit ya!


These bloomers are just plain interesting in looks:



My wild raspberries are getting ready to harvest:


And I will wind up with one little hand full of grapes. LOL

Great walk! It is oppressively hot here for the past week. I can hardly walk out there into the pool and back.

Everything is so beautiful there, Canna. That was cute with the turtle.

I have zero energy, and an infection and I have a 5 hour test tomorrow with neurology. Life.
Aye, I'm so screwed up I thought tomorrow was Monday. I don't have the test tomorrow, thankfully. I have a bit of fever, 101. I will be down in about fifteen minutes. I get this recurring infection in one of the twins. It goes away in 24, but it rages for 24 with fever and pain, then poof, gone. Happens about three times a year. Weird.

That turtle is so adorable! I saw a snake yesterday by my pot plants. I watered them and he/she came out and just looked at me.

I am wiped. Talk to you all tomorrow.
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