"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

cool man. It that goes thru and you get those strains It'll be interesting to see how they turn out for you!! Keep us updated about that for sure. It's nice to know other growers that are nice too. I know some that wouldt give me the time of day, and It's quite annoying, but I don't like associating with people like that anyways, so to hell with em.

Keep up the good work man!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

yup 12:44 here in so cal and time to take my choc. lab down to beach for a swin. fun fun fun, beautiful day here, clear sky's and 80 deg with slight breeze....perfect and my girls are all tucked in and asleep until 10 tonight
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

J it's 12:41 here in California buddy. :)

yup 12:44 here in so cal and time to take my choc. lab down to beach for a swin. fun fun fun, beautiful day here, clear sky's and 80 deg with slight breeze....perfect and my girls are all tucked in and asleep until 10 tonight

lol, thanx guys. I wasn't talking about anyone on 420, but people I know in town. You guys are tops in my book!! Now, laod that bowl and wait for 4:20 to come around with me. WOOHOO!!!! lolol:yahoo:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

lol, thanx guys. I wasn't talking about anyone on 420, but people I know in town. You guys are tops in my book!! Now, laod that bowl and wait for 4:20 to come around with me. WOOHOO!!!! lolol:yahoo:

Hey guys, we're nearing 420 but I'm not going to wait. JL, I'm in your neighborhood today, damn hot here! 90 is higher than I like it.

Beautiful outside though. We just bought a new maple tree for her yard and are waiting for my son to show up with his pickup so we can get the tree and plant it. Time to get outside and give the dogs a bath, fun times all around!

Later guys! I'll fire one up for us all.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

PATIENCE always pays off in the end, doesn't it?

Absolutely! That's why I didn't respond right away. I was a bit upset right then and I know I wouldn't have responded the way I should. I just let it set for the rest of the day, thought out my strategy and everything fell into place.

Yes patience, I tend to be a pretty passionate person, I can be very intense in my concentration. I've found that hasty replies are seldom correct.

Funny, but that's a very western trait, people seem to think you're smart if you answer fast. I have a Buddhism teacher, he's a Tibetan monk, Venerable Tenzin Pryadarshi, he's also the head of the religion dept. at Harvard, extremely highly educated man. When you ask him a question he will sit back, look up into the air, take a deep breath and then begin the answer. He'll take a good minute or two before saying anything. You know that man has thought of your question and you are receiving a very well considered response. I listen very closely to what that man says.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Crusin the Frying Pan Valley skies now aren't YA. Those plants look good could so far and who knows maybe they like that tropical enviro you have created in the middle of the mountains.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

hahaha, yea it's a hot one today. I'm staying inside working most of the day. I wish you luck with the tree Fry. With a gardener liky yourself doing the planting it'll go smooth like butter...

stay out of the heat man!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

hahaha, yea it's a hot one today. I'm staying inside working most of the day. I wish you luck with the tree Fry. With a gardener liky yourself doing the planting it'll go smooth like butter...

stay out of the heat man!

Well, the tree is planted, a Red Blaze Maple, big tree, it's close to 15'. My son came down with his truck and we picked it up from The Big Toolbox on S. Holly just north of County Line. Of course it'll take a couple of years to really get going. I added some ferti-lome root stimulator. It's has an analysis of 4-10-3, it's the P that works wonders on roots. We put it right where she had to cut down an old Russian Olive last year so the hole was filled with the mulch from when they chopped the trunk and roots.

I'm glad we dug there because I found a split in the irrigation line, she was losing a lot of water and that may be what killed the Russian Olive, way too much water to the roots. I put a 1" expandable coupling on, they work wonders.

Right now I'm sitting on the back porch, the temperature is perfect, I've got a margarita in one hand, Patron and Grand Marnier if you will, in one hand and a bowl of Sour D in the other. It doesn't get much better! Of couse the beautiful woman sitting 4' to my right doesn't hurt either. Time to give her some attention, later guys.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry stay off the computer and enjoy your gf and weekend.

