"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Yeah my problem is where the room is built! and that is right under the master bedroom! which you can here the inline fan's humming in the bedroom, so I was up till 2am moving fan's, fun!

Hey enjoy the holiday Bro, and be safe!

Hey, you got that right, be safe everyone! Here in Colorado they have a program called "100 Days of Heat" meaning they will be putting up more alcohol check points and will be checking for pot too. This all starting tonight!

Watch out everyone, if you're partying make arrangements to get home. The one thing I make sure I do is get home before dark, they really have their eyes open after the sun goes down.

As the Doctor so eloquently put it, Be Safe!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, quick update here. I just finished covering all the duct with Reflectix, a foil type of insulation. It's seven layers thick and made out of the "space blanket" type material. The middle layer is made similar to bubble wrap. This stuff is supposed to be an r-10, but I don't think I'll get that out of my installation, you need to provide 1/2" air spaces both sides, it ain't gonna happen when wrapping ducts!

So, I covered the entire run as it exits The Beast. The with the material I had left over I cover the top of my lights and the ducting connectors between the three. I'll get some pics for an update soon.

But now I'm heading out for a little drive. It's a beautiful day, but a little windy due to the front moving through. The space is a lot cooler today due to the outside air temps being down, and tomorrow it's supposed to be even a little cooler.

Take care people, drive safely!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Good luck man. Hope it "pans" out for you. LOL.

Thanks man, things seem to be smoothing out. We've just gone through a pretty good heat wave and it's starting to feel prety good.

I need to get a pic update together but I've been pretty busy lately. I'll do my best to get a full update soon, there are a couple with great roots, and a couple with none yet, kind of frustrating.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Thanks man, this one has been challenging. But basically it has been heat, nothing I hadn't antcipated, but the solution is tougher than I suspected!

Hi Fry I hope it works too. 420 is amazing.....someone comes up with the answer you need. Love it! :) Have a good Holiday!:)
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, quick update here. I just finished covering all the duct with Reflectix, a foil type of insulation. It's seven layers thick and made out of the "space blanket" type material. The middle layer is made similar to bubble wrap. This stuff is supposed to be an r-10, but I don't think I'll get that out of my installation, you need to provide 1/2" air spaces both sides, it ain't gonna happen when wrapping ducts!

So, I covered the entire run as it exits The Beast. The with the material I had left over I cover the top of my lights and the ducting connectors between the three. I'll get some pics for an update soon.

But now I'm heading out for a little drive. It's a beautiful day, but a little windy due to the front moving through. The space is a lot cooler today due to the outside air temps being down, and tomorrow it's supposed to be even a little cooler.

Take care people, drive safely!

I hear you Bro on the heat thing! my room stays cool! here's the twsit of it though! I built this room an it's is nice and cool thanks to the A/C and the cool lighting system, thing is the outer room where the Res tank set's! wormed up to 89 degrees yesterday in just the outer room, and the a/c is the other heat source in that outer room, I do have the lighting fan setup to drawi cool air in from outside and dumping it in that room to help cool it but is n't enough still the Res tank water temp climbed to 80 degrees, what I am told by other experienced EF users is EF systems are a little more forgiving in that area of water temps! but I see it as a problem because it can and most likely will go way beyond 80!

This only means the tank will climb even higher when we get those really hot summer days that are coming! so I guess a chiller is my next step in investment to take care of this! heat is a major problem for any grow and betting the heat is costly at best.

So I filled a few 2.5 gallon containers to drop in the Res tank when needed till I can get a chiller, now here's the other hitch is this I can get one for $299.99 off the internet shipping an all comes to $347.13 the hitch is this if something goes bad with the chiller then you have break it down pack it and ship it then it will be maybe weeks before it's replaced or if repaired more like a month, if I buy one locally then it will run over $400 something? an now adays $50 savings is a lot and by internert it's a crap shoot at best.

Damned if you do! and Damned if you don't! thing I hate is all this stuff is setup to cause the consumer to spend more than first believed, people complain about socialism fanny thing is this the government helps by subsidizing product to the point these companies pay hardly anything and make millions to billions after and that is socialism, and no one complains about it because if we get rid of it the product prices would shoot up and retail sales would fall face down in the dirt so we can accept socialism only if we don't know it's there!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, quick update here. I just finished covering all the duct with Reflectix, a foil type of insulation. It's seven layers thick and made out of the "space blanket" type material. The middle layer is made similar to bubble wrap. This stuff is supposed to be an r-10, but I don't think I'll get that out of my installation, you need to provide 1/2" air spaces both sides, it ain't gonna happen when wrapping ducts!

