The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Here's some new itsy bitsy flowers outside with the Easter Lily's:


This was the most unusual grasshopper-ish bug on my Lily:


Here he looks like he should have a surf board under his feet. :)

I love these photos.

Canna, that's a katydid on the plant. The flower looks like it may be in the borage family.

Les, what is that succulent looking shrub? Is it a Yew? I can't make it out.

Do you mean the plant the tortoise is trudging through? If so, that is the Juniper. :surf:
Gosh, it's been so long I've been living without conifers, I actually didn't recognize it. Wowie. Well, that and my half blindness.

What is the succulent in there with the juniper?

Mark and I were in the pool today for a long time and we discussed things a bit. I asked him if he just wanted to renovate this house the way we want it and just stay here as home base and when the time comes, get a great RV (we have room to park it here easily) and go up north for the summers in that. I think this may be a real plan. We're almost finished paying the house off. I even entertained having solar installed. Even at great expense, it won't go wasted. I'd wait a few more years for them to master the collectors, but this may be okay.

We already have out bird population established and other things living back there. I just can't leave them after all these years. Not in the winter.
I noticed that when the ice plant is in flower, their flowers only open during the day when it is hot and in full Sun. As nightfall comes and temperatures cool off their flowers perk back closed at night, and then re-open the following day.

I have seen the same thing with my lettuce flowers too, kind of neat.

The bees love those ice plant flowers too.

I adore animals. More please. And what is that ear notch? Congenital?

My camera is working again, but not the zoom. So I can take photos until I get my new camera. Still researching. I know what I want and it is 5 grand. I won't be getting that.

I adore animals. More please. And what is that ear notch? Congenital?

My camera is working again, but not the zoom. So I can take photos until I get my new camera. Still researching. I know what I want and it is 5 grand. I won't be getting that.

I believe the ear notch is a physical abnormality.

I am not 100%, but I believe it is advantageous. I think it helps him hear by being able to bend his ears to the side better. Just my opinion though. I haven't looked into it.

It's clearly not something that formed from a cat fight.

Good Eye GF! :cheer:
Okay, so born with the ear notches. Yes, that is very auspicious, as are the six toed kitties. I had one of those and her name was Mushy Mosh. I called her Ms. Mosh. I lost her 30 years ago to FLV. I cried and cried. My parrot is sick right now. She has chronic sinus problems and she is having some discharge. I clean it off regularly and open her nares. She'll be okay. We have this dust cloud over the state from Africa for the last 7 weeks. When is it going to pass already? Geez. Even I'm sneezing and blowing all day.
Some vets notch cats ears this way to show that they have been fixed. (spayed, etc.)
I took a cat to get neutered once and the vet explained it and I told him do not do it.

And then are some that are born that way.

Cool looking kitty no matter how it came about, and always looks relaxed and happy! Thanks Lester, loved the pics.

If this kitten would slow down, I could get some pics. She's feisty and fast! I like that.

Some vets notch cats ears this way to show that they have been fixed. (spayed, etc.)
I took a cat to get neutered once and the vet explained it and I told him do not do it.

And then are some that are born that way.

Cool looking kitty no matter how it came about, and always looks relaxed and happy! Thanks Lester, loved the pics.

If this kitten would slow down, I could get some pics. She's feisty and fast! I like that.


Thanks for the info and glad you liked them.

Did I mention this is considered a "feral cat" by the vet? Hard to believe!

He just walked in one day and became part of the family. Completely lives outside in the backyard garden. My old tent that I used as a greenhouse (agribon row cover) is now his new cat bed. He likes to go exploring off in other yards at night when he's most active. That entails jumping over a 6 foot fence which always fun to watch. Sometimes I worry, but he seems to do well on his own. We had him for 6 years since he walked in the door, he must have been a couple years old when we he found us. Ever since his catheterization he has been humbled and much more affectionate.

We didn't know what to call him so we named him "Fang" because for the first few years he lived with us he would randomly bite and attack us, we have been hurt pretty bad with deep wounds and we have many scars. He finally learned to trust us and truly is part of the family, and ever since his big Vet experience he realizes that this is the place to be. I love Bombay breeds, they have so much personality.

Yeah! How are your two getting along? I'm sure they'll be best of buds soon :)
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