I am glad you think you got the heat issues taken care of. I passed out today from the heat.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

lol, yep. you gotta get closer than 4' man. good luck.

Dont forget to throw in some Mycorhizia on the roots!!! trees love that.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Just a note (no homo)..

One thing I always appreciate and notice when reading your journals FPF, you take time to savor the small things in life and nature.... and also try to bring those observations and experiences to the table. Anyhow....
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I want a woman like yours Fry:grinjoint:
Come think of it at my age, I'll take damn near any woman that would have me. :) I do have big buds to offer! :ganjamon: And sometimes fairly intelligent conversations. Course It maybe only intelligent to me.:)
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay Ladies and Gentlemen, time for an update.

First off when I went out to check them at 5:30 this morning it was 95 deg. under the light, how the hell did that happen? I mean it was 55 deg outside and I've got a fan bringing in fresh air. Well, time for more work.

But first I had to meet with my guys about getting paid. That meeting went well, I'll explain later. They were real sorry for this mix up with my contract and all, but they are really into helping me now. We talked about my heat issues, they are dealing with the same thing. I told them about my 8" inline fan bringing in fresh air at about 210 cfm. Derek said he had several 8" high output fans and would I like to borrow one, you bet! Those babies are about $350 and move about 800 cfm and to be able to at least try before buying was great. So, first I changed out the fan, then I had a couple mothers going in a one of my old veg closets. The cfls weren't putting out much heat, but they are putting out some so I moved them out of there. I added an insulating jacket around my water heater also in the garage. Then I turned out one of my lights. Hopefully I can get that one on again soon, but for now I think it will be my biggest help in reducing the heat. The heat is staying at 91 right now and that's the best I can hope for right now. I've also cut back the light to 18/6 so the lights will be off from noon to 6 pm. Hopefully with that big fresh air supply I'll be able to get some good cooling at night. We'll see.

Today I changed the res. It's a little tough for me to tell how much they are eating since I have that topping off res, but I am seeing some consumption, not much but they are starting to kick in. So, I changed out the res and added back in 100 ml of both the A&B and 10 ml of the Super Thrive. That brought my ppm up to about 375-400 ppm of nutes, my water tested at 375 this morning.

Here are some pics. The heat is definitely screwing me up, but they are still coming along. First three are of the whole setup, you'll see the one in the lower left is dead, just filling a hole and the one in the middle tube second from the left is pretty well done for too, it does have some roots, but not out of the net pot yet and they've been like that a few days now. My buddy is supposed to pick up two more to replace those. the last couple of pics are of the Durbin Poison. They are looking the best, they are in the furthest row in the overall pics. These pics don't show the roots good though, they are pretty much pure white, I've never seen such pretty roots. If I can just push my way through this heat I'll be golden.




Just for comparison to the last pic, this was taken 3 days ago, they are definitely taking off!

Durbin Poison



So, long way to go yet, but they are still alive and getting better every day!

man you are serious, nice set up i wish i had room to do that:bravo:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Just a note (no homo)..

One thing I always appreciate and notice when reading your journals FPF, you take time to savor the small things in life and nature.... and also try to bring those observations and experiences to the table. Anyhow....

You know man, it's the little things that make life. It's all the small things added together that shape the world. When you think about it ther are many more little things than there are big things. You've got to understand the little things before you can know the big stuff.

I love watching the bird put that new stick in the nest it's building, the way the snow just fell off that wire it had accumulated on during last night's storm, the way the ducks shape and hold their wings as they land on the river. There are so many things to see and learn in this world it almost overwhelms me. This world is an awesome place, you've got to slow down and take in the wonder.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I want a woman like yours Fry:grinjoint:
Come think of it at my age, I'll take damn near any woman that would have me. :) I do have big buds to offer! :ganjamon: And sometimes fairly intelligent conversations. Course It maybe only intelligent to me.:)

She is a fine woman. The only problem is she's a city girl and I'm not big on crowded places. I need room and find that in the mountains where she can find her solitude right here in the big city.

I hope someday we can find what we need in the same place.
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