That's what I meant about the arm. You can get one with an arm at the top that can be set to hold a position away from the stand itself.
I'm describing this badly.
Like this, but taller.

The arm holds the scope out over your buds while the body of the stand stays out of your plants.
Oh Clover I'm sending you a hug! Sorry I didn't get back around my journals last night, I made a "Holiday Village" with my son, I watched the dumb BulletTrain movie, ate some squash soup and a Mediterranean Veggie sandwich from Panera, and I had promised @Amos Greentree I would pop over by his journal and I only got halfway through that before SNORE SNORE SNORE. So that was the rest of my day. We shall chit chat more today.

yes!!!! I have never shot an animal but i always went out with my friends who did and just hit targets and cans and bottles and stuff. That was the first thing I was told. How I mever linked the two concepts together is asinine.

I'm so glad it helped a little at least!

Mine are still blurry. Going to start using my new tripod that Santa is brining Tuesday (my sis and her fiancee are Santa and we do our Christmas after the holiday) and maybe find a good digital scope with a stand so I'm not having to hold it to take trichome or small particle pics. I think those are my only two options to making myself better at the MACRO shots of MICRO things

Ironically, my shakes yesterday were from caffeine withdrawal. I had like 8 cups the day before and had yet to have 1 that morning and match that with my anxiety and here is Krissi, the leaf shaker

Oh Danny, that looks terrible. I'd have you over for tea and crumpets if I were over the pond. I'll have you over for Dunkin and bagels and I'll lay out a spread of warm socks for you to choose from! Hope you got some rest!

So I wanted to just show you guys one pic of Simon today. I made this entry basically for Theodore our Blueberry Autoflower because she only has several days left with us buuuuut the sugar coming in on this massive stalk of Simon is crazy. This one stalk is so heavy, I wish I could weigh it. I don't even think you can tell how much sugar is there because it's not the best photo (lights were going off in 7 min and I had to feed at least 2 plants in the 4x4 within that 7 minutes before lights out) but regardless, here it is

Back to Theo, the drought is doing its thing and coraling is happening hard.

Coraling for those of you that don't know, is my coined word for what the droughting does to my trichomes. It morphs them, elongates them, twists them, weighs the bulbous heads down and causes them to twin produce, wrap around the buds, multiply and morph into a different sight than what most of you are used to seeing on a trichome check.

Here is an example of a lower bud that has not yet begun coraling or is at least in the premature stages of it.

Notice how the stalks are a normal size and there doesn't seem to be much of a weird structure to the trichomes. This changes over time and it is time dependent as the bottom buds turn slower than the top buds.

Compare the 1st pic to these photos which clearly show this phenomenon and you'll be able to catch what I'm throwing out.

Do you see it? It's cool right? Makes your smoke pretty radically dope later, too. This process increases all cannabinoids, THC, CBD, etc.

And a few shots to close out of Miss Theodore and how well she is handling this drought. You would never know she is Day 5 no water no feed no nothing. Her leaves are barely showing yellowing and are all very turgid. This is something that can change within several hours though, so I'll be on the lookout for her tonight when I check in.

From the trichome check, my plan is to pull her Friday as of now.

Have a great day guys and gals!
I love Dunkin coffee and that Star stuff tastes burnt to me . Btw if I don’t get my coffee I get a headache from hell and why does that first cup in the morning taste so good but #2 is just ok? I’m high ya gotta overlook my rambling. lol CL🍀
That's what I meant about the arm. You can get one with an arm at the top that can be set to hold a position away from the stand itself.
I'm describing this badly.
Like this, but taller.

The arm holds the scope out over your buds while the body of the stand stays out of your plants.
Sensational idea!! :thanks:
I see where you're going with this now. Absolutely going to go look for one now on the Zon. Thanks so much for thinking of this for me, you're awesome!
I love Dunkin coffee and that Star stuff tastes burnt to me .
Bucks is overpriced for yes, burnt tasting coffee. Worst espresso out there. Dunkin and Wawa are my life and Kcups of course, I go through 96 a month give or take
Btw if I don’t get my coffee I get a headache from hell and why does that first cup in the morning taste so good but #2 is just ok?
1 is great anything after might as well be water to me lol
I’m high ya gotta overlook my rambling. lol CL🍀
You love the morning toke, huh. I need to get there. Baby has just wanted to cuddle all morning so I have yet to smoke and yet to finish my 1st coffee. I'm surprised I'm functioning at all
Bucks is overpriced for yes, burnt tasting coffee. Worst espresso out there. Dunkin and Wawa are my life and Kcups of course, I go through 96 a month give or take

