The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons


The top arrow is an eye, the bottom arrow the mouth under the whiskers. Looks Schnauzer-ish:


I couldn't see it, until I zoomed out :)

A garden I don't have to tend. :laughtwo: Spring is all around. These brightened my path to dinner along the river.



This made me think of chromosomes. LOL!

We hadn't had snow in a month - but then there was last night. :)

I got this weather alert thingy on my phone this morning saying winter storm advisory for Wednesday and Thursday. The problem with those things, they don't state the date of the advisory. :laugh: That's going to peeve off a cat who has now been introduced to being mostly outdoors. It's where she wants to be...but be careful what you wish for?

It may have been on my phone for a couple weeks before I paid attention to it. Guess I need to check my weather radar. LOL

Hope it doesn't stay too long there.


(don't worry, if it gets too cold she will be back in here.)
I got this weather alert thingy on my phone this morning saying winter storm advisory for Wednesday and Thursday. The problem with those things, they don't state the date of the advisory. :laugh: That's going to peeve off a cat who has now been introduced to being mostly outdoors. It's where she wants to be...but be careful what you wish for?

It may have been on my phone for a couple weeks before I paid attention to it. Guess I need to check my weather radar. LOL

Hope it doesn't stay too long there.


(don't worry, if it gets too cold she will be back in here.)

Since you spoke of the cat - River watched bird TV today

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