Ya get used to the heat/ humidity n can you imagine what you could grow outdoors with that Florida sun. I used to love calling friends n fam n Chicago when it was below zero n tell them I was out riding my H-D in a t-shirt. Lmao 🤣 CL🍀
But you can run around star ass naked and still be hot and sweaty. I can bundle my ass all up nice and be snug and warm if I want to
Forgot to tell ya, I watched a great series on Netflix called Shameless it’s with William H.Macy and his family in Chicago. CL🍀
Oh Shameless I know...I got one for you, Bloodline.
But you can run around star ass naked and still be hot and sweaty. I can bundle my ass all up nice and be snug and warm if I want to

Oh Shameless I know...I got one for you, Bloodline.
I got caught in the Blizzard of 79-80 (Google it) about a mile from home dressed for fall weather and had to walk in tennis shoes home. Needless to say I got frostbite on my fingers + toes so now when it’s cold 🥶 they hurt. And in Fl. ya plan when to go out and stay in the A.C. I like being tan yearlong and not being cold. Bloodline huh? I’ll check it out. Thanks Jersey friend. CL🍀
I got caught in the Blizzard of 79-80 (Google it) about a mile from home dressed for fall weather and had to walk in tennis shoes home. Needless to say I got frostbite on my fingers + toes so now when it’s cold 🥶 they hurt.
I have some Muck Lucks Muck Lugs Mug Lugs Mug Lucks? Hmmm. I have some warm fuzze socks with slip protectors...happy to share
And in Fl. ya plan when to go out and stay in the A.C. I like being tan yearlong and not being cold.
I am pale now. Thinking of going tanning
Bloodline huh? I’ll check it out. Thanks Jersey friend. CL🍀
Yes...awesome show. 3 seasons, you'll breeze through them. Oh and ClickBait
So today's update is broken up in 3 parts!

First off, checking in on Madame Blueberry's trichomes as she now sits of Day 2 of Drought and already looks thirsty in her pot!

Moving on to pistil development in the Big Bull girls. I was asked to try and implement and take some more MACRO shots by @420, so please cut me some slack as I struggle to capture the essence of MACRO photography. My hand is attempting to try its best with taking better trichome photos, and magnified pistil and bud shots. This is a learning curve for me like anything else, so don't hate me for trying to do better!

The final portion of the update today is an individual shot of both of these fluffy wonders, Alvin and Simon. These two Kannabia Big Bull photoperiods c/o @CannaPot are just really growing at Mach speeds. Tomorrow I will need to get in there for another defol and will probably end up making some jugs to feed these girls again. Soaking up everything and their reserve like it's their job.

So I end today's update with the reminder that Theodore will be pulled next week. I may have to dry trim again as much as I loathe the after bud appearance with those darn sugar leaves but with the holidays, I don't think I'll have time to trim her.

This holiday is the worst because TKs family is all over and it's like sure, we can be in 782 places in 3 days, that's totally fine. 3 places alone on Christmas Day...ugh...Anyway, have a great grow day guys! They all sit at Day 78 above ground with my Bulls at Day 20 Flower, Blueberry at Day 46.

I have some Muck Lucks Muck Lugs Mug Lugs Mug Lucks? Hmmm. I have some warm fuzze socks with slip protectors...happy to share

I am pale now. Thinking of going tanning

Yes...awesome show. 3 seasons, you'll breeze through them. Oh and ClickBait
Thanks for offer but I imagine my feet are a little bit too big. Spray or Salon? Tanning booths are horrible for your skin they’re worse than that Fl. Sun. I told ya I get easily distracted + Bloodline didn’t do it for me but I’m watching Peaky Blinders now and liking it. Oh by the way I don’t know if you Googled that blizzard but they forget to mention that it was below zero for 2 weeks with windchills of-60. CL🍀
Thanks for offer but I imagine my feet are a little bit too big. Spray or Salon? Tanning booths are horrible for your skin they’re worse than that Fl.
Yes I know....luckily i have the olive skin. I tolerate a lot. That or bust. Im not doung orange spray on, brush on aything
Sun. I told ya I get easily distracted + Bloodline didn’t do it for me but I’m watching Peaky Blinders now and liking it.
Love Peaky Blinders!!! The final season was, wow!
Oh by the way I don’t know if you Googled that blizzard but they forget to mention that it was below zero for 2 weeks with windchills of-60. CL🍀
Holy moly now that is cold. I see that shit on Life Below Zero!
I got caught in the Blizzard of 79-80 (Google it)

That blizzard happened a few years before I was born but it imprinted itself on everyone’s psyche here in the Midwest. They still talk about it like it just happened, and they still prep for every storm like it’s gonna be that blizzard. Some weather events leave a very long mental scar.

