Oh heck yes, I'm ready for the tundra. Sweatpants, sweatshirt, hair down (adds at least 10 degrees) and big socks. I'm set.

Danny, you need to bring extra socks and clothes with you this time of year! I tell TK all the time, layer up when you're doing work outdoors before you get sick!
I'm layered, it's -43 c today with wind chill -40c is -40 f wood stove a burning
Plants are looking great
Very nice.
:thanks: :passitleft: appreciate that Thomas!!!
I'm layered, it's -43 c today with wind chill -40c is -40 f wood stove a burning
Good boy!!! Omg I forget you live up there and it's cold like that. I can't complain!!!!
Plants are looking great
Thank you, they are really bulking up the Bulls and Blueberry is just about done, I can't wait for her and to see what these 2 Bulls will do for me. They're working fast, a lot quicker development than my last Bull who took 11 weeks, I think these girls will follow more on the 8 week spec numbers.
Greetings from California. 48 degrees now. High of 66. Sorry had too
I'm not jealous! I like the fact that I'm looking on my forecast for snow! I mean, I have my fuzzy socks on so it's all good!
I live in the land of one/two seasons. Never really any changes here. I’m sure it would be a sight to see.
It's pretty, believe me. A lot of people here are from CA or in areas with temps like you. Then there's the way northerners who have a whole other world up there. I feel like I've got the best of both worlds here in NJ....just can't grow outside which stinks...
Greetings from California. 48 degrees now. High of 66. Sorry had too
Sending some down south in trade for some warm -6 c is coming
Cali . even Florida gonna feel it
At least I can make winter hash & cold wash CCO
Thank you brother, today I woke up and it twas a good day. Hope you can say the same. Bit chilly here but not to worry cause....

Digging them colors Jersey I’m also doing ok. Pretty brisk here, 🥶 colder than I like. CL🍀
Digging them colors Jersey I’m also doing ok. Pretty brisk here, 🥶 colder than I like. CL🍀
Ya they go with anything. The hobo look is clutch in the winter. U better be doing ok...btw...
It was @420. The man on the mission knows what people want and it's those MACRO photos! I have to do a better job getting the blur away, I think I do a little bit better each time. Except today, today with trichome shots, I had the hand shakes our friend @Keffka and I were discussing the other day. Some days, that is a challenge that presents itself-I tried to rest my hand on Simon's thick branch to give me a brace.

So after you mentioned the advice to snap shots when you breathe out it clicked in my brain that taking a photo shot is similar to shooting at a distance. So I got myself into a decent standing position with my elbow tucked instead of chicken winging and did the same thing I do to shoot (take the shot either right at the top of my breath or right at the bottom of it). I was able to snap much clearer pictures than normal, especially zoomed in.

The macro images are still much too fine for me to freehand it but the tripod works well for that, however now I don’t have to take 15 pictures just to get an ok image which is awesome, although it’s still a habit to take that many lol.

This all assumes I haven’t recently had caffeine 😂
Doing the best I can all things considered but any day above ground is a good day. CL🍀
Oh Clover I'm sending you a hug! Sorry I didn't get back around my journals last night, I made a "Holiday Village" with my son, I watched the dumb BulletTrain movie, ate some squash soup and a Mediterranean Veggie sandwich from Panera, and I had promised @Amos Greentree I would pop over by his journal and I only got halfway through that before SNORE SNORE SNORE. So that was the rest of my day. We shall chit chat more today.
So after you mentioned the advice to snap shots when you breathe out it clicked in my brain that taking a photo shot is similar to shooting at a distance.
yes!!!! I have never shot an animal but i always went out with my friends who did and just hit targets and cans and bottles and stuff. That was the first thing I was told. How I mever linked the two concepts together is asinine.
So I got myself into a decent standing position with my elbow tucked instead of chicken winging and did the same thing I do to shoot (take the shot either right at the top of my breath or right at the bottom of it). I was able to snap much clearer pictures than normal, especially zoomed in.
I'm so glad it helped a little at least!
The macro images are still much too fine for me to freehand it but the tripod works well for that, however now I don’t have to take 15 pictures just to get an ok image which is awesome, although it’s still a habit to take that many lol.
Mine are still blurry. Going to start using my new tripod that Santa is brining Tuesday (my sis and her fiancee are Santa and we do our Christmas after the holiday) and maybe find a good digital scope with a stand so I'm not having to hold it to take trichome or small particle pics. I think those are my only two options to making myself better at the MACRO shots of MICRO things
This all assumes I haven’t recently had caffeine 😂
Ironically, my shakes yesterday were from caffeine withdrawal. I had like 8 cups the day before and had yet to have 1 that morning and match that with my anxiety and here is Krissi, the leaf shaker
Beat…. Tired and ready for a good toke!
Can’t feel my toes Krissi, I need to borrow some socks! 🤣






