"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Ya like Dags? I like dags. Your dogs seem pretty cool man. If I didn't have allergies I'd have a couple too. Man it's been hotter than hell here in denver the last few days. Would you please stop sending it this way? Geeze. I think your venting system is working! It's just pumping it all over here though. Man....Thank the lord for the hills. At least I can get up and camp in the cool mountain air.

Looks like your getting the tweeks into your garden. Nice. I think when your not looking your little plants are clapping their hands and singing:

Come together........

Right now..

.........Over me! bow bow dunnu bow bow.....

great job man. Way to stay on it. +reps if I can yet.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Ya like Dags? I like dags. Your dogs seem pretty cool man. If I didn't have allergies I'd have a couple too. Man it's been hotter than hell here in denver the last few days. Would you please stop sending it this way? Geeze. I think your venting system is working! It's just pumping it all over here though. Man....Thank the lord for the hills. At least I can get up and camp in the cool mountain air.

Looks like your getting the tweeks into your garden. Nice. I think when your not looking your little plants are clapping their hands and singing:

Come together........
Right now..
.........Over me! bow bow dunnu bow bow.....

great job man. Way to stay on it. +reps if I can yet.

I'm sitting on my front porch listening to a little Beatles, Let It Be, one of my all ime favorites, that's how I recognized your lyrics, lol!

You got it right about my pups, I wouldn't know what I'd do wihout them, they are a couple characters that's for sure.

And I know what you mean about the heat! It's 89 here right now. I took a cruise to the top of Independence Pass today, they just opened it Thursday, it's closed every year for the winter, they can't keep up with the snow! I froze my butt, it was 42 and he wind was blowing. That's what I like about the mountains, if it's too hot in the valley just head up high, the pups were playing in the snow today.

What a beautiful day to be hanging out with a glass of wine enjoying my front porch shadd by the lilacs ans honeysuckles. There we go, Harley just pissed on the neighbors Bichon Frieze (sp?). Sorry Jen. Gotta watch them little suckers, I guess that's what you get when you run with the big dogs!

Gotta run!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, it's been a while since I've taken any pics, I've been so absorbed in dealing with the heat issues. Well guess what, the plants have been growing despite less than optimal temperatures. I tried to take a few group photos but I wasn't happy with any, I'll try again tomorrow. But I've got some nice shots of some of the roots. They aren't all this good, several are still just now coming emerging from the net pot. I've got one that isn't going to make it, but even the smallest one now has roots showing from the side of the net pot and should be at the bottom of the tube by the end of this week. They are starting to take off, I'm betting that by next weekend they'll be going nuts!

So first, an AK/Cherry Lime, though by the looks of the plants I'm guessing they screwed this up and it's really a Durbin Poison:



The next two are Durbin Poisons:




Remember, all three of these were cuttings three weeks ago today, the last one will be three weeks this coming Thursday.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

FPF and all. You guys were talking about dogs. The other day I was riding my bike and I saw a sign that said "Talking Dog For Sale" So I pulled up and asked this elderly fellow what the deal was he said "yep, talking dog, he's around back."

So I walked around back and there sat this great looking black Labrador. I say "So you're the talking Dog?"

The turns and says "Yeah"

Well after a few moments that I took to recover I asked "So what's your story?"

The dof says, "Well I learned I couold talk at a very young age and I figured I coiuld do the government some good so I contacted the CIA. Well pretty soon I'm jetting all around the world setting in on meetings and on private groups. No one figured a dog could talk so I learned smoe very important things and relayed them to the CIA. After awhile I got tired of all the traveling so I took a job at the airport where once again I learned some very important things and was helpful in very many ways. Once again after awhile I got tired of it and decided just to settle down and have a family so here I am."

Well needless to say I walked back around front and aske the old guy how much he wanted for the dog. He said "$10.00"

I asked "Why so cheap?"

The old guy replyed, "He's a liar, he never did any of that stuff!"
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Well, the plants are looking awful good, except for two. One I still doubt will do anything at all and another that actually does have a root ready to pop out of the net pot but still not out yet. It's been three weeks now and I'm thinking I'll just pull those two and replace with something else I can find from a buddy. We'll see.

But the rest are really starting to shape up. You've seen a couple of the pics, too many to show you each individually. But all the rest have decent roots with most to the bottom of the tubes. I'm thinking they are ready to really start popping any day now. There are several I'm thinking it's almost time to top. I think I'll wait another day or two and then top the biggest girls, hopefully I can get the others to catch up a little. Then I want to do at least one more topping before going to flower.

The temps are still a little high, 80 when I got up this morning and 85 right now. The lights turn off for 4 hours starting at noon to avoid the hottest part of the day. I'm thinking most of my heat problems will go away when I go to flower, I just have to limp along until then, there's not much more I can do for now shy of buying a/c for the garage and for just two or three weeks of use I'm not sure I can justify it right now.

So, finally I've got something to show beyond bitching about heat problems. It felt like the plants were just idling there for the longest time, but this past week they have shown some good growth and I'm very optimistic things will work out fine.

Hope your day is going as good as mine!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, a couple more pics. These are of the overall.

This first pic is the good end of the tubes, I've moved all the best plants to this end though I may re-distribute them in a couple days to spread out the biggest growers.

This is the poor end, the plant at the end of the closest tube is the one I feel won't be doing anything, the end plant in the middle tube is very iffy too, but it is showing roots and may just pull through. Remember, most of these plants were from cuttings, those two in the foreground here were put in as cuttings 2 1/2 weeks ago, they were flat then, very short, barely stuck above the net cup.

