"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

lol, I hear you there man. Thinking can be tough work, and once I get started, LOOK OUT!! I'll usually think myself silly.......toomuch, toomuch!!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hi Fry. Good to see the systems getting dialed! good job, and no more duct tape, eh? great to see they're setting into cruise control! I love those DP buds man, take care of them, and they'll be A++ for sure!! W. Russian too. I was checking out the pictures and noticed they both (strains) looked similar. Are those the two that you thought were mixed up, or misslabled? If so have you noticed any major differences in the 2? Just wondering, but man their looking good.

lol, I just had to chime in here, but with an aeroponic system I believe that about 75 degrees is optimal for water temps. This is because the aeration is profuse. Very, Very aerated, so no worries about losing air out of the water. With that said, Plants will increase nutrient uptake via roots and max out around 75 degrees I believe. (if I'm not mistaken) This is also optimal air temp for foliar feeding since the Stomas are full open at that temp, right?

...anyways, the only downside with running a warmer res will be the fact that pathogens almost always mulitply faster at higher tempuratures, but really go fast at 80-85+ , but 75 isn't too far from that. I recently ran into a nasty pathogen in an aeroflo grow, It hit overnight, and wilted about half of the 21 plants in there. We lost 6 and luckily H2O2 killed it off, and the others recovered over a few days, so you better have some of that sitting right next to the Azamax my friend.

Okay, h2o2 is on the shopping list for today, is that the 3% that you buy at the pharmacy? What would a typical dose be?

Thanks for the tip, it doesn't hurt to have around does it. I'm using the frozen gallon jug in the res routine right now. I need to get some temps to see how successful I am.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hi Fry Great! Looks like things are starting to gel for you.:)
All I just read was positive. Cool. My dog would come up and proudly burp for me.?
It was crazy when folks visited. Loved that dog. Poor thing was a Husky in Hawaii.:)

Harley's funny, he'll bark his head off and then he'll either burp or bark, the guy's got quite a personality!

Boy, I can imagine, a Husky in Hawaii, did you get him up on the mountain very often? I hear there are areas where it gets pretty cool.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I just got sad while reading. Nothing to do with your thread. My friend just brought a very young puppy in that she saved running in the street with its mom. She tried to get both but the mom took off. I don't even think the puppy is off moms milk yet. It is so sad that people throw dogs away like trash. I got tears in my eyes. At least this one will have a good home. He is just too cute. My doggies are taking care of it while she cleans my house.

Fry yours plants look unbelievable. I am in aw.

I'm glad she was able to catch the pup, hopefully mom will be looking and come around again. I agree, I'm no fan of people who abandon their pets. They have taken on a responsibility and that doesn't end just because you get tired of them. Please thank your friend for me, I appreciate it personally.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Yeh Fry the plant growth from that photo spread is awesome. At first i was just like "eh, they are growing but seem slow, but after seeing the pics in succession.... wow!!
I will eventually do a system like this when we get in the mountains. No room nor time here.... hell I get worried that I will not even see the Blue Widow finish, I might be pulling up and outta' here in a few weeks. :(
None the less.... Awesome work Fry.

Me too! When I look at the pic that's a week old I'm pretty much blown away! These babes are making their move. And the heat doesn't seem to much of a factor. Plus that last three inches was all done under the one light. I've turned on another so I have two going now so I'm looking at heat again. But at this rate I won't be vegging much longer.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Dose on the 3% is 2-3 tsp per gallon. Hard to overdo it so this is one of those rare cases of when in doubt, add more. Some take them out of the res and dip them in straight H2o2 for emergency care. Not possible when the roots get large.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Dose on the 3% is 2-3 tsp per gallon. Hard to overdo it so this is one of those rare cases of when in doubt, add more. Some take them out of the res and dip them in straight H2o2 for emergency care. Not possible when the roots get large.

Thanks man, I thought it was something like that.

I think I'll head out and spend a little time with them before the light goes off. Be back in a minute!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, h2o2 is on the shopping list for today, is that the 3% that you buy at the pharmacy? What would a typical dose be?

