The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Hi Lester,
they are doing perfectly. This morning before I left they were playing hide and seek in a box together. Too funny.


That's awesome :)
The little 150 gram love of my life! She is the best, cuddliest, wuddliest thing on earth.

Rain will do that! I love the free nitrogen in perfect form that the lightening fixes right out of the air. It's raining here too and our electric went out for a few hours. That was fun in the heat. It only got up to 88 in here then it came back on.

More rain tomorrow I hope. Mika goes to the vet Friday morning. There goes my camera. I may need a job soon.
Of course I don't mind Dennise. Those pics are lovely, it sure did green up for you there! Wonderful view.
I think those roadside wildflowers I took pics of a while back might be the same variety of bean vines you have pictures of. They are gorgeous color flowers.

And GardenFaerie, your Parrot is precious. Has that come hither and cuddle me look all over it. I would love to have a parrot or a dove here, but with cats.....well that won't work out really well. Puddy tats n tweeties...not always a cartoon with happy endings. LOL

Yeah, no. Parrots are only children. Mika is a LOT of work. I have to cooks special foods, vegetables, bird bread, hide food for foraging all day, play with her several times per day without interruptions, and the vet bills are astronomical. Hind sight is 20/20 and while I love this little green thing, I would not do it again. Too late, she lives a very long time. Up to 60 years, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
It may be worth it to find a gemologist in your area. Gold is either positive or negative, not undetermined, so you may be surprised. Oooo, that would sure be nice for you! I hope it is all garnets, real gold 24k a few pounds of it would set you up, and may it be worth a fortune.

My wish for you.
Oh, don't I wish it were mine GF. LOL

The guy brought it to us hoping we could tell him if they were raw rubies or gold in it. We referred him to a gem stone factory where I'm sure they can get him on the right track with a true gemologist. He took the boulder and all the pyrite pieces that were tested with him. That's why I couldn't get any macro shots. I hope he comes back around to tell us what he found out.

That's a cool quartz and pyrite vein in that boulder. Did the finder think he'd struck it rich?

I've been sitting outside watching the hummingbird antics. Anyone can take a picture of hummers at the feeder. It's much harder to get a picture of one perched. They don't sit still long, are tiny, and flee if you get close... I've decided to entertain myself by trying to get some good pictures of hummingbirds sitting still. So far it is proving difficult. Here's the current "king of the feeder" on one of his favorite vantage points, ready to swoop down and drive away the young and the weak from his vessel of sugary goodness. He seldom gets a moments peace like this. Crappy picture on the whole. I'm going to try to do better.

Dang, Peejay! You did a whole lot better than my own attempts at these scurrying little creatures. LOL

They are funny to watch. They fight constantly chasing each other away from the goodies. I stopped putting anything in the feeder because there has been so much for them to get from natural sources. They are loving the Hostas flowers, which is where I keep trying to capture them. All I ever get it is a blur or a tail. LOL
Nice job!

I have one female I call "Lady craps-a-lot". Every time I see her feeding she craps. LOL

Yeah, the guy thought he has struck it rich. I don't know anything about identifying gemstones, we thought that was pretty cool the way they stuck out like that.
Hard to say from the pictures but it looks like it's just quartz, ruby quartz, and pyrite. Chances are he'll be sorely disappointed by it's value. Cool rock. I wish I'd found it.
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