The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Okay, this spider inside the big screen TV was kinda funny at first......but it is no longer. This thing has gotten beyond big and I cringe every time it goes down that screen and the shadow makes it look like two of them. {{Shudder shudder shudder}}

Short of tearing the back off that TV and trying to scare it out, which I have no intention of doing, I don't know how to drive that thing out of there. Anybody have any ideas?? I was thinking a small tray of water near the side vents, spiders have to drink water too...but what can I put in the water to "get rid of it"?


EDIT: Would you believe.....?....I typed this into google and it is not an uncommon problem. :laugh:
Some of the comments were hilarious.

Here's what I did first, I made a mix of sticky trap liquid that I had used last year for gnats. It worked out well:

1/4 Cup honey or corn syrup
1/4 Cup Sugar
2 Tablespoons water

Heat the mixture in a saucepan gently until the sugar is dissolved.

I have that in plastic coffee container lids with a cap full of water in the center. I placed one on each end of the tv near the vents. Spidey has to go through the "sticky" to get to the water. Got a feeling it's too big to be trapped in the sticky, but it's worth a shot.
Okay, this spider inside the big screen TV was kinda funny at first......but it is no longer. This thing has gotten beyond big and I cringe every time it goes down that screen and the shadow makes it look like two of them. {{Shudder shudder shudder}}

Short of tearing the back off that TV and trying to scare it out, which I have no intention of doing, I don't know how to drive that thing out of there. Anybody have any ideas?? I was thinking a small tray of water near the side vents, spiders have to drink water too...but what can I put in the water to "get rid of it"?


EDIT: Would you believe.....?....I typed this into google and it is not an uncommon problem. :laugh:
Some of the comments were hilarious.

Here's what I did first, I made a mix of sticky trap liquid that I had used last year for gnats. It worked out well:

1/4 Cup honey or corn syrup
1/4 Cup Sugar
2 Tablespoons water

Heat the mixture in a saucepan gently until the sugar is dissolved.

I have that in plastic coffee container lids with a cap full of water in the center. I placed one on each end of the tv near the vents. Spidey has to go through the "sticky" to get to the water. Got a feeling it's too big to be trapped in the sticky, but it's worth a shot.
U have take pics... and I can't wait to see if it works

So much to many journals to follow
Okay, this spider inside the big screen TV was kinda funny at first......but it is no longer. This thing has gotten beyond big and I cringe every time it goes down that screen and the shadow makes it look like two of them. {{Shudder shudder shudder}}

Short of tearing the back off that TV and trying to scare it out, which I have no intention of doing, I don't know how to drive that thing out of there. Anybody have any ideas?? I was thinking a small tray of water near the side vents, spiders have to drink water too...but what can I put in the water to "get rid of it"?


EDIT: Would you believe.....?....I typed this into google and it is not an uncommon problem. :laugh:
Some of the comments were hilarious.

Here's what I did first, I made a mix of sticky trap liquid that I had used last year for gnats. It worked out well:

1/4 Cup honey or corn syrup
1/4 Cup Sugar
2 Tablespoons water

Heat the mixture in a saucepan gently until the sugar is dissolved.

I have that in plastic coffee container lids with a cap full of water in the center. I placed one on each end of the tv near the vents. Spidey has to go through the "sticky" to get to the water. Got a feeling it's too big to be trapped in the sticky, but it's worth a shot.

I would take some cotton balls with peppermint EO or better yet cedar EO and tape them to the vent on one side to drive it out.
An after the rain shot I couldn't resist:

Soooo....sitting in the living room watching the weather channel with my cuppa, I saw the Katydid on the hummingbird perch outside the window. I decided to go outside for a quick pic. I turn to go back in and see a clump of mushrooms in the lawn, have to have a pic. Then another clump, must take a pic....



Then I see some on the woodpile....headed over there. While I'm there, I need to go check the compost pile. I peer into the woods and I see this:


Oooohhh....let's back that pic up a bit and see if you see what I see?


Jackpot!! Those scattered white areas are Corals! And in the mess of shrooms in the center of the pic are "Stumpers". Absolute delicacies.
So, I ran back into the house....running I suppose so the Turkeys don't grab my potential harvest before I do..:laugh: grabbed the closest basket I could find and went to hunting mushrooms.

