"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

im still checking in on you when i can a lot of kid stuff going on.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

She was supposed to move in 3 years ago! If she wasn't such a fine woman I'd be with someone else. This woman has brains, class, defines sweetness, pretty as the day is long and a sweet little ass. The only problem is she lives 180 miles away!

Damn it Fry... I'm on here trying to visualize frosty buds and and soft piles of kief and you're sittin' here describing MY woman....lol!!! But I got ya' beat on the milage brother.... mines about 700 away for me! :(
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Everytime I think about the troubles in my married relationship over the years ( yes nobody is perfect or so she says, nee insists) I am reminded of how lucky I am to have found one at an early age that at present is about 30' away. That would mean that in terms of milage used I'm Green! The only fossil fuel that is used is my brain! Sometimes I have to drill deeper! LOL! Good luck to you gentleman! You are going to need it! Remember it's trial and error. Mostly error.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Damn it Fry... I'm on here trying to visualize frosty buds and and soft piles of kief and you're sittin' here describing MY woman....lol!!! But I got ya' beat on the milage brother.... mines about 700 away for me! :(

Wow, 700 miles, that's a bitch! At least I can go down for the weekend, at 700 miles you need to take some time to do that! Good luck man.

And I just saw your grow journal, why didn't you send me a note right away when you started? Well, I'm there now so I'll be watching!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Everytime I think about the troubles in my married relationship over the years ( yes nobody is perfect or so she says, nee insists) I am reminded of how lucky I am to have found one at an early age that at present is about 30' away. That would mean that in terms of milage used I'm Green! The only fossil fuel that is used is my brain! Sometimes I have to drill deeper! LOL! Good luck to you gentleman! You are going to need it! Remember it's trial and error. Mostly error.

As you know marriage is not a one sided affair and frankly from what I've heard from you she's a very lucky woman herself!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay Ladies and Gentlemen, time for an update.

First off when I went out to check them at 5:30 this morning it was 95 deg. under the light, how the hell did that happen? I mean it was 55 deg outside and I've got a fan bringing in fresh air. Well, time for more work.

But first I had to meet with my guys about getting paid. That meeting went well, I'll explain later. They were real sorry for this mix up with my contract and all, but they are really into helping me now. We talked about my heat issues, they are dealing with the same thing. I told them about my 8" inline fan bringing in fresh air at about 210 cfm. Derek said he had several 8" high output fans and would I like to borrow one, you bet! Those babies are about $350 and move about 800 cfm and to be able to at least try before buying was great. So, first I changed out the fan, then I had a couple mothers going in a one of my old veg closets. The cfls weren't putting out much heat, but they are putting out some so I moved them out of there. I added an insulating jacket around my water heater also in the garage. Then I turned out one of my lights. Hopefully I can get that one on again soon, but for now I think it will be my biggest help in reducing the heat. The heat is staying at 91 right now and that's the best I can hope for right now. I've also cut back the light to 18/6 so the lights will be off from noon to 6 pm. Hopefully with that big fresh air supply I'll be able to get some good cooling at night. We'll see.

Today I changed the res. It's a little tough for me to tell how much they are eating since I have that topping off res, but I am seeing some consumption, not much but they are starting to kick in. So, I changed out the res and added back in 100 ml of both the A&B and 10 ml of the Super Thrive. That brought my ppm up to about 375-400 ppm of nutes, my water tested at 375 this morning.

Here are some pics. The heat is definitely screwing me up, but they are still coming along. First three are of the whole setup, you'll see the one in the lower left is dead, just filling a hole and the one in the middle tube second from the left is pretty well done for too, it does have some roots, but not out of the net pot yet and they've been like that a few days now. My buddy is supposed to pick up two more to replace those. the last couple of pics are of the Durbin Poison. They are looking the best, they are in the furthest row in the overall pics. These pics don't show the roots good though, they are pretty much pure white, I've never seen such pretty roots. If I can just push my way through this heat I'll be golden.




Just for comparison to the last pic, this was taken 3 days ago, they are definitely taking off!

Durbin Poison



So, long way to go yet, but they are still alive and getting better every day!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

This is a new system and takes tweaking but you are doing a great job as always.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

This is a new system and takes tweaking but you are doing a great job as always.

If this was winter I'd be on cruise control by now. This summer growing is a bitch!

But the temps are holding, I'm so tempted to head to Denver this weekend. I think I'll unplug another light, just run one while I'm gone, that should help with the heat.

I really should get a muffler for the fan, it's really pretty loud, though not near as loud as my neighbor's central vacuum system, that thing really sucks!

I'm still thinking, it's been a month since I've seen my sweetie and my kids are coming over for a barbecue tomorrow night. Hmmm..........
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, here's a good one. I was bummed this morning when I saw the heat had spiked again on me. What the hell is going on. I'm wanting to get on the road to Denver today but am cautious due the the heat. So here the lights are off, I've cut them back to 18/6 for the weekend. So along with the lights the 6" high output I have on the lights turns off, but the inline is still running. I've already decided to pull the one lamp for heat reduction while I'm gone, but to be extra cautious I decide to pull one more, have just 1- 1000w going while I'm gone.

Well I have the ballasts by the intake for the light venting and I try to feel the inline fan pulling air through but I feel nothing. I go over an look to see what's going on and lo and behold, the last 90 I put on the hood had come off! I used regular duct tape and that stuff doesn't hold in heat. I don't know why I used that tape, I knew better, but oh well.

Now the question is when did that come off. I'm betting that's the reason for my heat spike, I mean why else would it jump like that for no apparent reason? I'm pretty confidant that's what's going on.

I think I'll still pull one more light just to be safe, but I'm feeling pretty good now. I've got them running right now to see what happens, if the heat is good I'm outta here!

Later guys.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I tried to REP you, but it said I have to spread it around some more.

You are like a grower explorer, like alien8 said, and you just have to feel around and see what comes your way and then deal with it asyou tread new territory..
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Sorry to hear about the heat spike, glad to hear it was just a loose elbow. You should be good to go now bro. I'm still rooting for you! :cheer:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Well I have the ballasts by the intake for the light venting and I try to feel the inline fan pulling air through but I feel nothing. I go over an look to see what's going on and lo and behold, the last 90 I put on the hood had come off! I used regular duct tape and that stuff doesn't hold in heat. I don't know why I used that tape, I knew better, but oh well.

I think you got it man! Good luck!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

OH, that's why I feel like I'm in a covered wagon headed west! Was wondering about that!


That 242LBS ain't just food, y'know!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

You guys are pretty good! This is definitely unchartd territory for me.

Well, I had a good meeting with the guys with the laundromats. I'll take a littless and they went for it, they do seem genuinely sorry about the situation. So what the hell, we'll work it out. As a matter fact the one guy is the commercial grower I keep referring to and he feels real sorry a out it. When I told him about my heat issues he offers to loan me one of his 8" high output fans, I'm using that for my fresh air, it moves like 800 cfm.

And then he offered me his clones of his prize plants, Blaine and, not sure the other name, either super surfer or silver surfer. I've smoked both and I hav to say they are something special. Real strong high and big producers. He won't let me use their names so we're talking FryingPanFlyer 1 & 2. What the hell, right guys!
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