Overall shot, if you look closely you can see the Reflectix insulation draped over the lights to help retain their heat to be removed from via the duct system.

And the vent pipe exiting The Beast, you can see the insulation I wrapped around the venting.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Is there any difference in the water level from one end to another or how much water stays between flows? Strange that one end is great and the other end is just good. Could be just the plants but maybe not.

I'm not sure that the water levels have made a difference, I've moved the plants placing the best at the upper end. The plants lower in the tube have been doing fine, those are the newest that I've rooted in place.

But yes, there is a noticeable difference in water flow between ends. Just a trickle up top and all those trickles added up by the bottom. As soon as all the roots hit the bottom of the tubes I'll leave them sit until harvest.

But I'm really excited to see how they have started to take off. It shouldn't be too much longer now before I have some impressive growth going on.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

If I tried something like your trying they would already be dead! It will probably work that when they are small when the light watering helps and then when they get bigger the other end will want that extra nuted water. Nets out to even, right? LOL!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

If I tried something like your trying they would already be dead! It will probably work that when they are small when the light watering helps and then when they get bigger the other end will want that extra nuted water. Nets out to even, right? LOL!

That's kind of what I'm thinking, I don't really think it will be a big difference. I'm figuring as long as the plants at the high end get enough the rest will be fine.

but I doubt your plants would be dead, they are pretty tough, I'm just hoping they can thrive with the res temps higher than I'd like. I tried the ice in the cooler thing with the res water being pumped trough the poly coil in the cooler with the ice. I melted 2- 10 lb. blocks of ice in about an hour, no way could I keep up with the ice. Either I get a fridge for a chiller or I buy a real chiller. But again, for just another two or three weeks I'm having trouble pulling the trigger on that expense.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Understood on the expense. I have a window unit I got for an upstairs bedroom that I have yet to install and I was itching to see what it would do in the grow room but the wife says that's her a/c so no! LOL! I'm packing ice bags around it and fill with cool water every morning. I have 2 weeks till the end for 3 of the 4 plants. Starting to cloud slightly so I've thinking I may not have to keep doing this for two long. I do have one plant that has about a month and then I may take a break till fall if the harvest is good and it should be. The colas on the 2 weekers are about 2" round and covered for about the first foot with lots and lots of buds just waiting to get bigger. In two weeks they should fatten up nicely. Can do a flush on one res with one plant but the other res has 3 in the tank and one of them is the one month plant. Probably won't flush this time around as an personal experiment in flush/no flush. Good news is I can still torture them! Where are my thumbtacks! LOL!

I'm thinking of marketing a line of torture gear! Thumbtacks with your grow name on them, custom plyers for twisting, horizontal guiotines for "the final cut", shallow nippers to gouge out the stems, clothing line complete with teflon chaps and harvest gloves with quick release silicon so you ball up the sticky stuff, a mp3 of Darth Vader asking to come to the Dark Side on a loop, strobe lights to really f up the lighting schedule, etc,etc! I've put way too much time into this project! LOL!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Understood on the expense. I have a window unit I got for an upstairs bedroom that I have yet to install and I was itching to see what it would do in the grow room but the wife says that's her a/c so no! LOL! I'm packing ice bags around it and fill with cool water every morning. I have 2 weeks till the end for 3 of the 4 plants. Starting to cloud slightly so I've thinking I may not have to keep doing this for two long. I do have one plant that has about a month and then I may take a break till fall if the harvest is good and it should be. The colas on the 2 weekers are about 2" round and covered for about the first foot with lots and lots of buds just waiting to get bigger. In two weeks they should fatten up nicely. Can do a flush on one res with one plant but the other res has 3 in the tank and one of them is the one month plant. Probably won't flush this time around as an personal experiment in flush/no flush. Good news is I can still torture them! Where are my thumbtacks! LOL!

I'm thinking of marketing a line of torture gear! Thumbtacks with your grow name on them, custom plyers for twisting, horizontal guiotines for "the final cut", shallow nippers to gouge out the stems, clothing line complete with teflon chaps and harvest gloves with quick release silicon so you ball up the sticky stuff, a mp3 of Darth Vader asking to come to the Dark Side on a loop, strobe lights to really f up the lighting schedule, etc,etc! I've put way too much time into this project! LOL!

I've heard the res temps for aero aren't as critical, warmer water doesn't hold o2 as well but with aero you are spraying the water all the time and this makes up for the o2. My biggest concern is the nute availability at various temps. But I'm thinking everything will come into line once I go to 12/12. It gets nice and cool here at night, when I get up now my temps are right about 80, I'll open the garage door for a half hour and everything goes down to 70 so I think when I can avoid adding any heat to the room during the day and only have the lights on at night I'll be able to keep the temps where I want them.

If I had a window in my garage I'd have a window a/c unit on it right now, but no window and I'm not going to cut any more holes in my garage wall! That reminds me, I need to paint those white grills dark brown asap. I wish I could have found the dark brown color, then I wouldn't have had to paint them now, but Lowes didn't have any so here I am today, I need to go out and paint!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Nice FPF I am waiting on mine to take off, how in the hell do you find the member of the month thread! everytime I search for it I can't find it unless it's attached to someones posting, shouldn't that be in a more visable area on 420mag.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Still nice rate of growth there.

They are still growing pretty good, just now really starting to take off but of course they needed to get their roots going. I am a little surprised how they are starting to take off now. I was worried the heat would really stifle them but so far so good.
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