Thanks for the tip, it doesn't hurt to have around does it. I'm using the frozen gallon jug in the res routine right now. I need to get some temps to see how successful I am.

no, it's the 28-30% you buy. I get mine for $9.95 a Qt at the hydroshop.

I'd have to look at the bottle for sure, but I believe it's 2.5-3ml per gallon of water.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I was talking about the per gallon dose. That would mean 25-30ml for a bp tank.

I'm going to check back in the thread MCD but I think he said 41 ml per gl.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I rechecked U R right MC 41 ml pe 10gl. FPF was clear enuf 4 this blind bubbler to get it on the first try. .........typical
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Dose on the 3% is 2-3 tsp per gallon. Hard to overdo it so this is one of those rare cases of when in doubt, add more. Some take them out of the res and dip them in straight H2o2 for emergency care. Not possible when the roots get large.
Thanks man, I thought it was something like that.

I think I'll head out and spend a little time with them before the light goes off. Be back in a minute!

OOps! Sorry, I didn't see this before posting that.....VVVVVV my bad. Good to know. I think I like the concentrated stuff tho.

no, it's the 28-30% you buy. I get mine for $9.95 a Qt at the hydroshop.

I'd have to look at the bottle for sure, but I believe it's 2.5-3ml per gallon of water.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I've seen people use both with success as long as you follow the correct dosing.

So with 2 lights the temps are rising again? That's a bummer. So hard to fathom with the amount of air you're pushing now. Crazy man.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I've seen people use both with success as long as you follow the correct dosing.

So with 2 lights the temps are rising again? That's a bummer. So hard to fathom with the amount of air you're pushing now. Crazy man.

It's been damn hot outside, upper 80's again. But the girls are holding up great, great growth and good inter node length. The AK/CL are kind of stretchy, lots of space between nodes, but the WR and DP are are real tight. I'll post some pics tomorrow.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Harley's funny, he'll bark his head off and then he'll either burp or bark, the guy's got quite a personality!

Boy, I can imagine, a Husky in Hawaii, did you get him up on the mountain very often? I hear there are areas where it gets pretty cool.

I did take him up to the Pali lookout, but he loved the ocean most. I did give him
short haircuts.:) Miss him.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, time for some more pics. Things are moving along nicely. I moved the plants around a little again due to sizes and we replaced two of the cutting that didn't look like they were going to make it with two new AK-47 clones. My buddy put them in last Friday and they are showing good roots already. Too bad we didn't get good clones to start with, I'd be 2 weeks ahead of where I'm at today.

The Durbin Poison and White Russian look great, nice close node spacing, dense foliage, lost of bud sites. The AK-Cherry Lime are awful stretchy plants, huge space between nodes, I know that's not due to light since the others are doing so well, must be genetics. So I topped the three largest, they are up to 15" already, way taller than some of the others. I trimmed about 8 tops on each so they should bush out a lot more. I'll hold off on topping the DP and WR for now. They are both growing nicely but each has a ton of secondary branches already and I'm not sure where I'd top. I guess just a little insecurity here, but they need to catch up the the AK/CL. Actually, I'm a little afraid the AK/CL are not very compatible with the others growth wise. We'll see, Some pice to show you what's happening.

First, a couple shots of the over-all. Remember, I moved the plants some and the two new ones in the closest tubes were just put in 5 days ago.


AK/Cherry Lime:


White Russian:


Durbin Poison:

I couldn't get this one's roots out of the tube so here's another DP roots:

I probably won't be doing any more root shots, they are getting tough to putt out of the tubes. These are showing some good growth. I'm thinking I'll be in veg for another two weeks.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

One thing about that Azamax, I don't like handling my plants when that stuff is in the water. It sure feels toxic, I get this prickly feeling in my hands and arms, almost like touching nettle out in the forest. I understand why the bugs don't like this stuff, I don't like it either. They have much better food available to them, this stuff is bad for them.

I'll leave the treatment in until Friday, then res change and I'll get the stuff out then.
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