"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Congrats bro!! On botht the 300 post and the great plants. Even with the heat issues you had the plants are still pumpin out some great foliage. +rep my friend

Thanks man, the heat is still giving me troubles but I've kind of settled in to where I'm just dealing with it. And the plants are still growing great so what the heck. I'm thinking things may move slower for me, but at least they are still moving.

I just can't wait until this winter when I see the true capability of The Beast showing it's colors!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

are you old enough to remember Jefferson Airplanes Song, THINKING AIN'T DOING ME NO GOOD, "thunk, thunk, thunk about it" !! LOL

haha! No, I havent heard that one, but that sounds about right. Wait, maybe I have heard it before....Hmmmm? ...uh oh. Here I go trying to think again. NOOOoooo...!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Have you considered wrapping those large pipes with insulation?

That just occurred to me last night. I put panda film on them to help with a little reflectivity, but I'm sure the reflectix insulation would work just that much better. The only problem may be with the net cups. When I take one out to look at it and then put it back in I have to be certain I have re-seated it properly. When I don't it drips a lot of water, one day I came home and I must have pumped out a couple of gallons already. I even put polyurethane on the ply base to keep it from getting stained from all the nutes.

That may just be on the list for the next upgrade.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Have you considered wrapping those large pipes with insulation?

:) Great Idea :bravo:

Oh and I was thinking what about a portable A/C unit on a thermostat for the summer. Thats what i do a 2-3 months out of the year. Mainly Mid June-Mid Sept. After that like you said :

I just can't wait until this winter when I see the true capability of The Beast showing it's colors!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

:) Great Idea :bravo:

Oh and I was thinking what about a portable A/C unit on a thermostat for the summer. Thats what i do a 2-3 months out of the year. Mainly Mid June-Mid Sept. After that like you said :

I've been holding off on the portable a/c for now due mainly to the cost. Once I go 12/12, probably in two weeks, I won't need it any more because I'll grow at night and it cools off nice here at night. This morning when I checked on the system at 6:30 it was 77 degrees. That's why I figure I'll just be patient this time.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I do but from the same batch I am thinking I got some bunk fucking seeds my man.

Good luck next round, wish I could help. I've got a ton of cuttings I could turn you on to. I've got to chop the WWM and NL mothers I've got they have got out of hand, are close to 3' tall. They have really taken off.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Dang Fry, I can't believe how much growth you've seen this week. It's awesome. I knew they would have a growth spurt when the roots hit the tubes, but WOW! Wish I could +rep you again! You are the MAN!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Dang Fry, I can't believe how much growth you've seen this week. It's awesome. I knew they would have a growth spurt when the roots hit the tubes, but WOW! Wish I could +rep you again! You are the MAN!

No kidding man, I've started topping to keep the really tall ones from getting out of hand. But I was expecting the DP to be the problem when it's turning out to be the AK/CL. But the DP and the WR are really very beautiful plants getting very dense, very deep green and with many side branches. The DP almost look like they've been lst'd. They lay back and each have several branches coming right from the base. I'll have to try for some good pics tomorrow.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry that is so much growth since the last pic only a week before. This is unreal. I don't know why you hare having heat problems with the cold 80's by you lol. It is over a 100 here as you know. I always wonder if the plants really care about room heat they are weeds you know. I would imagine the water temp is more important. Maybe that is why you aren't seeing an negative issues with the room heat. Only time will tell, well actually looks like it already did.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry that is so much growth since the last pic only a week before. This is unreal. I don't know why you hare having heat problems with the cold 80's by you lol. It is over a 100 here as you know. I always wonder if the plants really care about room heat they are weeds you know. I would imagine the water temp is more important. Maybe that is why you aren't seeing an negative issues with the room heat. Only time will tell, well actually looks like it already did.

Actually the temps have been in the 90's, they keep saying 80's, but yesterday my thermo said 94, that's too darn hot for me.

But it looks like I'm through the worst of it, with a little size the plants should be able to take a little more heat. And of course flowering is just around the corner. And it's supposed to cool off a lot this weekend, thank god, I hate the high temps.

I went to college in Tucson, loved the winters but got the heck out in the summer. Though first day of football practice freshman year it was 115! Damn that was hot.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Ah, a reverse snow bird! Mom and Dad are in Phoenix these days and it was 108 yesterday with 8% humidity.

You bring back bad memories of football practice in the late summer in the midwest. Felt like a dish rag at the end of those. Remember the salt tablets! YUK!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Ah, a reverse snow bird! Mom and Dad are in Phoenix these days and it was 108 yesterday with 8% humidity.

You bring back bad memories of football practice in the late summer in the midwest. Felt like a dish rag at the end of those. Remember the salt tablets! YUK!

Does that ever bring back the memories, first game senior year in high school, 95 deg, 95% humidity, Wisconsin seems to be the worst of both worlds, hot humid summers and cold nasty winters! And those salt tabs were gross.
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