The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I think I caught bumble sleeping on the job this morning:


I love when these little flowers start. They look to me like a bunch of little people peeking out:

Do they eat plants I've had them on my girls this summer.

Heirloom said they destroy fruit trees by laying eggs inside the branches they cut open.

Here's what I found on how they eat otherwise:

Cicadas are able to derive nutrition from the xylem thanks to bacterial endosymbionts that live in the cicada's gut. Cicada are known for drinking xylem from tree roots (as nymphs) and branches & twigs (as adults), however, when they are small they must rely on grasses, and possibly other small plants for nourishment.Jun 28, 2015

I found the one I had on some grape leaves. If I find them on the MJ plants....they'll be in Cicada heaven.

When it comes to the critters here, I can usually say I've won a few battles. But this time I can say "I've won the war!"

I am so happy with my tomato garden harvest. The first ever for me here. I have had the trap set in the garden for over a week now and not a single chipmunk has entered, no chewing on the fruits and no tunnels into the area. YEY!

So, I've been harvesting them just before they are completely ripened and my mom told me to put them in a paper bag instead of the windowsill. I tried both methods, and it was six of one half a dozen of the other for timing on ripening.

Here's what I have to make stewed tomatoes and sauce tomorrow so far:


Two of those really big beefeaters are going on the grill tonight with parmesan cheese and bacon bits on top. Can't wait!
I've been eating toasted tomato sandwiches every night before going to bed. :laugh:
Homemade canned stewed mators' in Da House! Still waiting on one lid to pop, don't think it's gonna...but I'll let it cool before I put in the fridge and use right away. It's the one with odd cap. I really didn't think that one would seal with the original lid, but I was out of lids/rings to fit it.


I didn't remove the seeds, I like tomato seeds. But I did skin them.

I have a bunch of marinara sauce cooking down now.

So happy.


Edit: **POP** it sealed. :)
When it comes to the critters here, I can usually say I've won a few battles. But this time I can say "I've won the war!"

I am so happy with my tomato garden harvest. The first ever for me here. I have had the trap set in the garden for over a week now and not a single chipmunk has entered, no chewing on the fruits and no tunnels into the area. YEY!

So, I've been harvesting them just before they are completely ripened and my mom told me to put them in a paper bag instead of the windowsill. I tried both methods, and it was six of one half a dozen of the other for timing on ripening.

Here's what I have to make stewed tomatoes and sauce tomorrow so far:


Two of those really big beefeaters are going on the grill tonight with parmesan cheese and bacon bits on top. Can't wait!
I've been eating toasted tomato sandwiches every night before going to bed. :laugh:

My girlfriend came over the other nite for dinner and brought me a box of veggies from her harvest. In seeing these tomato pictures, my mouth started watering...I was saving the last tomato to have a tuna and tomato sandwich today for lunch. Instead, I had me a Canna Sammy with just tomato and my gawd was it terrific. It was so flavorful and so juicy, it was running down my hand. I had to go back for more so I made another 1/2 and finished off the whole tomato...never been more satisfied in my life. Thanks, Canna!
My girlfriend came over the other nite for dinner and brought me a box of veggies from her harvest. In seeing these tomato pictures, my mouth started watering...I was saving the last tomato to have a tuna and tomato sandwich today for lunch. Instead, I had me a Canna Sammy with just tomato and my gawd was it terrific. It was so flavorful and so juicy, it was running down my hand. I had to go back for more so I made another 1/2 and finished off the whole tomato...never been more satisfied in my life. Thanks, Canna!

Yepper, I've put tomato stains in a few T-shirts the last couple weeks. :laugh:

So glad you got to enjoy a fresh mator or two. Toasted? With mayo?

I'm trying to decide what to do with the balance of the harvest to come. There are quite a few big ones out there. The marinara sauce came out nice, I may just make some more of that.
Tead...Don't smack me! :laugh:

Shawnee, you HAVE To try this!

My homemade Marinara was absolutely the best tasting sauce I've ever had. This version has a small amount of Balsamic Vinegar (the good stuff), I think it was a tsp. Don't overdo that stuff. I add a little bit of sugar to cut down acidity to my pasta sauces too. The balsamic vinegar gave it a very nice taste difference from plain marinara sauce.

But, there's more......after I cooked down my sauce to the thickness I wanted, I turned it to low and added a couple shakes of decarbed weed. Let it cook on low for about ten minutes to blend in. Cooked up some bow tie pasta while it was simmering on low.

Then I put some garlic bread in the oven, toasted both sides, added decarbed weed to the top of it..then a slice of deseeded tomato and some fresh grated parmesan and put it under the broiler a bit.

Then a drizzle of Canna infused Olive oil on everything.

It was fantastic!




Why on a seasons thread? Cuz, I wouldn't have done this without those fresh seasonal tomatoes!

(now I get to enjoy the shaker "stuff". :laugh:)
Yepper, I've put tomato stains in a few T-shirts the last couple weeks. :laugh:

So glad you got to enjoy a fresh mator or two. Toasted? With mayo?

I'm trying to decide what to do with the balance of the harvest to come. There are quite a few big ones out there. The marinara sauce came out nice, I may just make some more of that.

Yes, toasted with mayo....doesn't get better than that. She gave me 2 large zip lock bags of what appears to be skinless whole tomatoes that were already frozen and went in my freezer. I emailed her to ask what I am to do next when they thaw out. I have no canning experience but I do have a blender....not sure how to proceed. Don't want to waste any morsel of those glorious and tasty gifts.
Tead...Don't smack me! :laugh:

Shawnee, you HAVE To try this!

My homemade Marinara was absolutely the best tasting sauce I've ever had. This version has a small amount of Balsamic Vinegar (the good stuff), I think it was a tsp. Don't overdo that stuff. I add a little bit of sugar to cut down acidity to my pasta sauces too. The balsamic vinegar gave it a very nice taste difference from plain marinara sauce.

But, there's more......after I cooked down my sauce to the thickness I wanted, I turned it to low and added a couple shakes of decarbed weed. Let it cook on low for about ten minutes to blend in. Cooked up some bow tie pasta while it was simmering on low.

Then I put some garlic bread in the oven, toasted both sides, added decarbed weed to the top of it..then a slice of deseeded tomato and some fresh grated parmesan and put it under the broiler a bit.

Then a drizzle of Canna infused Olive oil on everything.

It was fantastic!




Why on a seasons thread? Cuz, I wouldn't have done this without those fresh seasonal tomatoes!

(now I get to enjoy the shaker "stuff". :laugh:)

I am swooning over of my all time favorite meals, for sure. Gawd, Canna, you really do it up. Next time, give me a head's up so I can drive over!

Canna, when I thaw those whole tomatoes, can I just cook them down for sauce? That would be tremendous. I'm watching and taking notes.....:nomo:

Check out the parsley on the toast and'd make a great food photographer....hell, you can take great pics of anything!
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