The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Don't know where you are, but You probably can Canna....when I still lived in London, I had one in a big pot outside on my decking and it lived for 12 years did not always flower and when it did maximum two flowers. She was sheltered by the wall of the conservatory and the kitchen wall and in a south facing spot. When snow was forecast I wheeled the pot into the garage if I was in town.

They are surprisingly easy to grow and care for once you successfully get the rhizome to sprout (which can be challenging) one of my neighbours has a 5 ft specimen....
Don't know where you are, but You probably can Canna....when I still lived in London, I had one in a big pot outside on my decking and it lived for 12 years did not always flower and when it did maximum two flowers. She was sheltered by the wall of the conservatory and the kitchen wall and in a south facing spot. When snow was forecast I wheeled the pot into the garage if I was in town.

They are surprisingly easy to grow and care for once you successfully get the rhizome to sprout (which can be challenging) one of my neighbours has a 5 ft specimen....

Unfortunately I am in deep winter territory here. We get more days of snow and freezing than we do of sunshine, often times in the negative digits temperature wise. I'm sure I could start them outside during the spring and summer, but I would absolutely have to bring them inside during the winter. There's really no where to put them to allow the sunshine at all.
I might.....just might get some tropicals and put them under LED's with the cannabis next winter to see what they do. I want a lemon tree, for one and some tropical flowers too.

Unfortunately I am in deep winter territory here. We get more days of snow and freezing than we do of sunshine, often times in the negative digits temperature wise. I'm sure I could start them outside during the spring and summer, but I would absolutely have to bring them inside during the winter. There's really no where to put them to allow the sunshine at all.
I might.....just might get some tropicals and put them under LED's with the cannabis next winter to see what they do. I want a lemon tree, for one and some tropical flowers too.


Well not much we can do about our local weather conditions - just as well you have the option of indoor growing. :allgood:
Crocus, first flowers, came up yesterday


I did another swing through the yard and cleared the dead leaves skewered by tulip leaves.


Tulip leaves revealed. Note the 'waists' where dead leaves were choking the green growing leaves.


I ran across an interesting regrowth of a tulip flowering stalk.


Gosh, It looks like all you folks are having wonderful weather.

Love the Crocus Rado!

If you got flowers coming up already, it's any time now for me too. Woo hoo!

Do you know the color your tulips will be ahead of time, or do they just do their own thing?

I planted over 600 tulips 18 months ago - with a few exceptions, they were randomized by color, size and shape.

Among the 30-50 tuIips I expect to sprout this year, there will be no discernable color pattern.
Birds definitely prefer the lower lats. In San Diego I've removed Birds of Paradise that were 15ft tall, crazy. Lovely flowers. There is a Poppy variety that has similar flowers, maybe that would be something that could be grown in the northern areas.

I'll have to get some spring pics. My blueberries are just opening, thornless blackberries are starting to leaf out and the forsythias have their first flowers.
Everything is in full bloom around here... the temps are unbelievable warm... Broke records yesterday by over 10 degrrees...:yikes: The official was 86 and the normal is 57... The other end of the state is apparently under water so guess I'm not going to say anything but good stuff about where I'm at... I love it when the colors come back...:circle-of-love:
The other end of the state is apparently under water so guess I'm not going to say anything but good stuff about where I'm at...

Yep, the bad stuff missed me by thaaaat much. I've had 2 inches over about 36 hours. Was sitting on my porch late yesterday afternoon when the main front hit. High winds and sideways rain for about 10 minutes then it went calm and was just a steady rain. One lightning. That was all. Right now it's 60 with intermittent light drizzles.

EDIT: I helps that I'm on a decent hill. No flooding for me. It would take a comet hitting the gulf at the right angle to put me underwater.
So yesterday, in a tree outside the back door, there were 2 crows crowding a goshawk Crowding is my word for when crows sit on the same branch on both sides of the hawk and inch closer until the hawk gets nervous and flies away. The hawk ignored 2 crows but flew away for 4 crows, landing 1/2 block away. 4 crows yelled loudly until 7 more crows cowded it away.. Eventually 22 crows chased the goshawk out of town.

Today, 2 crows were cawing loudly in the same tree outside the back door when my wife and I stepped outside for a walk. She sprinkled a few peanuts but they they joined up with their murder of 7 and flew away. Within seconds there was a pair of hawks circling 150 ft about our roof and another pair circling about 1000 ft above them.

It appears our backyard is late winter disputed territory.
Well that may be my problem cause if yours are there mine damn sure should be... I had forgotten Barney ate the bird feeder...:straightface: Guess I oughta go get another one...:rollingeyes: He's a really big... really really big puppy.... but such a love bug it's kinda hard to get mad at him... I figured out if I just get him those huge basted bones he doesn't eat my firewood...:yikes: and the rest of the shed....:circle-of-love:
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