The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

To everyone here:

We still don't have winter here. Yesterday was high winds, full moon-ish and temps that felt like an early fall day. It was beautiful outside, today more of the same.
Couldn't sleep in my bedroom last night because of a large oak tree just outside the bedroom window that is slowly dropping dead limbs on my roof in high winds. Last night a big one came down just over my bed.....I headed for the living room couch. There are no trees around that section of the house. :laughtwo:

We still don't have winter here. Yesterday was high winds, full moon-ish and temps that felt like an early fall day. It was beautiful outside, today more of the same.
Couldn't sleep in my bedroom last night because of a large oak tree just outside the bedroom window that is slowly dropping dead limbs on my roof in high winds. Last night a big one came down just over my bed.....I headed for the living room couch. There are no trees around that section of the house. :laughtwo:


I hear you, Canna....for 8 years I slept downstairs in a bedroom tucked into a berm in the back just in case a tornado came through while I was sleeping....this is now my flower room and I'm back upstairs....something about living alone makes me think totally different and always err on the side of safety......
How lovely gypsy. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Very pretty Gypsy! It does look cold...but pretty view. :) Our small lakes are getting a crust of ice on them now. I'm thinking the ice fisherman are anxiously waiting for some thick stuff. This year has not been good for avid fisherman and snowmobile enthusiasts.

We finally have lived up to our motto, "Winter Wonderland", here. I'm hoping to get some pictures tomorrow during my day off activities.
I'm convinced I'll never catch up. :laughtwo: I'm too damned conversational. All that does is generate more notifications. LOL!

Time for my walk. Later guys. :ciao:
I can see the sparkle Radogast. What a pretty pic. The ice really makes it lovely....cold...but lovely. LOL Do I see some mourning doves on the ground?



You may be seeing mourning doves, I don't see them.

There were 15-20 doves out there this morning, 2 gray squirrels and a blue bird just left the picture and I thought I had caught a chickadee in flight, but no it was off to the right side of the frame .
Today's experience by my wife
Today's message from nature. Cleansing and watching out for each other.
I was sitting in the living room when I heard a crow caw nearby. I looked out the window and saw one of the crows sitting in the tree just outside my living room. It was looking in at me. It then bobbed up and down and was acting silly. It saw me watching, bobbed some more, then turned around. I let my eyes follow to where the crow was facing and I saw two more crows splashing, bathing, and playing together in the stream. Then I looked up to a tree near the stream and saw two more crows sitting in the branches nuzzling and preening each other. This went on for about 10 minutes before they finished and moved on. I felt so privileged to have been invited to view their family activities. Happy New Years from the crows.

New Years Day Mourning Doves for Cannafan

:circle-of-love: Thank you Radogast! I miss seeing them here in the winter. They don't hang around much when the bird feeder isn't up.
I truly enjoyed your wife's message from nature. I love that she has the eye to really see what animals are doing. Not just a quick glance at a bird, but watching the behavior as well as listening to them.

The ones I think I see in your first photo are middle of the pic, far left side.....on the ground just under the left arm of the wrought iron pole. It looks like two of them, one of them is in a little shady crook of the snow.

Now....find waldo.....

:circle-of-love: Thank you Radogast! I miss seeing them here in the winter. They don't hang around much when the bird feeder isn't up.
I truly enjoyed your wife's message from nature. I love that she has the eye to really see what animals are doing. Not just a quick glance at a bird, but watching the behavior as well as listening to them.

They watch her too. She called the crows from the front porch this morning and had about 20 non-crow critters respond. I usually get about 3 :)

The ones I think I see in your first photo are middle of the pic, far left side.....on the ground just under the left arm of the wrought iron pole. It looks like two of them, one of them is in a little shady crook of the snow.

Now....find waldo.....


Not birds. The two items you see are the tops of antique newel posts picked up for firewood prices at a garage sale.

Newel Post Top in front of Coral Bells

Tonight at sunset here at DRM Ranch, I just love the California sky.

I didn't know how special my SF Bay Area California skies were until I moved to Arizona, then New York, then Masschusetts.
I have traveld to over 40 of the United States and you sometimes get lovely skies, but nowhere near as often as in California and Oregon near the coast.
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