The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Thanks, Canna. I'm sorry your colonoscopy was not good. Mine was two weeks ago and good. Phew. Ten years I get another one!

Yes, I think the operator of the MRI should have offered me eyepads. I was told later that many people use those to insure not opening their eyes and yes, I am claustrophobic. I found that out when Mark and I went to these caves and I freaked out and couldn't breath. I never knew this of myself. OR, it is some new development in the last ten years or so. I can't watch movies with caves or scuba diving in caves or I can't breath. Makes me sound like a bit of a nutbag. The mind is an interesting universe.
These little moths are really tough to get a picture of, they take off at the first movement and even when they sit still it's hard to catch them with the wings open. Let alone being even tougher to photograph because they are white. But I finally got one. They are no more than an inch from wing tip to wing tip.

Yeah, what PeeJay said! LOL

I am doing better today, so tomorrow should be a breeze. Thanks for your good wishes. :)

On a side note, I added to the family today. It's now me and TWO cats. Sassy did a little behavioral faux pas last night when I got home from work that tells me she is bored terribly at home alone all day. I've been thinking on this for awhile. So I brought home a kitten. Sassy is NOT happy about this new lil' sis.....yet. I give it about 3 days and they will be bestest buddies.
If this kitten sits still longer than a split second I'll try to get a picture of her tomorrow.

Awe, I miss having kitties. My parrot is very, very affectionate, though.

My doctor put me on a steroid pack for 10 days and that ended last Thursday when I promptly crashed and burned all weekend! I had fever, chills, couldn 't wake up, etc. I wish steroids weren't so dangerous. I feel no pain at all when taking them. No itching. No headache. No joint pain. But no, they have to kill you. It's like torture knowing they are around! hahaha
Look out everybody, I'm finally feeling human today. :biglaugh:

Hopefully will have pics for here and the new grow.

First up, the newbie kitty finally settled down enough for a fairly decent pic. Great way to use an old robe, she adopted it for a bed.

This is "Skeeter":


I was right on the timing of buddies. This morning they were chasing each other all over the house. This will help Sassy lose some weight and stay healthy. :)
Are ya mad at me Les? From the water spray talk? You better not be. I'll have to come out there.

LOL Your comment made me laugh :)

Of course I am not mad at you! :passitleft: :circle-of-love:
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