So, I covered the entire run as it exits The Beast. The with the material I had left over I cover the top of my lights and the ducting connectors between the three. I'll get some pics for an update soon.

But now I'm heading out for a little drive. It's a beautiful day, but a little windy due to the front moving through. The space is a lot cooler today due to the outside air temps being down, and tomorrow it's supposed to be even a little cooler.

Take care people, drive safely!

What's up FPF the heat is on Bro.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, quick update here. I just finished covering all the duct with Reflectix, a foil type of insulation. It's seven layers thick and made out of the "space blanket" type material. The middle layer is made similar to bubble wrap. This stuff is supposed to be an r-10, but I don't think I'll get that out of my installation, you need to provide 1/2" air spaces both sides, it ain't gonna happen when wrapping ducts!

So, I covered the entire run as it exits The Beast. The with the material I had left over I cover the top of my lights and the ducting connectors between the three. I'll get some pics for an update soon.

But now I'm heading out for a little drive. It's a beautiful day, but a little windy due to the front moving through. The space is a lot cooler today due to the outside air temps being down, and tomorrow it's supposed to be even a little cooler.

Take care people, drive safely!

I hear you Bro on the heat thing! my room stays cool! here's the twsit of it though! I built this room an it's is nice and cool thanks to the A/C and the cool lighting system, thing is the outer room where the Res tank set's! wormed up to 89 degrees yesterday in just the outer room, and the a/c is the other heat source in that outer room, I do have the lighting fan setup to drawi cool air in from outside and dumping it in that room to help cool it but is n't enough still the Res tank water temp climbed to 80 degrees, what I am told by other experienced EF users is EF systems are a little more forgiving in that area of water temps! but I see it as a problem because it can and most likely will go way beyond 80!

This only means the tank will climb even higher when we get those really hot summer days that are coming! so I guess a chiller is my next step in investment to take care of this! heat is a major problem for any grow and betting the heat is costly at best.

So I filled a few 2.5 gallon containers to drop in the Res tank when needed till I can get a chiller, now here's the other hitch is this I can get one for $299.99 off the internet shipping an all comes to $347.13 the hitch is this if something goes bad with the chiller then you have break it down pack it and ship it then it will be maybe weeks before it's replaced or if repaired more like a month, if I buy one locally then it will run over $400 something? an now adays $50 savings is a lot and by internert it's a crap shoot at best.

Damned if you do! and Damned if you don't! thing I hate is all this stuff is setup to cause the consumer to spend more than first believed, people complain about socialism fanny thing is this the government helps by subsidizing product to the point these companies pay hardly anything and make millions to billions after and that is socialism, and no one complains about it because if we get rid of it the product prices would shoot up and retail sales would fall face down in the dirt so we can accept socialism only if we don't know it's there!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I hear you Bro on the heat thing! my room stays cool! here's the twsit of it though! I built this room an it's is nice and cool thanks to the A/C and the cool lighting system, thing is the outer room where the Res tank set's! wormed up to 89 degrees yesterday in just the outer room, and the a/c is the other heat source in that outer room, I do have the lighting fan setup to drawi cool air in from outside and dumping it in that room to help cool it but is n't enough still the Res tank water temp climbed to 80 degrees, what I am told by other experienced EF users is EF systems are a little more forgiving in that area of water temps! but I see it as a problem because it can and most likely will go way beyond 80!

This only means the tank will climb even higher when we get those really hot summer days that are coming! so I guess a chiller is my next step in investment to take care of this! heat is a major problem for any grow and betting the heat is costly at best.

So I filled a few 2.5 gallon containers to drop in the Res tank when needed till I can get a chiller, now here's the other hitch is this I can get one for $299.99 off the internet shipping an all comes to $347.13 the hitch is this if something goes bad with the chiller then you have break it down pack it and ship it then it will be maybe weeks before it's replaced or if repaired more like a month, if I buy one locally then it will run over $400 something? an now adays $50 savings is a lot and by internert it's a crap shoot at best.

Damned if you do! and Damned if you don't! thing I hate is all this stuff is setup to cause the consumer to spend more than first believed, people complain about socialism fanny thing is this the government helps by subsidizing product to the point these companies pay hardly anything and make millions to billions after and that is socialism, and no one complains about it because if we get rid of it the product prices would shoot up and retail sales would fall face down in the dirt so we can accept socialism only if we don't know it's there!

