The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Ice.... with air bubbles in the water as it froze. You can even see the movement of the air bubbles while they froze in place.
Very cool.

Winner! Winner! Ganja dinner! :cheer:

Oh... and all the photos are mostly upside down.

But, I'll have to hold back dessert.

I had a bucket outside to collect rainwater, and the water froze. I brought it inside and put it in a bathtub to thaw out. It formed the coolest looking ice block on top. It was domed, so the bubbles were falling in a downward motion (the photos aren't upside down).
As the ice block gently turned in the water it got more fascinating on the pattern.




I'm going off-topic, even for an off-topic thread :rofl:

One of the fun things about buying stuff at auction is figuring out what it is or was.

This weekend's examples include:
a mid-century English cake plate (Radford violets fluted-$1), and
a dresser/sideboard($30) is truly of the correct age to be a wedding gift from Al Capone.

Last weekend we bought this...


The translucent hand-painted glass appears antique. The metal plate is fixed (a part of the hinge mechanism.)


The standard (XL) egg is there for a size comparison.

Anyone have a clue what this is or used to be?
I'm going off-topic, even for an off-topic thread :rofl:

One of the fun things about buying stuff at auction is figuring out what it is or was.

This weekend's examples include:
a mid-century English cake plate (Radford violets fluted-$1), and
a dresser/sideboard($30) is truly of the correct age to be a wedding gift from Al Capone.

Last weekend we bought this...


The translucent hand-painted glass appears antique. The metal plate is fixed (a part of the hinge mechanism.)


The standard (XL) egg is there for a size comparison.

Anyone have a clue what this is or used to be?

Every time I look at this, the first thought that comes in is an old men's shaving brush holder. But I know that can't be it, it's too feminine in the design? I can't think of anything to call it in order to do a search.
Is it top heavy? When you open the top, does it want to try to fall over?

It's pretty.

Every time I look at this, the first thought that comes in is an old men's shaving brush holder. But I know that can't be it, it's too feminine in the design? I can't think of anything to call it in order to do a search.
Is it top heavy? When you open the top, does it want to try to fall over?

It's pretty.


It's heavy-ish glass but not top heavy. The hinged top stays open in mid air (as in the photo.)

It can't be a toothbrush holder because there is only about 2" below the ring of circles - the glass base curves in.
Not likely to be a lipstick holder unless there were custom lipstick cases that hold the lipstick less than 1" above the ring of circles - the glass top curves in.


- - - -

Here's is a brass vase about 4" tall holding several 3" brass objects.

I know what this one is :)

The season in New Orleans... why, Mardi Gras season of course!
Random sights along the daily travels....

Floats awaiting transportation parked here and there on the side streets of the community. Perhaps staging.... perhaps a broken tractor during transport. It's a pretty common sight.


Constant rolls of tractors here and there. These are off to pick up some floats somewhere and drag them somewhere else. Another very common sight.

The tractors are the tradition locomotion for all floats. They replaced the mules. You see the tractors all decorated during the parades. Most of the tractors are old, so they kinda break down frequently leading to large delays in big parades as a replacement is brought up from the rear thru the crowds and the old one is pushed off and replaced.
The season in New Orleans... why, Mardi Gras season of course!
Random sights along the daily travels....

Floats awaiting transportation parked here and there on the side streets of the community. Perhaps staging.... perhaps a broken tractor during transport. It's a pretty common sight.


Constant rolls of tractors here and there. These are off to pick up some floats somewhere and drag them somewhere else. Another very common sight.

The tractors are the tradition locomotion for all floats. They replaced the mules. You see the tractors all decorated during the parades. Most of the tractors are old, so they kinda break down frequently leading to large delays in big parades as a replacement is brought up from the rear thru the crowds and the old one is pushed off and replaced.

It's nice that they put the good ol' tractors to work. They love old tractors at my end of the Mississippi. New ones too :)

- - -

No marks on the brass vase full of brass cones.
Those holes (cones) were made to hold liquid - water - and something else.
Nice Tead! What's your temperature there today? I've got 55 degrees and Sunny just past noon here. Feels much warmer than that, I was outside for an hour or so with no jacket on.

Some of my Lily's are sprouting already, and the onions are green topped:



I went to check on the Wisteria seed pods and found that a squirrel had ripped one down and ate the seed out of it. You can see the scrapes from the teeth. I collected the rest of them, they are still a bit velvety but they sound hollow when I bump them together. I figured I better get them before the critters do. I'll let them dry out in a basket on the porch.


And yepper.....I've got a big critter using the same hole under the pond deck walkway. It's clean of fall/winter debris, so it's being used regularly:


Ice skating anyone?..although, I would stay away from the north end..there's open water there. :laugh:

The season in New Orleans... why, Mardi Gras season of course!
Random sights along the daily travels....

Floats awaiting transportation parked here and there on the side streets of the community. Perhaps staging.... perhaps a broken tractor during transport. It's a pretty common sight.


Constant rolls of tractors here and there. These are off to pick up some floats somewhere and drag them somewhere else. Another very common sight.

The tractors are the tradition locomotion for all floats. They replaced the mules. You see the tractors all decorated during the parades. Most of the tractors are old, so they kinda break down frequently leading to large delays in big parades as a replacement is brought up from the rear thru the crowds and the old one is pushed off and replaced.

I went to Mardi Gras in my 20's and stayed a gal pal and I joined our boyfriends, who had gone down before us and gotten jobs in a 5 star - 7 course wildly famous restaurant....we were all in the restaurant business then....while the guys were working, my pal and I would run the pool table against all the guys in the bar all nite long while we waited for them to get off the dinner shift....then we'd morning as the sun came up we took the elevator to the tippy top in the Hilton to the restaurant right next to the Super Dome and had eggs benedict and champagne....went to bed about 10am....ah, the good ole days...went straight to Cali after that and stayed for regrets....
Nice Tead! What's your temperature there today? I've got 55 degrees and Sunny just past noon here. Feels much warmer than that, I was outside for an hour or so with no jacket on.

Some of my Lily's are sprouting already, and the onions are green topped:



I went to check on the Wisteria seed pods and found that a squirrel had ripped one down and ate the seed out of it. You can see the scrapes from the teeth. I collected the rest of them, they are still a bit velvety but they sound hollow when I bump them together. I figured I better get them before the critters do. I'll let them dry out in a basket on the porch.


And yepper.....I've got a big critter using the same hole under the pond deck walkway. It's clean of fall/winter debris, so it's being used regularly:


Ice skating anyone?..although, I would stay away from the north end..there's open water there. :laugh:


I don't have any green action going on yet over here....but I was surprised to see some robins hopping around the yard yesterday....isn't it early yet????

My favorite spring moment for the last 16 winters is to go out to the pasture to feed...I wear black knit gloves and have a white and black spotted horse.....Right about now I start looking for the "Hair on the Mitten moment" when she starts shedding and that white hair shows up on the black glove......that means spring for me..... :laughtwo:
Shorts and sandals baby. Highs 'round 80f. Ya know ya need a break from the snow..... and it IS Mardi Gras season after all.... got an unfurnished duplex across the river you could string out a sleeping bag in.

Barefoot and T-shirt here today. Officiall 71F with a 3 mph wind. Right now on the porch it feels good.

The tulips are wisely staying hidden under the leaves


We saw 20+ robins in one yard Friday morning. The local bird counts were low this winter. I'm seeing less eagles flying around than in November/December.
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