The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I had a magnificent red bird today but didn't get to my camera fast enough... My momma used to tell me that when you see a red bird... Someone from heaven is stopping by to say they love you....:circle-of-love:

Well, then someone is really trying to get the point across. Yey! This male cardinal doesn't seem to have a mate, I haven't seen a female with him at all. They are harder to see because they don't have the color on them like the male. He's hanging around with the bitty birds like the chickadee-dee-dee's and titmouses. I had to clean the snow cap off the bird feeder house yesterday because it was falling over. This morning there is another 8" of the roof again. It's coming down in huge flakes today, doesn't take long to build up.

Going to try for some pics, but the white snow in the background causes underexposure of the birds. It's a challenge....
The back yard. I had to trudge through it to get to the satellite dish. Two days ago it was knee deep, now it's up to the mid thigh:


This is the burning bush outside the front windows:


i almost feel bad posting this *winces

spring is coming early again this year. even earlier than last. took a walk at the park for lunch.

soon there will be a carpet of these. already quite a few.

blurry red buds lol. walking while taking pics

some green

lots of alder flowers but the pics are so bad you can't tell what they are

Wednesday was snow free. Yesterday snow came back.

Goosedown snow bagan to fall



The brook did not freeze


After the first inch or snow, the tree outlines were quite striking.


This dove chose to huddle in place (as did we - the power was off for 1 hour.)



Juncos love snow. They came to dig for seeds that they had ignored when free for the taking for 2 hours before the snow.


These branches were 6 ft off the ground before the snow - I only lost one major branch that fell in the driveway.


Today is sunny and more sparkly than I can photograph.


I am ready for the snow to leave.

Thanks for the pointer Rad. Love to see snow photos.... photos.... not so much the real thing.
It is funny tho... I can almost hear the quietness a blanket of snow brings.

Quietness .. interrupted by the crack of breaking branches and the thumps of falling snow.

A lot of bird activity. I saw a golden eagle on a wire next to the road while driving yesterday.

This morning I saw a red tail hawk being chased off the end of the island by a PAIR of Goshawks. I didn't know we had a pair.

I am with you on that Tead. Photos.....that's as much as I like it. LOL

BTW, Radogast...those were beautiful! I've got major melt down going on here today, you?

Trivial melting.. Monday AM they are predicting 24 hours of winter storm, 6 - 10 inches of accumulation - probable power outages per National Grid.

If that happens, it would double our snowfall for the season :)
I miss mother nature. I can appreciate the spots of her I find in an urban environment, but the current woods and hinter lands are foreign and mostly unknown to me... they tend to be a touch too unfriendly.

I used to commute a good bit for work. I worked swing shift so was returning home in the dark. I used to really enjoy the tunnel effect when driving thru a snowstorm when most sane folk were off the roads. It always seemed a touch surreal and strange... the headlights illuminating a world in the most interesting way.
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