The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I miss mother nature. I can appreciate the spots of her I find in an urban environment, but the current woods and hinter lands are foreign and mostly unknown to me... they tend to be a touch too unfriendly.

I used to commute a good bit for work. I worked swing shift so was returning home in the dark. I used to really enjoy the tunnel effect when driving thru a snowstorm when most sane folk were off the roads. It always seemed a touch surreal and strange... the headlights illuminating a world in the most interesting way.


You should take a little time here and there on this thread and see what these members have offered in the way of Mother Natures' wonders. You don't have to start from the beginning, just pick a page. If there's no pictures, pick another page.
It's my getaway from the winter blues here, which is what the intention was in the beginning.

Driving through a winter storm at night is mesmerizing for sure. As long as I don't have traffic beating down my rear....I do enjoy it for the most part.
As promised... the signs of spring have fully erupted in my neighborhood. A different sort of sign... we call it Ash Wednesday.


Sweeping away my first sign of spring. Didn't smell anywhere as nice as gardenias.
As promised... the signs of spring have fully erupted in my neighborhood. A different sort of sign... we call it Ash Wednesday.


Sweeping away my first sign of spring. Didn't smell anywhere as nice as gardenias.

Wow. That's not what you want to see in the morning. The part that confuses me about people,....look at the number of trash cans available that they could have thrown all of that garbage in. Sheesh....
Well, it doesn't look near as bad as the streets after Mardis Gras. I can see how it wouldn't have smelled as nice.
Oh man... those are the best words ever!!! That IS Bourbon St. shot just this morning.

Thanks for the chuckle!

ROFL, I thought that street looked somewhat familiar. Years ago I traveled with a friend on a tour of the south, we went through there just after Mardis gras had wound down and it was a huge mess! What you show there is nothing in comparison to what we saw. LOL I don't remember that being in February, but it was sooooo long ago. Sure seems like it was hotter than heck though.
We wound up stuck behind a garbage truck on the expressway and it stunk to high heaven. We were on a motorcycle. We couldn't wait to get out of there.

Edit: Now I understand why you call it "ash wednesday". :laugh:
We measure the success of Mardi Gras based on the tonnage of garbage collected. Fun stuff. The photo is after several runs have already been made.... starting at midnight.
This was a very chilly MG overall. Warm a week ago for some earlier parades, but quite chilly the last few. It's a floating holiday based on Easter. It can be way warm or way chilly. We sometimes have to cancel the parades due to inclement weather... but it's rare. Gusts were hitting 40mph yesterday, but the floats rolled none the less.
Yesterday was for the birds :)

Started out with the usual lineup of woodpeckers, sparrow, jays, and ..

Bluebirds, I wish my photo camera had brightness controls.



After breakfast there was a murder of crows yacking it up in the front yard with me. And a second murder of crows talking with my wife in the back yard. Odd enough. Around 9AM, I peeked out the bedroom windows and saw 40-50 crows bathing in a 20 yard stretch along the stream.

A gathering of the crow clan



About 15 minutes later, a Bald Eagle flew about 5 feet from the bedroom window. I've never seen a Bald Eagle on the island before.
I was guessing this was at least 4 passes of the cleanup....
I have been at Christmas 2 years ago and last August. I doubt I will ever go for Mardis Gras.
Do you know Weldon?

Probably 4 or maybe more. Christmas is a fun time to visit. Often a touch warm still. I spent it in shorts and sandals this year and many others.
Weldon ehhh? He, and many other characters like him pepper my day. I think I actually have seen that dude... face doesn't do anything for me, but that's a memorable cane.
Probably 4 or maybe more. Christmas is a fun time to visit. Often a touch warm still. I spent it in shorts and sandals this year and many others.
Weldon ehhh? He, and many other characters like him pepper my day. I think I actually have seen that dude... face doesn't do anything for me, but that's a memorable cane.

I got the name wrong, it's Welmon Sharlhorne - Somewhat of a modern day Grandma Moses if you believe the art dealers.

Some friends of mine are helping out at Priestess Miriam's spiritual temple on Rampart after the electrical fire last week. It was a tough week to find a flight and a room. If my wife sells a million books, I know she will be after me to move to New Orleans. I'd rather just visit :)
if you believe the art dealers
They do have some 'creative' ideas... Still can't figure out who popularized that Blue Dog crap... they should be shot. So sick of that damn Blue Dog.

While I can't say that I've ever crossed the threshold into Priestess M's temple, I pass it regularly and have often peeked at the window displays. Her hooch is kinda on my daily path.

NOLA might be best left in the visitation mode. It really is an incredible place to see and experience.
That being said, it's a very yin-yang kinda place. For every plus, there is a minus. This plays out in some very shady ways. Be sure to consider such things before you weigh anchor.
Perhaps some day we can exchange houses for a while. I'd love a touch of back to nature time. I really miss roaming the woods of The Great NW. You can drink your way thru the city (I can point the way!)... or stumble home from Jazzfest full of crawfish bread.
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