"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Just a note.. My durban's have purple in the stems all the way through the grow, and I think I saw some on your pics. :) He's right thou.. Durban is a TALL strain.. Mine's a hybrid that was bred for SOG.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Just a note.. My durban's have purple in the stems all the way through the grow, and I think I saw some on your pics. :) He's right thou.. Durban is a TALL strain.. Mine's a hybrid that was bred for SOG.

I am a bit concerned about the dp getting too tall, I can already see the way the plant seems to be stretching. But I have to say all the plants this grow looke to have some sativa traits, I'm thinking I need to do some topping asap! Probably early next week.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Bushing them up is probably the way to go since you have the side room. They get too wild you can always bushmaster them.

That's pretty much the way I've got it figured, bush them up a bunch, get lots of tops going. But I'll have to see what the look like in a few days. They are starting to take off, I doubt I canveg them for even three more weeks, right now I'd bet I'll be 12/12 in two weeks, I don't thing I can afford to let them get over 20" in veg.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

DP is known for it... Mine got like 4 feet tall with squat lighting, and a newb at the wheel. Super smoke thou. :)

I topped my new ones a week ago, and they're purty. And purpley and branching and what not. :)
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

If at all possible, I'd love to see some close up pics of you topping. You know, a before, a during (as you are in cutting position), and after. I've seen representation pics before, but never an actual plant being cut. Might be kind of hard to do alone, but just a thought. Keep up the good work FPF. I love the discussion on the thread.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

DP is known for it... Mine got like 4 feet tall with squat lighting, and a newb at the wheel. Super smoke thou. :)

I topped my new ones a week ago, and they're purty. And purpley and branching and what not. :)

These are some different looking plants, they all lean to one side and look to be putting out lots of side shoots. I'll have to get some pics to show you what I mean. They do have the purple stems too. I'll keep me eyes on the height for sure!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

If at all possible, I'd love to see some close up pics of you topping. You know, a before, a during (as you are in cutting position), and after. I've seen representation pics before, but never an actual plant being cut. Might be kind of hard to do alone, but just a thought. Keep up the good work FPF. I love the discussion on the thread.

Now these are all clones taken from mature plants so they are only putting out one leaf per node so fimming is not an option. These do seem to be different in the respect that you don't get two main colas, rather it allows more of the lower secondary branches to catch up in size with the main. This of course makes her much bushier and shorter.

But sure, Ill take and post some pics, I hope they help.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

lol, I ain't scared of nothing! Actually I just don't want to mess with males in my system. I want to do them for mothers, get the clones I want and then blast off when it comes to growing time!

Thats exactly why I love the seeds. You get a variety, and if you take a little time you weed out the males you'll still have some wicked females to play with (WOOHOO!) and mother up. I know how you feel though, and figured you'd say no, but just so you know the offer will stand until I run low, and by then I'll have new crosses, and more refined and stabalized versions of these. Just so you know, there are some really good ones. may get you to rethink seeds tho. How about Island sweet skunk x Oregon grape? or Chocolope x (G13 x Purple Nepal f1)? or ((NL9 x Mikado) x Lambsbreath) x Trainwreck ?? nummy tasty treats. True Cannasuer crossbreeding.

lol, Just messing with you man, but if you change your mind...

Fem seeds and research. Alot off you guys don't like the fem seeds becuase you are scared of hermies. But after 10 grows between 3 of my boys and no hermies I think that is kind of an overated fear when it comes to seeds. If a fem seed goes hermie that usually means U are stressing the little girl out.

The fem seeds are all hermies really if you break it down, just very stable herms that like to stay female is all. But there is alway the occasional bad apple but at least u don't waste time on vegging males and weed grown from seed is always more potent than clones. ALWAYS yes ALWAYS

Stable yes, but as a hobby breeder I like to think of each fem seed that you cross into a pure strain as a taint if you will. Think of your childrens children. If you have a bowl of pure water (regular seed) and occasionally add a drop of black dye (fem'd) and breed, and cross, and inbreed, and then add another drop of black dye, and so on, you will eventually end up with a 'true' hermaphroditic plant, each generation will potentially herm with less and less stress until it is auto programmed just to do it all the time. Your bowl of water would be gray, and eventually it would be all black. That 'Occasional bad apple" that your talking about (if your talking about the rare male) is probably one of the more pure phenos present in that lineage after feminizing stress. one of the stronger genes pulling thru, but definatly not always, as that 'black drop' will always be there like genetic heart disease.