Why is it people seem to be fine with corporate welfare (hey we were subsidizing the oil companies to the tune of billions a year even while they were reporting multi-Billion dollar quarterly profits) but have a fit when the government helps a starving baby. This isn't right.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Why is it people seem to be fine with corporate welfare (hey we were subsidizing the oil companies to the tune of billions a year even while they were reporting multi-Billion dollar quarterly profits) but have a fit when the government helps a starving baby. This isn't right.

I just can't believe the crap the corporations get away with in the name of capitalism and free enterprise people don't understand that corporations are just another form of socialism that exists in the USA.

On another note I was tell a friend about my dilemma with the heat he suggested moving the Res tank in the room and damn I have to agree with him on this it should stay under 70 degrees in there since the room is a constent in the temp's with the lights not an issue as they are cooled, and damn dude to do this move I have to dump the think again I'll give it a shot at moving with the 30 gallons in ti but I don't I will be able to move it, 30 gallons is a bit of weight to move but it has to be done the nutes will be usless above 74 dgrees and the ph should stay more stable in that tank also, man no rest for the wicked lol.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I just can't believe the crap the corporations get away with in the name of capitalism and free enterprise people don't understand that corporations are just another form of socialism that exists in the USA.

On another note I was tell a friend about my dilemma with the heat he suggested moving the Res tank in the room and damn I have to agree with him on this it should stay under 70 degrees in there since the room is a constent in the temp's with the lights not an issue as they are cooled, and damn dude to do this move I have to dump the think again I'll give it a shot at moving with the 30 gallons in ti but I don't I will be able to move it, 30 gallons is a bit of weight to move but it has to be done the nutes will be usless above 74 dgrees and the ph should stay more stable in that tank also, man no rest for the wicked lol.

30 gallons at 8 lbs/ gallon adds rght up!

I wish my grow space as that cool and the resolution that simple. It looks like insulating the ducts has helped. The tepms are down in the low 80's, upper 70's, but the outside temps are cooler too.

Now I need to work on the res temp. I bought some 3/8" I'd poly tubing to use for a heat exchanger coil placed in a cooler filled with ice. I'm hoping to take the temp down a little, we'll see just how successful I am. At least it's cheap, I'll use a water pump from my SH kit, 50' of poly tubing, a large Coleman camping cooler I have and I'll but about 20 lbs of ice to seed it, I'll useice from my icemaker tomorrow, hopefully it will keep up.

Then it will be to run the pump continuous or timed say 15 min on, 15 off? Lots of playing around to do.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

My pups are a trip. Here I am sitting on the back porch watching the sprinklers water the lawn, yes, I'm comfortably high!

Well I finish that glass of wine, go in for another, load another bowl, put a little kief on top, take a couple nice little hits. I'm getting nice and high, the sun is bright and throwing a nice comfy heat throughout my space.

When my two dogs come running in at full speed, power breaking as they make the turn to my recliner to show me what good puppies they are coming home like they did.

I realized I forgot to close the screen door, I bet they've been gone for a half hour, but who am I, I'm stoned! You're going to have to check with Harley, I have no idea where they were, I just hope I don't get fined for them taking a crap in the neighbor's yard! Again...
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

You actually get fined for that?!? Can't your neighbor call you up and ask you to pick it up for him, I mean really. I just don't get some people. jeeze
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

My pups are a trip. Here I am sitting on the back porch watching the sprinklers water the lawn, yes, I'm comfortably high!

Well I finish that glass of wine, go in for another, load another bowl, put a little kief on top, take a couple nice little hits. I'm getting nice and high, the sun is bright and throwing a nice comfy heat throughout my space.

When my two dogs come running in at full speed, power breaking as they make the turn to my recliner to show me what good puppies they are coming home like they did.

I realized I forgot to close the screen door, I bet they've been gone for a half hour, but who am I, I'm stoned! You're going to have to check with Harley, I have no idea where they were, I just hope I don't get fined for them taking a crap in the neighbor's yard! Again...

Eh eh eeeh! they got out on yooouuu! and you didn't even notice ha ha! my old pup Zues use to get out the gate and go and set at the front door! didn't go anywhere esle but no one would come to the door with a 120 bl doberman setting there! and he was all muscle king doberman loved that dog smartest dog I ever had, he new what I wanted from him just by the way I would looked at him or a nod of the head because I trained him with unspoken commands along with verbal commands.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I guess you can honestly say you have "shitty" neighbors! :rofl:

Some certainly are, then there's the guy two doors over. We're standing there talking about whatever when Harley does his thing abot 20' to our left. My neighbor said don't worry, plenty right next to it. Today we're standing in front of his house when his pup trots over to my yard and does the crouch. My neighbor looks at me, smiles and says "back at ya bro!".

I have some good neighbors too. I don't want to move.
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