The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

We are lucky to have the view we do. The grey you see on the horizon is the ocean 23-24 ish miles away.

I've done a lot of traveling in my time thanks to a very mobile family and more than a decade in the army, I wouldn't give this up for any I've seen.

Moon rises are particularly nice here, I just can't seem to capture the intensity with a cellphone picture. The lay of the land here allows me to see a moonrise several times in one evening just by walking down our driveway (which obstructs and slightly alters the view for a few minutes).

Best of all is that I am comfortable here, that to me makes it home.
This is just because I was there. I missed the shot of the wood ducks, they took off as I got out of the car. Another day....

I went down to the creek on the property earlier today after dealing with stupid doctors all morning and caught dinner...:yahoo: Normally go to the local diner for fish on Friday night but bet this will be better... WOW! My lifestyle is somewhat to predictable....:straightface: I'll shake them all up when we don't show up at the diner... We're such renegades...:;):....:circle-of-love:
Good for you Dennise! Nothing like a good fresh "caught it myself" dinner. Fishing used to be my life, every day...all day sometimes. I miss that.


No fair...Gypsy gets beautiful bright blue skies....I get dreary foggy drizzles pics. LOL

oh we had our share in December :laughtwo: i am feeling an early spring again though. last year it started in February. great year for outdoor grows. i could easily go for another :sigh:
We have the 2nd significant snowfall of the season. About 2" overnight and I'll be getting squalls from Lake effect the next day or so. I did a little homemade bird feeder until I get my birdhouse feeder fixed up. The bottom has come loose.



Had deer tracks across the front yard, hope they don't go sticking their noses in that temporary feeder. LOL

Pretty snow. Fresh and fluffy.

We are going the other direction.
On Thursday we had old snow, ice, sunshine and crows.
Today, no ice, no crows, rain and almost no snow.


It's beautiful really.... The Gorilla contest got moved again... Apparently they made the first two journals linking other sites and you can't do that...:thedoubletake: They said it is fixed and up now but I can't find it...:straightface: Soo if you do.... Please let me know where it is....:circle-of-love:

I see you found it - you were (quite pleasanty) typing all over it today :)
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