The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Thanks Shawnee. I am truly enjoying my early dinner effects. :laugh:

The tomatoes that are frozen should be used in or as a sauce or something like that, as they are mushy when thawed. Maybe a nice soup or stew too, just add them to it.

I've never frozen them like that, but my Mom does and she only uses them for soups and such.

Hmm...bloody mary comes to mind now. LOL


Oh the parsley....I did not have a single green herb (besides cannabis) in my kitchen today. I wanted nice leafy green to scatter. I took a walk out in the rain to last year's herb garden area. There I found one single flat leaf parsley plant growing. I did not know they would come back. Nature must have heard me. LOL
I'm sure she was madly harvesting, like yourself, but don't think she cans....she freezes most of hers....she's had a tremendous garden for the 15 years I've known her....I worked with her for 7 and she has always been generous with her bounty....she'd bring a whole spread in for our lunches....

Love the parsley story....I love it when stuff like that happens....I had some petunias come up after the winter last spring and was floored...
I... I... ummm...
Damn... I think I gotta unsub the thread... I don't think I can take it.
It just looks so good and so fresh!
I mean... I got sketti planned for dinner and I just don't think that's gonna do. Perhaps I can make it palatable with some good garlic bread.

I know, there anything Canna can't do????? Nope, didn't think so....
Enjoy your tomato sammy tonight, Canna :laughtwo:
Thanks Shawnee. I am truly enjoying my early dinner effects. :laugh:

The tomatoes that are frozen should be used in or as a sauce or something like that, as they are mushy when thawed. Maybe a nice soup or stew too, just add them to it.

I've never frozen them like that, but my Mom does and she only uses them for soups and such.

Hmm...bloody mary comes to mind now. LOL


Oh the parsley....I did not have a single green herb (besides cannabis) in my kitchen today. I wanted nice leafy green to scatter. I took a walk out in the rain to last year's herb garden area. There I found one single flat leaf parsley plant growing. I did not know they would come back. Nature must have heard me. LOL

I'm sure she was madly harvesting, like yourself, but don't think she cans....she freezes most of hers....she's had a tremendous garden for the 15 years I've known her....I worked with her for 7 and she has always been generous with her bounty....she'd bring a whole spread in for our lunches....

Love the parsley story....I love it when stuff like that happens....I had some petunias come up after the winter last spring and was floored...

Freezing changes the texture and is only good for sauces and paste, which means if you have the space you can collect the sauce Tom's all season then do one cooking/canning session. Large globes you'll want to par/peel, slice/dice and can within a couple days. Stew tomatoes are not frozen, they deteriorate too much while cooking.

Radogast, yeah.....I was pretty busy yesterday. Right up until after dinner. (small potency report on my grow thread) And I have leftovers............:laugh:

After the last post here, I took a nice trip away. :rofl:

: You are too kind. There are millions of things I cannot do!!
I would love to see you give the marinara sauce a go. Do you know what kind of tomatoes you were gifted?

Tead: I love it! Can't wait to see what you come up with. :thumb:
I did one of my favorite things this morning. I took a walk in the woods. It is so earthy smelling and wonderful after a good summer rain.

First thing to greet me before I left, Morning glory:


I love it! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

I stay mostly with easy stuff and don't do anything hard or fancy often, but I'm happy you appreciate the gauntlet and I'll dig something up soon enough.
In NOLA, we have tons of seafood options of course, but I've just never been a huge seafood fan. I have my favorites, but pass on it usually. So... probably not a seafood plate.
We'll have to see... but it'll have to be impressive to come near the freshness displayed in your photos.

hmmm.... I can smoke me some ribs on occasion. Crawfish season nears. hmmmmmm

Hmmm.....Is she asking us to remember one of the funniest episodes of Seinfeld?

Notice the purple shadows. What do they look like?

Noo.....I was fussing with some settings on the TV and testing them. All of a sudden this purple shadow came up the screen and just stopped there.
At first I thought something was wrong with the TV, but then the shape of it gave me a clue. And one of the lines moved...
There is apparently a spider on my color wheel or the magnifier inside the TV. He has been there for over a half hour now and appears to be quite content. :rofl:

I'll never get away from those critters. Ever.
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