Oh Danny, that looks terrible. I'd have you over for tea and crumpets if I were over the pond. I'll have you over for Dunkin and bagels and I'll lay out a spread of warm socks for you to choose from! Hope you got some rest!

So I wanted to just show you guys one pic of Simon today. I made this entry basically for Theodore our Blueberry Autoflower because she only has several days left with us buuuuut the sugar coming in on this massive stalk of Simon is crazy. This one stalk is so heavy, I wish I could weigh it. I don't even think you can tell how much sugar is there because it's not the best photo (lights were going off in 7 min and I had to feed at least 2 plants in the 4x4 within that 7 minutes before lights out) but regardless, here it is

Back to Theo, the drought is doing its thing and coraling is happening hard.

Coraling for those of you that don't know, is my coined word for what the droughting does to my trichomes. It morphs them, elongates them, twists them, weighs the bulbous heads down and causes them to twin produce, wrap around the buds, multiply and morph into a different sight than what most of you are used to seeing on a trichome check.

Here is an example of a lower bud that has not yet begun coraling or is at least in the premature stages of it.

Notice how the stalks are a normal size and there doesn't seem to be much of a weird structure to the trichomes. This changes over time and it is time dependent as the bottom buds turn slower than the top buds.

Compare the 1st pic to these photos which clearly show this phenomenon and you'll be able to catch what I'm throwing out.

Do you see it? It's cool right? Makes your smoke pretty radically dope later, too. This process increases all cannabinoids, THC, CBD, etc.

And a few shots to close out of Miss Theodore and how well she is handling this drought. You would never know she is Day 5 no water no feed no nothing. Her leaves are barely showing yellowing and are all very turgid. This is something that can change within several hours though, so I'll be on the lookout for her tonight when I check in.

From the trichome check, my plan is to pull her Friday as of now.

Have a great day guys and gals!
Oh Clover I'm sending you a hug! Sorry I didn't get back around my journals last night, I made a "Holiday Village" with my son, I watched the dumb BulletTrain movie, ate some squash soup and a Mediterranean Veggie sandwich from Panera, and I had promised @Amos Greentree I would pop over by his journal and I only got halfway through that before SNORE SNORE SNORE. So that was the rest of my day. We shall chit chat more today.

yes!!!! I have never shot an animal but i always went out with my friends who did and just hit targets and cans and bottles and stuff. That was the first thing I was told. How I mever linked the two concepts together is asinine.

I'm so glad it helped a little at least!

Mine are still blurry. Going to start using my new tripod that Santa is brining Tuesday (my sis and her fiancee are Santa and we do our Christmas after the holiday) and maybe find a good digital scope with a stand so I'm not having to hold it to take trichome or small particle pics. I think those are my only two options to making myself better at the MACRO shots of MICRO things

Ironically, my shakes yesterday were from caffeine withdrawal. I had like 8 cups the day before and had yet to have 1 that morning and match that with my anxiety and here is Krissi, the leaf shaker

Oh Danny, that looks terrible. I'd have you over for tea and crumpets if I were over the pond. I'll have you over for Dunkin and bagels and I'll lay out a spread of warm socks for you to choose from! Hope you got some rest!

