The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

That first den looks a lot like Coyote. That hill might be Big foot! Call the reality shows :rofl:

Thanks for taking a break. The journey is lovely.


Thanks Radogast. :)

I just realized I forgot some of the Wisteria!....
....which made a lovely backdrop for this dandelion:


The S. hook is working out well for the front part of them:


And here's the mature flowers:

It was a pretty good day, other than a nettle plant attack. Got the leaves up, yanked a lot of weeds (hence the nettle attack) the lawn mowed and the mower cleaned up. I drove the mower around the house to put it near the garage and a baby rabbit came running out and ahead of me. I got off the mower and tried to get around it to go the other direction...because it was headed straight for the open garage door. I failed. Into the garage the little chit went.
I looked and looked....too many places to hide.

So a while later I ran to the gas station for mower gas and left the garage door open hoping it would find it's way out.
When I returned, I pulled close to the house and I could see it sitting at the garage door, still inside. I stopped the van and just sat there, the little brat ran right back into the garage!

I cannot find it. So, I guess I'm going to have to leave the garage door partially up all night in hopes he will find his way out to mama or that mama comes looking for it. I'll set a bowl of water out too. SHEESH!!
I got up with the birds, had my coffee and decided to go out and prepare a spot for a veggie garden.

While I was cleaning up leaves and old firewood, I ran into this dude. This is a Northern Brown Snake, non-poisonous, and they do not bite. Their diet is earthworms, slugs, and other small slimy bugs. Who would have guessed, with that worm next to his head. LOL




I moved him to the worm bin planter so he could have lots of feeding without being disturbed.
So at one with your environment, Canna :thumb:

As a townie playing at country bumpkin, running into snakes ( which happens from time to time here) and most certainly coming upon those dens would have me running away, screaming loudly :rofl::rofl: natures great, but I need at least a 2 mile buffer zone from too much nature :rofl::ganjamon:

I love your photos though - those bird eggs were beautiful to see, although American Robins must be massive like most things American, the size of those hatchlings compared to the robins I've had in my garden here and in the UK.

LOL, Bapple. I can see your point for sure. Thank goodness I was born and raised a country girl in the midst of rattle snake haven and lots of other creatures. We followed, watched and learned so much from critters and how they survive...and play. ;-)

I took on the major task of this veggie garden area today. I had to stop, it's almost finished. I just need to secure the mesh screen around it a bit better to keep the wascawy rabbits and chipmunks out. Besides the blisters on my hands and one damn hornet who was apparently NOT happy with me in his area. Straight for the face every time he came around. LOL

So here is the before, a much unattended to back area for a few years. It's 21' x 4'


Here's the almost done:


This is where the surprise spaghetti squash plant came up last summer. Based on how big and lovely that grew there, this is the place for the veggies. 3 different types of squash, and I'm going to try to get some cucumbers in there.

The former screen house that I grew plants in last year is right next to this area, and I'm cleaning the weeds out of there to plant sweet corn. YUMMMMMMMM
What a lovely end to a hard day's work!

I was staring out the window and this Doe stepped out of the woods onto the lawn:


A few seconds later....a baby!



I'm going to guess by the way Momma was walking and how tiny the fawn is, wobbly legged still, that it was born today.

So cute. It tried to run when Momma headed down the driveway and stepped all over it's own feet. LOL

Sorry about the quality, low light and the zoom was on.
Was up at Mom's for the last several days. Huge numbers of Western Tanagers flitting through the tress on their way North. The males are like smoke and fire... They like oranges and fruity suet cakes. Males, immature males and females in that order.









The back roads over the high country to Mom's are open again. Today I came back this way through a recent burn.




Hooray! The veggies are planted. :) I have sweet corn, 3 different squash varieties, and cucumbers. That's all I had for seeds.

In addition to the long planter, I am utilizing the screen tent structure for some sweet corn. I used the doggy run cage sections to keep the wabbits out until the corn is tall enough.


(That yellow thing is one of my rainwater buckets ready to collect this week.

So, if tomorrow is nice....I have a major planter area to clean out. THIS is going to be some work. It is full of deep rooted thorny vines. Wish I still had my tiller. LOL This is about 10' x 10', the front has the grape vines and tea roses. I'm going to transplant those Lily's elsewhere. Can't even see where the dirt and sides are.


Hard days work, time to take a walk around and see what's going on.

I have a Rhododendron bush down by the pond, each year it gets a little sicker. I've transplanted this poor kid twice in the last twenty years, trying to get a decent area, and she just doesn't want to come to full blooming and thriving. This year she has a few buds starting:






The Hostas/worm bin is doing awesome. It really was a good thing to put that fence around them so the rabbits didn't get the start of them:


This Wisteria is in the back yard, it didn't have near as many blooms, but it's also a much smaller vine yet. The flowers are a lot lighter and softer color:


And of course, the day would not be complete without a couple of critters:


I'll have some pretties up in a bit, but this one belongs here. No pretty to be had. These are the worms responsible for chewing up my outdoor girls last year. I found two of these nests. They had to go. I "dismantled" them and threw them in the pond for fish food. Circle of life and all....


I saw a similar web of 'pillars in the backyard, so I treated them to a sweat lodge. The fire was larger than they prefer.


When I started this planter project this morning, I was starting to wonder whether it was my imagination that a planter bed had ever been there. I finally uncovered it. I can't decide if I'm half finished or half started. 4 hours later, it's going well.
I've got one benefit in there, it's where I used to dump potting soil before I started re-using it. So there is lots of perlite and other beneficial tid bits in there.

Here's the before:


And the after:


The Mallards are getting more used to me being out there. They didn't fly off this morning when they saw me, just went to the other side. Hopefully they will get more comfy for a decent pic. One year I was feeding them on the lawn with corn.

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