"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Just dropping by all is looking well. Seems like you got most things configured properly and heat is not much of an issue. Cant wait to see these ladies once they get some vertical push.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Just dropping by all is looking well. Seems like you got most things configured properly and heat is not much of an issue. Cant wait to see these ladies once they get some vertical push.

Hey Myzz, I'm hoping the heat issues are pretty much behind me. I took off this weekend before I knew for sure but the house didn't burn down so I'm thinking you're right!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay everyone, I'm still running since I just got home about an hour ago and needed lunch etc. But of course the first thing I checked on was The Beast, I wasn't sure how they would take this last weekend with my heat issues and this being the hottest weekend of the year so far.

Well, the answer is great! I can't believe how much they grew the last three days, it looks like they grew about 3"! I knew they were getting ready to take off but with my heat issues I didn't think it would happen this soon. And I cut back to only one light for the weekend, one 1000w hps that is. So, they are in dark right now so I can't get any pics, they will be dark until 6:00, I switched to 18/6 for the hot weekend. And I plugged one more lamp in so it will fire up when they go back on.

Okay, I'm still running here. I'll sit down and get a better update together this evening.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, how's this, I didn't have a tape on them, but the size difference is pretty obvious.

This pic was taken last Tuesday, 6/1:

Okay, same end of the tubes, this one was taken Friday, 6/4:

And today:

AK/Cherry Lime

White Russian:

Durbin Poison:

Any more doubters? lol

And my temp right now is 81 deg and it's the hottest part of the day. The lights are off right now, I probably shouldn't have gone in and taken the pics. I'm not in flower, just resting the girls in the heat of the day. Right now I'm doing 18/6, went down for the weekend. I'll set it back to 20/4 tomorrow when this heat wave passes.

I also shut down two of the 1000w lamps for the weekend. I'm not sure they stretched any, these sativas have different growing characteristics than I'm used to with my Northern Lights, much thinner. Of course they have a lot more room to grow than I'm accustomed to also which will make things look a lot different.

Time for some serious topping. Last Friday they were still a little small for the topping, but today I can get lots done, they all have a number of smaller side branches just waiting to be topped. I'll get into that tomorrow.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey Ghost! So there! LOL! Sorry, I got one of those giddy beyond belief highs that you get from fixing something that was broken combined with a load of Sativa! And I fixed it while high. Just a brainstorm away from a solution as it turned out.

Hey Fry, you think it's the aero that keeps you safe in the heat? My theory is that high temps cause a problem with water oxygen satuation but with aero water temp may not mean as much since O2 is readily available.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey Ghost! So there! LOL! Sorry, I got one of those giddy beyond belief highs that you get from fixing something that was broken combined with a load of Sativa! And I fixed it while high. Just a brainstorm away from a solution as it turned out.

Hey Fry, you think it's the aero that keeps you safe in the heat? My theory is that high temps cause a problem with water oxygen satuation but with aero water temp may not mean as much since O2 is readily available.

I think that's exactly the reason. I think it was Answer that told me just that, he uses that Stinkbud aero system.

So far all this heat has had me freaked out, but they are still plugging along, today is 4 weeks from putting them in the tubes, of course they were cuttings, not clones and I had to replace 8 of them the first week. But now most are 10" - 14" tall, a few are shorter, the WR looks to be a shorter strain. So I actually think they are doing great for this point in the grow. At this rate I'll probably be putting them into flower in another week or at most two. I'll top a bunch tomorrow, I want these babes to be good and mature before flowering and of course height is a consideration.

What a trip, my pup Harley is out in the living room while I'm here in my study, he just ripped the loudest fart I've ever heard a dog let loose! Hand him a beer and he'll fit right in with the boys watching football next fall.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Are you going to clone those tops?

Harley sounds like a great dog! My kind of great dog! You treat them very well!

Good question, hmmm... Don't know yet. I've been thinking of cloning a couple of the Northern Lights and White Widow Max from the mothers I have.

Damn, I just took a look at them, first since I left for the weekend. I took them out of the veg closet thinking that was adding some heat to the garage too, I set them in my living room window, they really took off too! I really need to chop these babes back, they are 22" tall now. As we all know, these two strains are very vigorous! I'd love to get some clones from them and get them outside to see what they'd do up here, that would be very interesting!

Right now I'm thinking I'll just take a couple to root and use for mothers. I figure I should get several strains ready for my next grow. This way I'll have 5 strains ready for cloning when the time comes, I can make my choices as to what strains to do then. Oh, hey, I'm forgetting the strains my buddy promised me, his top two producers. Damn, I've got pot coming out of my ears! Nice to have this type of problem. Gotta keep my grow legal, get another couple of cards.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Or have a few 420 buddies come over and help you out with all them plants you have on deck :) I swear if i lived close to denver i would have to swing your way in which a GPS would not even help me haha. they are looking good FPF as always, I plan on growing 4 different strains when i get up and running in AUG. By then im sure you will have a plan figured out on what you want to do for your next grow. That White russian is going to be insane.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Are you going to clone those tops?

Harley sounds like a great dog! My kind of great dog! You treat them very well!

I failed to answer the last part of your comment, to be honest they treat me extremely well, I am the center of their life. How could i treat them anything but with the utmost love they have earned. These two are to epitome of love, there is no question. Like the saying goes, I hope be the person my dog thinks I am. These two are absolutely, unconditionally, in love with me. there is no way I could reciprocate to the level they have given me. You can never match the love a dog has for his buddy, I will attest to that.

And how can I respond but in kind. Dogs know the perfect love, I hope to learn this some day.
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