The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Black Goldfinches? hmmm.....

I had just posted a history lecture to my blog about cannabis, and in that article this was stated:

'Miller notices some curious, perhaps absurd circumstances respecting the seed; such as that when eaten by fowls they make them lay many eggs; and that when bullfinches and goldfinches take them in considerable quantity as food, they have the effect of changing the red and yellow of those birds to total blackness.

I wonder.......

How many seeds would be a "considerable quantity as food"?

I'm going to attempt to get some fall color pictures this morning, it appears I am a bit late with doing that. I have been so busy with family and such that I barely realized how spectacular the trees had become. My yard is covered with I'm a bit late. LOL
Neighborhood plant hunt - (reposted from my thread - hope you enjoy :) )

I took a stroll around 2 blocks in the neighborhood this afternoon - looking for potential plants to propogate. It was slim pickings.

I took 2 cutting for immediate rooting and placed them in the cloner.



I harvested seeds from these 2 plants. These are possibly sterile or unstable hybrids, but ...
I'll leave the seeds in the garage to cold stratify, then put them under 11 hr/day lights in 2-3 months.


p.s. I also said "Hi" to at least 5 neighbors and saw this cute Queen Anne style house I hadn't seen before :)

Thanks for the pics Radogast! That Queen Anne style house is awesome. :thumb:

While I'm here, I am in search of........a Poem.

"Benk u Bôde," by the Turkish poet Mohammed Ebn Soleiman Foruli from Bagdad (Gelpke 1966)

Mohammed supposedly wrote this and dealt "allegorically with a dialectical battle between wine and hashish."

I can find references to the poem all over the place, with the exact quote...but have yet to find the actual poem translated to English or in it's original language.

I am assuming that "Gelpke" did a translation at some point?

Is this poem a myth, made up in someones' historical writings that has been quoted time and time again?

If anyone can point me to a book, or the poem itself, I would be so grateful!
Thanks for the pics Radogast! That Queen Anne style house is awesome. :thumb:

While I'm here, I am in search of........a Poem.

"Benk u Bôde," by the Turkish poet Mohammed Ebn Soleiman Foruli from Bagdad (Gelpke 1966)

Mohammed supposedly wrote this and dealt "allegorically with a dialectical battle between wine and hashish."

I can find references to the poem all over the place, with the exact quote...but have yet to find the actual poem translated to English or in it's original language.

I am assuming that "Gelpke" did a translation at some point?

Is this poem a myth, made up in someones' historical writings that has been quoted time and time again?

If anyone can point me to a book, or the poem itself, I would be so grateful!

I found an entry from 2011 stating that maybe this 'epic poem' doesn't exist. There is a certain samenes to the timeline citations which make me suspicious that the internet is quoting itself. In 15 minutes of searching, I found 0 references to a primary source.

The entire wikipedia on Gelpke is
Dr. Rudolf Gelpke (1928–1972) was a Swiss born Islamic scholar.

He studied at the University of Basel where he received his doctorate in Islamic Studies in 1957. Later Gelpke would move to Iran, where he taught at the University of Tehran and then later at the University of Bern in Switzerland. Moreover he served as an associate professor at UCLA for a year between September 1962 and May 1963. In the eight years he lived in Tehran, he also worked as a freelance writer, who not only translated many famous historical works but also published many of his own works. In his most famous paper, “On Travels in the Universe of the Soul”, he reports on self experimentation using lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin conducted with his friends Dr. Albert Hofmann, pharmacologist Professor Heribert Konzett, and writer Ernst Jünger. He would later publish a book in 1966 that was in greater reference to these self experiments called, “Vom Rausch im Orient und Okzident” (On Inebriation in the East and the West). Later Dr. Gelpke would return to Switzerland, where he suffered from a stroke, dying at age of 43.

UCLA archives of Rodulf Gelpke do not include the word Foruli
I found an entry from 2011 stating that maybe this 'epic poem' doesn't exist. There is a certain samenes to the timeline citations which make me suspicious that the internet is quoting itself. In 15 minutes of searching, I found 0 references to a primary source.

The entire wikipedia on Gelpke is

UCLA archives of Rodulf Gelpke do not include the word Foruli

Thanks so much for taking the time to search this out Rado. I came up with pretty much the same results as you, that quote in reference to the poem was exact, pretty much everywhere I went.

