The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Beautiful. I'm glad you showed us this again. 'Sorry, that you were bored. Do you hear anything about returning to work?

Thanks Jim,

Not a word on the job front. Going stark raving crazy here. LOL
Our weather has turned very lovely, the deer have been all over my front yard digging and chewing what little grass feasts there are below the snow, in addition to chewing up the bottom of my burning bush.

Supposed to have major winds today or tomorrow, so I'm really going to try to get outside today.
Something is living in the barn based on the heavy traffic going in an out of it. Maybe I'll run into bigfoot sleeping while I'm out there.

Thanks Jim,

Not a word on the job front. Going stark raving crazy here. LOL
Our weather has turned very lovely, the deer have been all over my front yard digging and chewing what little grass feasts there are below the snow, in addition to chewing up the bottom of my burning bush.

Supposed to have major winds today or tomorrow, so I'm really going to try to get outside today.
Something is living in the barn based on the heavy traffic going in an out of it. Maybe I'll run into bigfoot sleeping while I'm out there.


So I know stark raving crazy...makes me laugh. I vacuumed the house today and I think I've done all the laundry. Just need to fold socks and underwear. Put that crap in a drawer and look for something else to do. Oh yeah, I need to finish raking the sweet gum balls....more laughter.


Anyway, I'll hold you (along with others) in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you Jim, I appreciate that. :circle-of-love:

Last night I kept hearing noise outside my bedroom window. I was too tired to get up and see what it was.

The deer were back, this time they went to town on that lawn beneath the snow! LOL


The corner of the house that you see is the back bedroom.

There was nothing else I could find outside to get any pictures of. It's just snow and trees. With the occasional deer tracks across the pond. Bigfoot was not in the barn, near as I can tell it looks like big cat tracks. Could be the bobcat....I dunno. I threw some leftover ham and meatloaf in there.
It's supposed to be 75 here by Wednesday... High yesterday was 40... No wonder everybody is sick... The wild flowers are up and the daffodils are up... Even the Japanese Maaple is budding up... Hurry up spring...:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:

It snowed lightly last night - tiny flakes, no accumulation.

This morning we saw a groundhog run across the yard, down into the lower meadow, across the log bridge and into the woods - a 40-50 yard run :)
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