@Krissi Carbone I struggle taking macro/micro shots myself, I have a slight tremor so my hands always shake a little. I can’t even use a loupe because of it unfortunately. What I wound up doing was buying a set of lenses that attach to my phone, but what truly helped was the tripod it came with. I suggest trying a tripod or a makeshift version of one. It allows you to get right on top of whatever you’re photographing, and if you don’t misplace your remote control like I did you can click the button to snap a picture without even touching your phone.
That blizzard happened a few years before I was born but it imprinted itself on everyone’s psyche here in the Midwest. They still talk about it like it just happened, and they still prep for every storm like it’s gonna be that blizzard. Some weather events leave a very long mental scar.

@Krissi Carbone I struggle taking macro/micro shots myself, I have a slight tremor so my hands always shake a little. I can’t even use a loupe because of it unfortunately. What I wound up doing was buying a set of lenses that attach to my phone, but what truly helped was the tripod it came with. I suggest trying a tripod or a makeshift version of one. It allows you to get right on top of whatever you’re photographing, and if you don’t misplace your remote control like I did you can click the button to snap a picture without even touching your phone.
The mental part Ican handle it’s the frostbite that haunts me. CL🍀
So today's update is broken up in 3 parts!

First off, checking in on Madame Blueberry's trichomes as she now sits of Day 2 of Drought and already looks thirsty in her pot!

Moving on to pistil development in the Big Bull girls. I was asked to try and implement and take some more MACRO shots by @420, so please cut me some slack as I struggle to capture the essence of MACRO photography. My hand is attempting to try its best with taking better trichome photos, and magnified pistil and bud shots. This is a learning curve for me like anything else, so don't hate me for trying to do better!

The final portion of the update today is an individual shot of both of these fluffy wonders, Alvin and Simon. These two Kannabia Big Bull photoperiods c/o @CannaPot are just really growing at Mach speeds. Tomorrow I will need to get in there for another defol and will probably end up making some jugs to feed these girls again. Soaking up everything and their reserve like it's their job.

So I end today's update with the reminder that Theodore will be pulled next week. I may have to dry trim again as much as I loathe the after bud appearance with those darn sugar leaves but with the holidays, I don't think I'll have time to trim her.

This holiday is the worst because TKs family is all over and it's like sure, we can be in 782 places in 3 days, that's totally fine. 3 places alone on Christmas Day...ugh...Anyway, have a great grow day guys! They all sit at Day 78 above ground with my Bulls at Day 20 Flower, Blueberry at Day 46.

Beautiful pictures Krissi and that’s what the Holidays are all about. Running around getting all the Holiday spirit they can stomach. At least you don’t dispise your In-laws like I did. CL🍀
Beautiful pictures Krissi and that’s what the Holidays are all about. Running around getting all the Holiday spirit they can stomach. At least you don’t dispise your In-laws like I did. CL🍀
Spanks bro....

I do, they loathe me for smoking and have caused me much anguish yelling at me about growing when they found out. Basically acted like I was a drug lord in addition to the pothead they already think I am. Granted they are drunks, as we talked about, and ignorant and also have far less of an educational background than I do. So touche MFers
Spanks bro....

I do, they loathe me for smoking and have caused me much anguish yelling at me about growing when they found out. Basically acted like I was a drug lord in addition to the pothead they already think I am. Granted they are drunks, as we talked about, and ignorant and also have far less of an educational background than I do. So touche MFers
Oh man my heart ❤️ goes out to you, what I really used to love was being trapped @ the dining room table and having Aunts,Uncles,Cousins and of course her parents all telling me what a piece of 💩 I was. Great memories. Lmao 🤣 CL🍀
Most of the adults in my life were the same, and they wondered why I couldn’t just respect my elders.. I would respect you if you didn’t spend my entire life telling me how much of a piece of shit I am, and constantly try to use the government to force your beliefs on me.