I might seek out Gelpke's 1966 published book, just to see if that poem is contained in there or a simple reference to it. Then I will give up. I really wanted to read that elusive poem, but it may well be that it's just not out there.

Thanks so much for taking the time to search this out Rado. I came up with pretty much the same results as you, that quote in reference to the poem was exact, pretty much everywhere I went.

I might seek out Gelpke's 1966 published book, just to see if that poem is contained in there or a simple reference to it. Then I will give up. I really wanted to read that elusive poem, but it may well be that it's just not out there.


It would be easier to rsearch if one of us read turkish script. I suspect it is out there, but not neccesarily in English.
We got down to 55f the other day. Some of our local flora didn't appreciate the change.
In the neutral ground (median) along Esplanade....


They look so sad. Poor plants.

I had frost on my truck windows when I got out of work last night just before midnight. UGH!

I hope I can get some pics during my days off this week, I do have a lot of color here on the property.


Edit: And you are probably correct on the poem being hard to locate because of the Turkish writing, and one from history at that. I found a couple of things that might have gotten me a closer step to it...but google translator would not translate the entries. Ah well.
I was quite a heavy drinker in my younger days, and I have quit any kind of alcohol for a good 15+ years. An occasional beer now and then or a glass of good wine, which I rarely finish because my stomach just doesn't handle it well anymore.

Today I was in the pantry getting some hanging buds out to bag up, and I happened to look at my canned tomatoes and juice. Bloody Mary mix came to mind for some odd reason. Sooooo...I'm off work today, been chopping and trimming all day in addition to potting up seedlings....I decided to try a Bloody Mary for a relax.

This is, by far, the best tasting I have ever had. There is nothing that compares to home grown tomatoes made into juice, sauce or otherwise. Absolutely awesome. I might just finish this one. :laugh:
Here's a few random shots from outside today.

Getting hard to see the first half of the driveway through the leaves:






One little bunch of tea roses hanging on:


And you would not believe the number of tomatoes I still have ripening, the plants are drooping and almost dead:


I took one of the smallest seed pods from the Wisteria, I wanted to see what that seed looked like inside now.
Radogast, didn't you say they would turn brown and start to rattle in the pod? I'm wondering how long before they completely mature? Maybe they drop in the spring?


:Namaste: I have just one question for you, teacher.:adore: What is it like, to be soo aware of all the directions your mind goes in, and be able to coordinate it all? Show us the way, Master. :Namaste:

Dang it, I tried for page 200 but I guess someone else gets the honor. Very nice season photo's also. I sent Karma to you and your Mom and Dad. Take care. Dan :smokin:
I took one of the smallest seed pods from the Wisteria, I wanted to see what that seed looked like inside now.
Radogast, didn't you say they would turn brown and start to rattle in the pod? I'm wondering how long before they completely mature? Maybe they drop in the spring?



We picked up wisteria seed pod on a 45-ish degree day which felt kind of warm and peolpe were out - so I'm guessing February or March. I've had too many head injuries to have a reliable memory.

This morning was also 45-ish, but a butterfly found some sunny grass to warm up on

:Namaste: I have just one question for you, teacher.:adore: What is it like, to be soo aware of all the directions your mind goes in, and be able to coordinate it all? Show us the way, Master. :Namaste:


If I could write it down and have it make sense....I think I would be rich. :laugh:

I harvested some more tomatoes yesterday, sliced one up for a toasted sandywich. The frost we had took a toll on them, it was a bit mushy and bland. So the remaining 'mators on the vines will head for the compost pile.
I never expected to get as many 'mators as I did with such few plants. I'll know more what to expect next year now for sure. :)
Nothing like a fresh tomato Bloody Mary.....I'm still getting tomatoes off my dying vines and now that it's raining , they sped up again cos I stopped watering 6 weeks ago.

Saw your hanging harvest.....looks lush :thumb:

HI ya Bapple. We've missed you. :) Is your work schedule slowing down now?
Do you get frost where you are located? I think that's what made my 'mators not so good, as far as what's left on the vines. I have a few ripening up in the windowsill, hopefully they don't have the same mushiness inside when they are ready.
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