"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Just random thoughts here with that heat.. do you have any other place you can vent heat? some how split the efforts of venting into 2 different locations? you already have venting to the attic, but is there any other place you could vent? is there a crawl space under the house you could run vent tube into? some other type of exhaugst venting in the house you could tie into? maybe run a fake dryer vent so that from outside it just looks like a natural dryer vent?? or even just putting a window A/C on a shelf so you dont have to cut a hole in the wall?

it may be that none of those are an option but hopefully it helps to create new ideas or leads you to that AH HA moment..just trying to think outside the box..
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Just random thoughts here with that heat.. do you have any other place you can vent heat? some how split the efforts of venting into 2 different locations? you already have venting to the attic, but is there any other place you could vent? is there a crawl space under the house you could run vent tube into? some other type of exhaugst venting in the house you could tie into? maybe run a fake dryer vent so that from outside it just looks like a natural dryer vent?? or even just putting a window A/C on a shelf so you dont have to cut a hole in the wall?

it may be that none of those are an option but hopefully it helps to create new ideas or leads you to that AH HA moment..just trying to think outside the box..

Fake dryer vent - Good idea! +reps
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Just random thoughts here with that heat.. do you have any other place you can vent heat? some how split the efforts of venting into 2 different locations? you already have venting to the attic, but is there any other place you could vent? is there a crawl space under the house you could run vent tube into? some other type of exhaugst venting in the house you could tie into? maybe run a fake dryer vent so that from outside it just looks like a natural dryer vent?? or even just putting a window A/C on a shelf so you dont have to cut a hole in the wall?

it may be that none of those are an option but hopefully it helps to create new ideas or leads you to that AH HA moment..just trying to think outside the box..

Fake dryer vent - Good idea! +reps

That's what I'm trying to do right now only using a 6" vent rather than the typical 4" dryer vent. Though I just noticed the direct route to run it I'd have to cut through a header over my door, not a good idea. It looks like I'll have to run it through my original grow closet. A bit of a hassle but it's do-able.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Depending on where your room is, say its in the garage you can vent out one of the panels under your eves. Most houses have a couple sections on each side of the house to allow hot air to vent out of the garage. If you have this, then there will be 3 holes in a row cut out with screens over them. I've vented this way countless times. I don't know if I explained it right. I can take a Pict of what I'm talking about if need be. Let me know. Or if you have a "fart" fan that airs your bathroom out, check if it runs up and out the roof most do, I've tapped into these as well. Hope you get it worked out though. Just was stopping by and saw the issue had to throw my two cent in of course. :rofl: This bubba Has me babbling right now.

FPF you are a man with a million great ideas and ambitions so I don;t see this being an issue you don't have already mapped out.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Depending on where your room is, say its in the garage you can vent out one of the panels under your eves. Most houses have a couple sections on each side of the house to allow hot air to vent out of the garage. If you have this, then there will be 3 holes in a row cut out with screens over them. I've vented this way countless times. I don't know if I explained it right. I can take a Pict of what I'm talking about if need be. Let me know. Or if you have a "fart" fan that airs your bathroom out, check if it runs up and out the roof most do, I've tapped into these as well. Hope you get it worked out though. Just was stopping by and saw the issue had to throw my two cent in of course. :rofl: This bubba Has me babbling right now.

FPF you are a man with a million great ideas and ambitions so I don;t see this being an issue you don't have already mapped out.

Hey Butcher, thanks for the input. I don't know if you know this, but I'm an Architect, started as a carpenter 35 years ago, got my masters in Architecture 25 years ago after my body started giving out. Construction is the only thing I know how to do!

The way they vented my house was with a ridge and soffit vents. Ridge being along the very top of the house and the soffit being the area under the eaves of the roof. It's kind of a half assed way of doing it, but pretty cheap and we can get away with it around here since it's generally pretty dry.

That was my problem, this type of venting is pretty minimal, it doesn't let much air move through the attic, but apparently enough. It occurred to me when I put the 8" fresh air duct w/ 8" inline fan moving 210 cfm. Now I have no idea what 210 cfm should feel like, but when I felt the air flow it felt pretty low, I didn't think I was getting very much air through there.

That's when it occurred to me, I've got a 6" high output fan on my lights which should be sucking a lot of air out of the garage, hell it should be creating a partial vacuum with that much air being drawn out, but it wasn't. I realized that if you are putting the air into someplace with no outlet, the pressure will simply build and not let any more air in. If my attic wasn't capable of exhausting that much air I simply couldn't force any more in.

So, I just finished running the 6" duct from my lights to the side of my house and I've got a 6" vent similar to what you'd see on a fart fan, but I think they use this one for venting small range hoods. And guess what? I finished up about an hour and a half ago and the temp appears to be holding at 79! That's fine with me, a little warmer than I'd like but at this point I'm taking what I can get. It's a pretty cool day right now, believe it or not we got some snow this morning! Glad I didn't put out the tomatoes yet.