My mother doesn’t even acknowledge my existence to others any more I’m such a disappointment even though I’m the only kid that left home and has made something of themselves.

Happy holidays!! 🤣🤣

Life is much much better without all that toxicity in it.
Most of the adults in my life were the same, and they wondered why I couldn’t just respect my elders.. I would respect you if you didn’t spend my entire life telling me how much of a piece of shit I am, and constantly try to use the government to force your beliefs on me.

My mother doesn’t even acknowledge my existence to others any more I’m such a disappointment even though I’m the only kid that left home and has made something of themselves.

Happy holidays!! 🤣🤣

Life is much much better without all that toxicity in it.
They say time heals all wounds but I don’t know about that I think the older we get we see what’s really important and peoples options of us aren’t. CL🍀
Yeah and she’s not even using a IPhone. Love my IPhone ❤️. CL🍀

Wow.. that’s impressive.. I’ve never been able to match an iPhones camera. It’s part of why I don’t go back to android.. That and I really like iMessage lol.
Wow.. that’s impressive.. I’ve never been able to match an iPhones camera. It’s part of why I don’t go back to android.. That and I really like iMessage lol.
It took me a minute to get used to a IPhone but now I’ll never go back to android. CL🍀
That blizzard happened a few years before I was born but it imprinted itself on everyone’s psyche here in the Midwest. They still talk about it like it just happened, and they still prep for every storm like it’s gonna be that blizzard. Some weather events leave a very long mental scar.
Are we talking the Blizzard of '96? We had that here in NJ, I remember no school for 2 whole weeks.
@Krissi Carbone I struggle taking macro/micro shots myself, I have a slight tremor so my hands always shake a little.
I have bad case of the trembly hands, you can ask anyone that knows me here. Been a challenge finding a place to rest my hand while getting thr shots. Some days, my anxiety is bad and I have definitely had my share of less than stellar macros because of it
I can’t even use a loupe because of it unfortunately. What I wound up doing was buying a set of lenses that attach to my phone, but what truly helped was the tripod it came with. I suggest trying a tripod or a makeshift version of one. It allows you to get right on top of whatever you’re photographing, and if you don’t misplace your remote control like I did you can click the button to snap a picture without even touching your phone.
I have a tripod coming with the same function! My scope though, idk thst connects to wifi on my phone and shoots off Bluetooth so if I can get that linked with the tripod, that would be coo but I doubt it. I have a handheld digital scope, got off the Zon, I love it. Just need to remember to clean the stick off of it before shooting. Rob told me a hint too, when taking pics to avoid the shake and blur more, breathe out when you click to shoot. It worms, surprisingly enough
Beautiful pictures Krissi and that’s what the Holidays are all about.
it is isnt it!
Running around getting all the Holiday spirit they can stomach. At least you don’t dispise your In-laws like I did. CL🍀
They're OK. My MIL God help her is a scatterbrained blonde. She even used a thin point Sharpie once thinking it was eye liner...oh yea...that bad...
Oh man my heart ❤️ goes out to you, what I really used to love was being trapped @ the dining room table and having Aunts,Uncles,Cousins and of course her parents all telling me what a piece of 💩 I was. Great memories. Lmao 🤣 CL🍀
I just let them drink and get there blazed. Within an hour they are all trashed blitzed drunk and are pretty tolerable. At my son's birthday, they were even lit enough to talk about the one time my FIL accidentally ate an edible and landed himself in thr hospital thinking he was dying. Lmao
Love the Macro shots, wish I could get even half as good :eek: :yummy:
Thank you, I'm trying really hard to be better at them!!
Most of the adults in my life were the same, and they wondered why I couldn’t just respect my elders.. I would respect you if you didn’t spend my entire life telling me how much of a piece of shit I am, and constantly try to use the government to force your beliefs on me.
Drives me crazy.
My mother doesn’t even acknowledge my existence to others any more I’m such a disappointment even though I’m the only kid that left home and has made something of themselves.
My mother at 19 told me rehab or get out of the house. I lived in my car one summer. All I could think was Bob Saget in Half Baked, "did you ever suck dick for weed"...now she has a medical card and smoked sometimes and takes edible gummies regularly. Those gummies got her off the Xanax and vodka now it's just weed and vodka...her and I have had a rough relationship over the years, just building it up now. She is like go weed now, super promoter. My dad still doesn't like the smell and won't try it, not even once, but he's curious.
Happy holidays!! 🤣🤣

