The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

You're welcome Canna. :battingeyelashes: I used to buy the powder, but it was nearly impossible to mix, even with the potassium silicate added. When I ordered last time they sent me flakes. I think Jeremy may have changed suppliers because they probably got lots of complaints. I never worried about it myself because clumps or dissolved it was all going into the soil and from there on out it was managed by the biota.
Who do you order from, if you don't mind my asking?
I've found that cloning is something that takes quite a balance of light, moisture and most of all, patience. I finally got roots on my last 3 cuts in a DIY bucket. I use a rooting gel but I'm sure aloe is just as good.

It just takes time and attention. Be patient. It's a very vibrant plant but responds to love.


Sorry for the hijack Cannafan dear. I'm high and happy. :love:

Woot Woot! Root Root! Niiiiiiice. :)
You're welcome Canna. :battingeyelashes: I used to buy the powder, but it was nearly impossible to mix, even with the potassium silicate added. When I ordered last time they sent me flakes. I think Jeremy may have changed suppliers because they probably got lots of complaints. I never worried about it myself because clumps or dissolved it was all going into the soil and from there on out it was managed by the biota.

I imagine flakes are most convenient - My 15 month old Aloe Vera grown from seeds are nowhere near old enough to harvest a leaf :)


MJ isn't the only plant in my garden I'm continually wishing would finish sooner. Creole tomatoes test my patience equally.

To a Yankee, tomatoes before July are an abomination before god. Did you grow them with Marie Leveau water?

We've got blooms on our matters. Soon I'll have more tomatoes than I know what to do with. Luckily for me, I know how to can and have a pressure canner.

A confession of witchcraft - She's a witch!!

Keep guard on those mators boyze.....
I'm a pretty good mator bandit when I get the irresistible urge for them.... :laugh:

So when do you get to set tomatoes outside Cannafan? Mother's Day?
To a Yankee, tomatoes before July are an abomination before god. Did you grow them with Marie Leveau water?

Hell.... I'd walk around the corner and plant some on her actual grave if I thought they'd grow well on top of a mausoleum.
Just some creole toms grown in swamp mud. No voodoo needed.
I was actually pretty late getting them going this year. You really gotta get 'em going early before the heat settles in. Normally I'd be making salsa and sketti sauce already.
Ok... so some thanks were thanks are due...

Turns out Marie shares her neighborhood with quite a few notables.
Homer Plessy.... of Plessy v Furgusson fame. While "separate but equal" was just crazy and stupid, it is a slice of our history. Apparently Mr. Plessy was our mayor. I'm not shocked one bit that these ideas came from our fair city.... many around here are still trying to get a handle on such ideas today.
Another of Marie's neighbors was a Mr. Morphy. He holds some unique interest for me. He was the son of a locally famous lawyer. Kind of lost himself in chess and liquor.

Anyway... thanks for providing the educational opportunity!
Hell.... I'd walk around the corner and plant some on her actual grave if I thought they'd grow well on top of a mausoleum.
Just some creole toms grown in swamp mud. No voodoo needed.
I was actually pretty late getting them going this year. You really gotta get 'em going early before the heat settles in. Normally I'd be making salsa and sketti sauce already.

Just funning around :)

When I lived in Arizona they suggested September as a good time to plant as the temperatures would drop below 90 degrees in late fall and temps woud finally be cool enough for the fruits to set. If you were lucky you could plant again in Late January and get another harvest before the summer heat.

Nowadays things have changed, I hear Texas has bred full size tomatos that can set over 90 degrees.
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