What pisses me off is that now that more people demand feminized seed for the ease of not having wo weed out males (lazyness) the breeders are producing more of them, thus adding more black drops more frequently. Although with compitant breeders (like GS, Nirvana, Subcool, ect) they know better than to let those lines mix into regular seed, but alot of them don't know, don't care or whatever, and then those seeds go out into the world and eventually will be breeding with everything else. Just look at the NL strain, or Bubblegum, or G13. If you find a true strain of one of those your in the money. IN..........THE............MONEY!!!! they're all crossed with something, was it fem'd? probably not because it's a fairly new practice as far as breeding goes, but just think about those 'Top' strains now, and what they can breed with in the wrong hands, and what their tendancies will be in the next 20 years.

Phew.... Sorry guys, but I was just itching to get that out.

sorry for the book, and the heads I probably just exploded, but that is the reason that I dont like fems.

......to make a long story short. lol :rollit::roorrip::):reading420magazine:

I am a bit concerned about the dp getting too tall, I can already see the way the plant seems to be stretching. But I have to say all the plants this grow looke to have some sativa traits, I'm thinking I need to do some topping asap! Probably early next week.

Ya, topping, and lots of LST and supercropping if neccissary. I look into my crystal ball and see you first tying the branches down to keep height to a minimum, and later tying them up so they don't bend and break. What Irony, huh? I can tell you one thing tho, if you end up using something to tye them, I'd go with wire over string, or thread etc anyday. keep in mind with heavy bud formation the thread close to th buds will hold moisture and promote budrot, while wire will not. :reading420magazine: Learned that shit the hard way. DOH!!!! Oh, and don't forget to pinch off those bottom budlets right away to promote hevier tops, and less low grade bottom nugs. Thats what I did with Chrystal, and she turned out pretty damn topheavy. HooRah!!! Sorry you probably already got this under control, but I just am in an informative typing mood. lol sorry.:bongrip::grinjoint::ganjamon:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Thats exactly why I love the seeds. You get a variety, and if you take a little time you weed out the males you'll still have some wicked females to play with (WOOHOO!) and mother up. I know how you feel though, and figured you'd say no, but just so you know the offer will stand until I run low, and by then I'll have new crosses, and more refined and stabalized versions of these. Just so you know, there are some really good ones. may get you to rethink seeds tho. How about Island sweet skunk x Oregon grape? or Chocolope x (G13 x Purple Nepal f1)? or ((NL9 x Mikado) x Lambsbreath) x Trainwreck ?? nummy tasty treats. True Cannasuer crossbreeding.

lol, Just messing with you man, but if you change your mind...

Stable yes, but as a hobby breeder I like to think of each fem seed that you cross into a pure strain as a taint if you will. Think of your childrens children. If you have a bowl of pure water (regular seed) and occasionally add a drop of black dye (fem'd) and breed, and cross, and inbreed, and then add another drop of black dye, and so on, you will eventually end up with a 'true' hermaphroditic plant, each generation will potentially herm with less and less stress until it is auto programmed just to do it all the time. Your bowl of water would be gray, and eventually it would be all black. That 'Occasional bad apple" that your talking about (if your talking about the rare male) is probably one of the more pure phenos present in that lineage after feminizing stress. one of the stronger genes pulling thru, but definatly not always, as that 'black drop' will always be there like genetic heart disease.