Life is much much better without all that toxicity in it.
100% my brother. Thanks for sharing your familial struggles with me. Makes things seem more in place
Right? I can’t even use a loupe effectively and shes got commercial grade images
It's taken a lot of trial and error!
They say time heals all wounds but I don’t know about that I think the older we get we see what’s really important and peoples options of us aren’t. CL🍀
It does not heal all wounds. You just mature and evolve enough to not focus on the past and are able to be mindful and present in the moment.
Yeah and she’s not even using a IPhone. Love my IPhone ❤️. CL🍀
Screw iPhone, this A71 is the best phone for camera use. Although, I hear the nee Google Pixel is awesome...
Wow.. that’s impressive.. I’ve never been able to match an iPhones camera. It’s part of why I don’t go back to android.. That and I really like iMessage lol.
If u have a Droid friend, we can communicate the same as imessages just can't love or emphasize a comment-which is silly anyway, I think
It took me a minute to get used to a IPhone but now I’ll never go back to android. CL🍀
And here you are and here you will be complaining about not being able to get nice macro shots
Are we talking the Blizzard of '96? We had that here in NJ, I remember no school for 2 whole weeks.

I have bad case of the trembly hands, you can ask anyone that knows me here. Been a challenge finding a place to rest my hand while getting thr shots. Some days, my anxiety is bad and I have definitely had my share of less than stellar macros because of it

I have a tripod coming with the same function! My scope though, idk thst connects to wifi on my phone and shoots off Bluetooth so if I can get that linked with the tripod, that would be coo but I doubt it. I have a handheld digital scope, got off the Zon, I love it. Just need to remember to clean the stick off of it before shooting. Rob told me a hint too, when taking pics to avoid the shake and blur more, breathe out when you click to shoot. It worms, surprisingly enough

it is isnt it!

They're OK. My MIL God help her is a scatterbrained blonde. She even used a thin point Sharpie once thinking it was eye liner...oh yea...that bad...

I just let them drink and get there blazed. Within an hour they are all trashed blitzed drunk and are pretty tolerable. At my son's birthday, they were even lit enough to talk about the one time my FIL accidentally ate an edible and landed himself in thr hospital thinking he was dying. Lmao

Thank you, I'm trying really hard to be better at them!!

Drives me crazy.

My mother at 19 told me rehab or get out of the house. I lived in my car one summer. All I could think was Bob Saget in Half Baked, "did you ever suck dick for weed"...now she has a medical card and smoked sometimes and takes edible gummies regularly. Those gummies got her off the Xanax and vodka now it's just weed and vodka...her and I have had a rough relationship over the years, just building it up now. She is like go weed now, super promoter. My dad still doesn't like the smell and won't try it, not even once, but he's curious.

100% my brother. Thanks for sharing your familial struggles with me. Makes things seem more in place

It's taken a lot of trial and error!

It does not heal all wounds. You just mature and evolve enough to not focus on the past and are able to be mindful and present in the moment.

Screw iPhone, this A71 is the best phone for camera use. Although, I hear the nee Google Pixel is awesome...

If u have a Droid friend, we can communicate the same as imessages just can't love or emphasize a comment-which is silly anyway, I think

And here you are and here you will be complaining about not being able to get nice macro shots
Blizzard of 79 in Chicago ask anyone who lived through it. The salt they put on the sreets wouldn’t work it was so cold. They were putting it in trucks and dumping it in Lake Michigan. The buses stopped running and I was stuck a mile from home. CL🍀
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