So I wanted to just show you guys one pic of Simon today. I made this entry basically for Theodore our Blueberry Autoflower because she only has several days left with us buuuuut the sugar coming in on this massive stalk of Simon is crazy. This one stalk is so heavy, I wish I could weigh it. I don't even think you can tell how much sugar is there because it's not the best photo (lights were going off in 7 min and I had to feed at least 2 plants in the 4x4 within that 7 minutes before lights out) but regardless, here it is

Back to Theo, the drought is doing its thing and coraling is happening hard.

Coraling for those of you that don't know, is my coined word for what the droughting does to my trichomes. It morphs them, elongates them, twists them, weighs the bulbous heads down and causes them to twin produce, wrap around the buds, multiply and morph into a different sight than what most of you are used to seeing on a trichome check.

Here is an example of a lower bud that has not yet begun coraling or is at least in the premature stages of it.

Notice how the stalks are a normal size and there doesn't seem to be much of a weird structure to the trichomes. This changes over time and it is time dependent as the bottom buds turn slower than the top buds.

Compare the 1st pic to these photos which clearly show this phenomenon and you'll be able to catch what I'm throwing out.

Do you see it? It's cool right? Makes your smoke pretty radically dope later, too. This process increases all cannabinoids, THC, CBD, etc.

And a few shots to close out of Miss Theodore and how well she is handling this drought. You would never know she is Day 5 no water no feed no nothing. Her leaves are barely showing yellowing and are all very turgid. This is something that can change within several hours though, so I'll be on the lookout for her tonight when I check in.

From the trichome check, my plan is to pull her Friday as of now.

Have a great day guys and gals!
Cool Jersey and you said you couldn’t take good pictures well they look 👀 good to me. CL🍀
Cool Jersey and you said you couldn’t take good pictures well they look 👀 good to me. CL🍀
It is when they are on a desktop or blown up. It gets blurry. I need to fix that. Rob has told me 1000x I'll get it, hopefully I do soon.
Lovely shots Krissi and such a generous portion! :laughtwo:

Miss Theodore (?) is simply a beast of an auto.

Your before and after "coraling" pics convinced me -- finally -- to try droughting a plant (on purpose). I look forward to taking the same types of trich pics and seeing the same kinds of changes!

I'll be heading over to the droughting thread soon to bone up on the specifics of the process.

Lovely shots Krissi and such a generous portion! :laughtwo:
Hahaha :rofl: :laugh: leave that to me!! The over zealous one! :welcome:
Miss Theodore (?) is simply a beast of an auto.
Yes that's her name! And man isn't she?? What a big girl for a Blueberry Autoflower, she went above and beyond my expectations for sure!
Your before and after "coraling" pics convinced me -- finally -- to try droughting a plant (on purpose). I look forward to taking the same types of trich pics and seeing the same kinds of changes!
Omg I am sooooo excited!!! Knowing how the cannabinoids are both produced and move through those stalks and into the heads is a necessary prerequisite for making sure this whole thing doesn't seem ridiculous. Once you understand that science, when you see what this physically does to the trichomes, it all makes sense!
I'll be heading over to the droughting thread soon to bone up on the specifics of the process.

Oh HURRAY! It's really a straight forward process. Hmu if you need anything, so stoked to see your documentation and pics and hear what you have to say after you smoke it!!!
Any chance you could use a microphone stand to hold or steady the scope?
They're more useful than a lot of tripods because of the arm.

Funny, I said this to Rob yesterday

OK so:
-Get me a stand for my scope or a new scope that comes with a stand (I wouldn't mind a new scope)

Tripod I'm getting with the light for my video reviews mostly, namely the Rositek 4T Press but I absolutely needed a different course of action for the trichomes. Glad to hear that it's not such an outlandish thing to consider-just getting a stand for the scope. Just hard because how do I get the stand under my buds? Like move the plant out of the tent and then what? I'm honestly super curious and would love any and all feedback on how to do better.
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