What pisses me off is that now that more people demand feminized seed for the ease of not having wo weed out males (lazyness) the breeders are producing more of them, thus adding more black drops more frequently. Although with compitant breeders (like GS, Nirvana, Subcool, ect) they know better than to let those lines mix into regular seed, but alot of them don't know, don't care or whatever, and then those seeds go out into the world and eventually will be breeding with everything else. Just look at the NL strain, or Bubblegum, or G13. If you find a true strain of one of those your in the money. IN..........THE............MONEY!!!! they're all crossed with something, was it fem'd? probably not because it's a fairly new practice as far as breeding goes, but just think about those 'Top' strains now, and what they can breed with in the wrong hands, and what their tendancies will be in the next 20 years.

Phew.... Sorry guys, but I was just itching to get that out.

sorry for the book, and the heads I probably just exploded, but that is the reason that I dont like fems.

......to make a long story short. lol :rollit::roorrip::):reading420magazine:

Ya, topping, and lots of LST and supercropping if neccissary. I look into my crystal ball and see you first tying the branches down to keep height to a minimum, and later tying them up so they don't bend and break. What Irony, huh? I can tell you one thing tho, if you end up using something to tye them, I'd go with wire over string, or thread etc anyday. keep in mind with heavy bud formation the thread close to th buds will hold moisture and promote budrot, while wire will not. :reading420magazine: Learned that shit the hard way. DOH!!!! Oh, and don't forget to pinch off those bottom budlets right away to promote hevier tops, and less low grade bottom nugs. Thats what I did with Chrystal, and she turned out pretty damn topheavy. HooRah!!! Sorry you probably already got this under control, but I just am in an informative typing mood. lol sorry.:bongrip::grinjoint::ganjamon:

Wow, excellent post JL, you've definitely pushed me in that direction. You put it rather eloquently, I'm very impressed! I think the distinction for myself right now is I am really trying to put out some good quality bud in some quantity.

As you've probably seen in my posts I'm in the middle of some pretty serious financial difficulties, I've only worked a little since October and I haven't been paid for those, and I just heard yesterday they are probably only going to pay me half of what my extremely reduced invoice is. So I find myself in a rather desperate situation where I'm doing my damnedest to produce as much bud as I can to get me through this tough spot.

I've spoken with several dispensaries to produce meds for them. The new state law requires them to produce 70% of their own meds so I'm trying to sign contracts that will allow me to grow for them as a sub-contractor. They have all been pretty impressed with my buds so I don't think it will be a problem in the long run.

But for now I'm in a position where I don't have the luxury of trying out new strains just yet. I've got to find good clones, slam them in the system and get them producing asap. This is a lot more "capitalistic" than I'd like, but I feel that's what I need to do for now. As my girlfriend put it "desperate times call for desperate measures." That's why these hold ups with getting cuttings rather than clones and the heat issues have been rather straining on me, I can't afford to wait too long or I'll be living in my car. but with a little luck and a good harvest I think I'll be in good shape.

But I have been meditating, well, religiously, every day. It really helps me with my patience and keeping cool until something positive happens.

Again, thanks for dropping that amazing post in my thread! You've added a ton to the discussion.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey Fry Was a bit busy for a while. Just caught up with you. I would do like you said, flower in 2 weeks or boom, big jump! :peace:

Yeah, I've been noticing you were pretty busy with all those harvests! Great job man, amazing buds!

I've got some questions for you about those air pots, they have really intrigued me! But I know what you mean about the time, I'm running again this morning.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

TOP and FIM, TOP and FIM!

Absolutely, the timing is the question now. Plus I see some real nice side shoots coming up and I just may wait a fews days, like until Monday, and top all those too while I'm at it.

I forget, I think it was JasonLee that mentioned tying them up. I'm planning to put a net over them probably about the time I start flowering them during their stretch. I'll use the net to hold the plants up and to position them as best I can for lighting. It will almost be like a scrog.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Holy shit batman! I'm waching the Colbert Report, he just showed a clip of this bullfighter who was gored. I won't fill you in on the details, but I don't have the stomach for that kind of stuff.

I might be mean but, I think that they torture the animals so deserve it when the bull hurts them.
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