The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Some spring-y pics today.

I saved my Hostas from that wascawy wabbit this year. I put the screen fence around it and he wasn't able to get to them. I'll let them get just a bit bigger and remove the screen. The wabbit doesn't seem to bother them once they are grown, he only likes the shoots.
This is also my worm poo supply planter. They LOVE it in there:


These are growing wild near where I planted my outdoor MJ plants. I think these are my wild blueberries:


These are all over the driveway and around the house.


I drove to the north end of the property down to where I used to camp before the house was here. This is a culvert over the creek and is a great camping spot because you can see and hear the creek. The water is rushing pretty good right now due to all of the rain recently. It's so soooothing:




These grow wild anytime it gets swampy on the lower area, I call it my wetlands:



Ditto on the Blueberry flowers, little blue 5-petal flowers, water runnning high due to rains and those yellow flowers on the edge of the swampy area. I have skunk cabbage that overcompete with the yellow flowers, but it sounds like home.

I saw a shadow fly across the family room window today. My wife and daughter reported it was a Blue Heron landing in the frog pond I added. Success :)

I would have gotten up to look but I had just sat down after 4 hours disassembling and removing two recliner sofas, a beat up silk sofa and miscellaneous large throwaways into a pile outside on the driveway under a blue tarp. I just wanted to sit down. - Dang! I just remembered I have an old freezer to add to the pile. It is amazing what I can fail to notice because it has been sitting in the same spot in the basement for a year :rofl:

Thanks for the photos :)
Some spring-y pics today.

I saved my Hostas from that wascawy wabbit this year. I put the screen fence around it and he wasn't able to get to them. I'll let them get just a bit bigger and remove the screen. The wabbit doesn't seem to bother them once they are grown, he only likes the shoots.
This is also my worm poo supply planter. They LOVE it in there:


These are growing wild near where I planted my outdoor MJ plants. I think these are my wild blueberries:


These are all over the driveway and around the house.


I drove to the north end of the property down to where I used to camp before the house was here. This is a culvert over the creek and is a great camping spot because you can see and hear the creek. The water is rushing pretty good right now due to all of the rain recently. It's so soooothing:




These grow wild anytime it gets swampy on the lower area, I call it my wetlands:




what a beautiful place to call home, it is nice to see and hear that people stop and see the beauty that is right there in front of them.
I got the best Mothers' Day present EVAH!!!!

I was fussin' with the sprinkler system and happened to walk by an area that caught my eye and my knees just about buckled.

After 10+ long years of waiting my Wisteria are in BLOOM!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am to see this, and it could not have happened at a better time. I got to see them bloom. :yahoo:

They are early blooms, just coming out:





This one is in the backyard just starting smaller blooms. The other two areas I have them are greening up, but I don't see flowers.

I put a little tray of sweet water out on the feeder about a half hour ago to attract the Orioles. I happened to be standing at the window trying to get a shot of a large Flicka on the lawn when this guy flew right in. Ori Ori-ole......yo oh...Ori Ori-ole...



I've never seen an Oriole in person. I hear they migrate through the area we plan to move - this is exciting !
I've never seen an Oriole in person. I hear they migrate through the area we plan to move - this is exciting !

You are going to love them. The males are so bright that you can see them from very far away, and the females are fairly colorful too.
I've been trying to snatch a pick of Momma, but the Mr. keeps chasing her away from the feeder. They fight like an old married couple. :laugh:

They are in the process of the nest building which looks like a full sock hanging from a tree branch. They build one every year above my driveway. Hope to get a pic this year of one. Can't quite catch him stopped for the weaving process yet. LOL He's taking pieces from the old nest though.

Be sure to put out either orange halves stuck on a nail or in a sturdy bowl, or semi-sweet sugar water and color it orange. (I don't like to overdo the sugar in the water, but it should be sweet like nectar) They come to it like crazy. They love the oranges, but so do some other birds and the ants.

He was sitting on the bird house right next to the window singing just now while I was enjoying dinner. What a beautiful song they have!


I was so happy with this day I made myself a special dinner in honor of Mom's Day. Shrimp Scampi with Angel Hair pasta, cheese stuffed garlic bread stick, a small glass of Pinot Grigio, and a cup of mixed fruit for dessert:


Edit: Almost forgot, the Orioles love orange marmalade and grape jelly too. :)
"It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Underdog! NO, It's a Frog!!"

Checking on my outdoor girls down at the pond cove and the noise was incredible. Sounded like thousands of tree frogs all around me. Yeah, they were around me...but at the pond edges.

Do you see him?


Not one to let a photo opportunity get away, in I went through the briar and bramble and sat down on the wet ground and waited. They cooperated:


This one actually seemed to challenge me. Closer I put that camera the louder he got and turned right to me:




So the MJ girls are in good company. :)
Radogast, what a picture perfect nest of eggs! Those are such a rich color. Hopefully you can get a pic of the babies when they hatch too. :)

Tead, aren't those monarch worms the prettiest things? The only places I find them here are on milkweed. It's their favorite food and I have to travel a bit to find it. Used to have it here, but the stupid power company sprays the power line to control "weeds". Just got a notice yesterday of another "weed control" date. Grrrr....

Radishes are sooo good in salads. As kids we used to just dig them up, warsh them off, and eat them whole with a little salt.
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