I'll have to see what happens when it warms up again. But the garage is insulated pretty well (I paid to get the insulation upgrade package) so it doesn't seem to pick up much heat during the day. I'm keeping my finger crossed but I think this just may do the trick. However, some of the bends in the flex in The Beast are pretty tight and I'm doing them with flex ducting, I feel if I'd go the the hard duct for the 90's I be in a little better shape easing the flow. One more easy step would be to add another fan, probably a 6" inline fan to boost flow.

But I really only have to worry during veg. Once I go to flower I'll run the lights during the night, probably from 9pm to 9am. It cools off pretty good at night here. I think I'll be able to stay ahead of the heat then.

Thanks for the vote of confidence Butcher!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Not sure if this post comes to late, but in my experience with air flow in relation to dust collection in a wood shop, 90's are a no no. 45's are better or those 90's that are a large radius work best. (you probably already know this but thought I'd mention it anyways)
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

nice man. sounds like your getting the heat issue solved. Hows the noise factor you were worried about?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Not sure if this post comes to late, but in my experience with air flow in relation to dust collection in a wood shop, 90's are a no no. 45's are better or those 90's that are a large radius work best. (you probably already know this but thought I'd mention it anyways)

You are absolutely right, but I've got problems with space, that's why I went with the high output fan. An inline fan would help, that would be the next step.

You know though, when talking fart fans, mechanically ventillated gas fire places, those sorts of thing the mechanical guys tell me to keep the bends to 360 max, and that includes using 90's. I'm sure moving a material, sawdust, is more of a problem than just air.

I'm battling a space problem and I'm thinking of changing the lighting layout. That would be a major change at this point, but I may need to. I'm still thinking.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

nice man. sounds like your getting the heat issue solved. Hows the noise factor you were worried about?

Thanks man, it's coming along but I'm afraid I'mn not out of the woods yet. The temp is creeping up, but it's def better than before. Last night it would have been up to 90 long ago, more tweaking required.

The noise hasn't been a problem, you can hear it, just the intake, it's just a whisper, it shouldn't be enough to cause a problem.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hi Fry Well, I haven't the foggiest idea about indoor growing, so I'm no help. With all the suggestions and help your getting a bell will ring soon and you'll get that heat under control. Your getting it slowly tuned in a bit at a time.
You'll get it fixed soon my friend:thumb:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey, if it was easy, everyone would do it and then where would we be! LOL! When we see growing instructions in the Sunday paper then we'll know we have arrived! Or maybe something like this:

Help Wanted: Experienced growing assistant. Must have hydro and soil experience. Extensive background in deficiency treatment and grow room management required. Law enforcement experience a plus. Contact Mary Jane at 420-420-4200.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hi Fry Well, I haven't the foggiest idea about indoor growing, so I'm no help. With all the suggestions and help your getting a bell will ring soon and you'll get that heat under control. Your getting it slowly tuned in a bit at a time.
You'll get it fixed soon my friend:thumb:

You bet, it's really just a mater of working through all the kinks. When I got up
this morning it was 80 in there so I'm getting close. It was pretty cool out last night, the bird bath was frozen! So when I get home this afternoon will be the test after a warm afternoon.

I'm busy doing my civc duty, jury duty! What the hell, I've got the time.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey, if it was easy, everyone would do it and then where would we be! LOL! When we see growing instructions in the Sunday paper then we'll know we have arrived! Or maybe something like this:

Help Wanted: Experienced growing assistant. Must have hydro and soil experience. Extensive background in deficiency treatment and grow room management required. Law enforcement experience a plus. Contact Mary Jane at 420-420-4200.

There's the help wanted ad I've been searching for all these months!

Good one MC!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I think I'm repeating myself but an attic exhaust fan would cure the problem. D O N E!

I solved my problem with a 100K btu air-conditioner. Then my grow is in my mud room.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I think I'm repeating myself but an attic exhaust fan would cure the problem. D O N E!

I solved my problem with a 100K btu air-conditioner. Then my grow is in my mud room.

I'm dumping the air out the wall now so an attic fan is a non factor. A/C is an expense I want to put out, though it's still on the list.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey FPF!

Just trying to catch up on your lightning journal! I saw several pages back we were discussing Barn Owls. I'm such an odd-ball, I've been watching these Barn Owls since they hatched from their eggs for almost 70 days now. They are really fascinating to watch.

The Owl Box, Ustream.TV

We're up to the point at nighttime when the Owlets are starting to do some fly-bys. The guy in California has the Owl Box all rigged up with cameras, and it's amazing to watch the parents bring them food at night. Mice, Gopher, Rats, Rabbits....they'll eat anything.

Anyway, still interested in "The Beast" and I'll be following along man!

Have a great day FPF. :ganjamon:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Damn man 20 pages and this is my first post. Seems like we have the same can air inline fan. Is your's the 6" inline High output one? I just picked that up last thursday. I should be growing soon just need more CFL's and my seeds. Cant wait to see your yeilds on this grow :)
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