I filled the basket halfway, and thought I had found them all...but a few feet farther and another Jackpot! I just followed the trail:



Back to the beginning and here's what I wound up with:



I harvested over 4 lbs. of corals and just enough stumpers for one meal. The stumpers will continue for a while now, so if I get out there before going to work in the mornings, I should have enough to freeze for winter treats.

I washed and picked through them, got out all of the dirt (a quick soak in salted water removes bugs too) and they are drying on a towel. I will be frying some up in butter and garlic tonight, the rest will go in the freezer.
Some people pickle them, others put them in soups or salads. I like 'em fried.




All because of Lucky Katy. :)
An update on the TV vs. Spider problem. I put a shot glass containing a cotton ball that was soaked in the menthol crystals inside the unit via the door to get to the bulb. There is a fan there, my hope was it would draw that smell into the tv. It was a pretty strong smell.

It must have worked, I have not seen hide nor abdomen of Mr. Spidey since I posted last about it. A week? I guess I can put the Arachnophobia movie away, that was the next attempt at spooking it out of there. Really BIG spiders. :laugh:

So, it's apparently not inside the TV anymore. My question now....."Where did it go?" {{shudder}}
Heart cool!
Sooooo, a little story to start your week.

I have this old truck that I was forced to play mechanic on to get road worthy. Problem with the old truck, it had been parked for over two years. The meeces had a field day in there and apparently had called it home for a long while. The clean up was days in the process.

So, despite that....I still see evidence that they have made their way in there and I have set a trap or two in the back that found a couple.

Yesterday morning I got in it to drive to work and noticed a large acorn on the drivers seat, wasn't there the night before when I came home. Hmmm....little brats are back.

Happily driving along, Phil Collins song comes on the radio, "I don't care anymore". I crank it up.
All of a sudden something comes running across the passenger side floor, up on the seat and jumps onto the dash and stops right in front of the steering wheel. Yepper....a mouse.

What to do? Just as I start to pull over it jumps off the dash, down the steering column and stops on my left knee. You could see it's little heart beating, it was so scared.
Now, I'm not going to get into an accident over a freaking mouse, so I kept that knee perfectly still and pulled into a convenient store lot. It stayed there....until I turned the truck off. Then ran up...over my shoulder and jumped to the back.
I could not find it. :laugh:

I have to leave for work again shortly.....I think I'll leave the music on a low loud this time until I figure out how to drive it...or them...out again.

Never a dull moment.....

Soooo....sitting in the living room watching the weather channel with my cuppa, I saw the Katydid on the hummingbird perch outside the window. I decided to go outside for a quick pic. I turn to go back in and see a clump of mushrooms in the lawn, have to have a pic. Then another clump, must take a pic....



Then I see some on the woodpile....headed over there. While I'm there, I need to go check the compost pile. I peer into the woods and I see this:


Oooohhh....let's back that pic up a bit and see if you see what I see?


Jackpot!! Those scattered white areas are Corals! And in the mess of shrooms in the center of the pic are "Stumpers". Absolute delicacies.
So, I ran back into the house....running I suppose so the Turkeys don't grab my potential harvest before I do..:laugh: grabbed the closest basket I could find and went to hunting mushrooms.

I filled the basket halfway, and thought I had found them all...but a few feet farther and another Jackpot! I just followed the trail:



Back to the beginning and here's what I wound up with:



I harvested over 4 lbs. of corals and just enough stumpers for one meal. The stumpers will continue for a while now, so if I get out there before going to work in the mornings, I should have enough to freeze for winter treats.

I washed and picked through them, got out all of the dirt (a quick soak in salted water removes bugs too) and they are drying on a towel. I will be frying some up in butter and garlic tonight, the rest will go in the freezer.
Some people pickle them, others put them in soups or salads. I like 'em fried.




All because of Lucky Katy. :)

Beautiful Canna!!! Mushrooms are exploding here also :) I'm still digging pics out of my phone from summer lol. I'll dump these here and start on Fall.

Lake Cushman. Not very long ago now that I think of it. Sheesh what a change in weather. :icon_roll








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