The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I've got a couple of things to post today, but first....the source of some major laughter the last few days is "Percy". I named it Percy because saying it is short for "persistent". This IS the most persistent little chippy around.
He broke the tree limb I had stuck in the ground there for the hummingbirds' to rest on, trying to jump from there to the feeder. He still can't climb the pole, too slippery. He still tries several times a day.

So, I replaced the tree limb with another sturdier one. He still can't jump from there to the bird house, so he saw the window screen. Hmmmm...that might work.


Nope, too far away for a good jump. Damn!

It is sooo cute to watch.
:passitleft: High Canna... Well I will get high for you since you can't right now but if you don't mind I am going to post a link here and if everyone would please hit the link and "like" and "thank" the post it will help me win the new Twilight light and I really really really want it.... I am a few days late getting started cause of unforeseeable hospital stays so if everybody would please do this I might be able to catch up and I really need to win it cause I have no money to buy it...:yikes: Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual ... and :thanks: to Canna for putting it in my signature for me... Love ya Mean it.....:circle-of-love:
Cheap entertainment!

You got that right! I actually had a video of the venture when he broke the branch and fell, but it got erased from the card during transfer somehow! Great timing. LOL

Okay, on to the weekend project. The outbuilding/Shed that I am planning for a gardening/grow spot, possibly. I am transferring this from the grow journal cuz the pics are off topic and I don't want a mod spank this week. ;-)

For those not following the journal, I have a little issue with bees. I had thought originally there was a bald faced hornets nest in there, as there has been once in the past. These:


I looked early this morning at daybreak and could just make out the nest where I knew it would be. So I took the opportunity to clean out the shed using a rake, and then finding in the top of it a long tree limb cutter. This was used to pull the rest of the junk out.


It's also going to come in handy for a fallen large limb that is resting on a power line above the shed. YEY, no ladder needed. :) You can see it hanging down above and to the left of the building.

So, all cleaned out and finally got a good daylight pic of the nest. It's small, just begun. And it's not a bald faced hornet nest, it's a yellow jacket nest.


Now this confused me because the hornets had been going in and out of that building. So I got online and found out that Bald faced hornets are not true hornets. They are in the yellow jacket family. I guess they are just visiting relatives when they creep in there. LOL

Now, I have to figure out where the nest is for the bald faced ones. Grrrrr.....

I've got major work to do inside the shed when that nest is out. Damage to the roof eaves from snow/ice. It is shingled roofing, and the damage is at the eaves and particle board. Shouldn't be too difficult to seal that back up and fix it. I think I have some cans of paint in the basement, I might splash a coat of that around in there.
The bluegills are "sitting" on their prepared beds. This is where they will lay their eggs and protect them. She looks mean, she is. Any other fish that comes near she will chase off with a vengeance to keep them from eating her eggs.


Well, work had to stop for awhile. Thunderboomers moving in. So, I'm going to rest up in the house for awhile.

We haven't done a game of "whatizzit?" in a long here we go. Some items from the shed. I know what they are, but let's see who else does:

Hint: It is not a transformer robot


Hint: They are not old time bugles


Hint: Not old time nunchucks

I wonder if it is a hay fork used will a hay trolley to get bales into the barn loft.

I know exactly what you are talking about, I'm sure these could be used on a chain lift with each end under the twine to lift it. But everything I have found thus far has actual big hooks. I think we're getting close though! This did come from a farm.

We used to bale/stack/store hay in rafters and barn attics/lofts. Wish we would have had that trolley system on our farm! Oh, that was hard work!
:passitleft: High Canna... Well I will get high for you since you can't right now but if you don't mind I am going to post a link here and if everyone would please hit the link and "like" and "thank" the post it will help me win the new Twilight light and I really really really want it.... I am a few days late getting started cause of unforeseeable hospital stays so if everybody would please do this I might be able to catch up and I really need to win it cause I have no money to buy it...:yikes: Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual ... and :thanks: to Canna for putting it in my signature for me... Love ya Mean it.....:circle-of-love:
Hey Dennise I will jump over and get you a few likes later today when I get home from work, best of luck to you :love:
This was inspired by member OlderGrower.

I love watching these beautiful, curious and friendly little birds:


When I miss a photo opportunity of the Ruby Throat a song always runs through my mind. An oldie by Seals an Crofts. Enjoy. :)

Reminds me of a little Hummingbird I know :thumb:
You are truly blessed to have so much beautiful nature right in your very back yard. Grrr where does the time go, time to go back to work, I need more time to smell the roses and enjoy the beauty the world has to offer,
Have a great day CannaFan and say hi to Percy for me, we have a lot in common him and me ;)
Thanks OG.....

and just letting you know...doesn't matter how nice you are, I am NOT going into no bikini contest!!! :rofl:

Don't work too hard, it IS Saturday ya know!

I'm heading back out to see what throws itself in front of my camera while I tidy the yard up.

And I've been checking the Robin eggs everyone, this morning they were still intact. They sure are taking their sweet time coming out of the shells. Sheesh!

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