1 is great anything after might as well be water to me lol

You love the morning toke, huh. I need to get there. Baby has just wanted to cuddle all morning so I have yet to smoke and yet to finish my 1st coffee. I'm surprised I'm functioning at all
I really love to wake n bake it helps me start the day with a positive attitude. CL🍀
What’s the pics from? Underground tunnel maybe? CL🍀
Haha could be. It’s our Thermal Oxidizer that burns off flammable vapors = clean exhaust air.
All that black stuff is MDI and it sets up like superglue and gets hard as a rock. Nasty stuff..
I really love to wake n bake it helps me start the day with a positive attitude. CL🍀
I do, too. Believe me I know when it's time. I used to wake and bake immediately but then I had a child. It's usually about an hour into the day I get works. Sometimes, if I wait longer and am busy, man oh man do I get a really nice buzz cause it's like my body was deprived for over 12 hours
The best though is when I can chillax on my deck when it’s warm out listen to the birds doing their thing read my newspaper and drink my coffee. Gotta be Dunkin or 100% Colombian. CL🍀
I love it. Me too. Like to look at my birds. We have like 3 or 4 bird feeders, lots of different species in Jersey if you didn't know
Haha could be. It’s our Thermal Oxidizer that burns off flammable vapors = clean exhaust air.
All that black stuff is MDI and it sets up like superglue and gets hard as a rock. Nasty stuff..
Why is it that I feel you'd be safer working at a nuclear plant? I think the clean air is negated by the black super glue vapors you inhale
I do, too. Believe me I know when it's time. I used to wake and bake immediately but then I had a child. It's usually about an hour into the day I get works. Sometimes, if I wait longer and am busy, man oh man do I get a really nice buzz cause it's like my body was deprived for over 12 hours

I love it. Me too. Like to look at my birds. We have like 3 or 4 bird feeders, lots of different species in Jersey if you didn't know

Why is it that I feel you'd be safer working at a nuclear plant? I think the clean air is negated by the black super glue vapors you inhale
I did not know that about the Garden State Jersey but we got a couple of cool ones here. I think the prettiest is the Yellow Winged Finch. I got to put out Finch feed in the feeder to attract them though. Also get Redheaded Wood Peckers in the Maple tree. CL🍀
I did not know that about the Garden State Jersey but we got a couple of cool ones here. I think the prettiest is the Yellow Winged Finch. I got to put out Finch feed in the feeder to attract them though. Also get Redheaded Wood Peckers in the Maple tree. CL🍀
Our state bird is the yellow finch :rofl: I never see one
They make Finch feed, ya use it and you’ll see a lot. CL🍀
I think I have seagulls where I live and the Finch stay more west. I didn't say I never saw one but they aren't in my local demographic I don't think....I don't want to cut my other birds short, if the Finches are hungry enough, they'll come. Lots of cardinals, blue jays, and black and white tipped something or others, hawks and every other species flamingo and haven't seen a penguin either. And cranes only in the spring and summer and early fall. Don't think I've seen an eagle. Lots of doves. Grey doves. Turtle doves. Pigeons. Those, too. Black birds that flock in what seems to be thousands, baby even took out his fake phone to call Spiderman to save us from the flock migrating in the lawn across the street and in the trees and on the wires-looked like an Alfred Hitchcock movie.

Anyway...I was digging through my photos and I came across my 2nd grow that started last August. Funny how much things change over time. I was all autos and 1 photo this grow. I've since flipped this ratio on its head.

From beginning my first grow in June under the table with 6-60W grow bulbs.... a 2x2 with a @ParfactWorks HB1500 and those good old grow bulbs..... adding in my little 2x3 tent with the @ParfactWorks 150W and a @VIVOSUN 100W and using some cheap ornate LED strips and the grow bulbs in my small tent..... when I got my @Mars Hydro FC4800 in October, which happened to be the same time I started using @Prescription Blend..... you can see also when I started using my self-feed pots.....
....So I went ahead and bought my 4x4 tent to fit the 4800 with, then @Mars Hydro gave me a wonderful 3x3 which I use now with this grow and a 2x4 that I have yet to even open (Spring Grow use).

So within a year and a half, my grows have really morphed and it's something I'm particularly proud of. I credit most of it to the fact that I found this forum in July, only about a month into my 1st grow. Ever since, everything has gotten incrementally better with each and every plant I touch and I am just forever grateful to this community and its veterans and established growers for teaching me how to be a better mother to my plants.

So for nostalgic puporses...the nug is the 3rd plant I ever harvested, an AK-47 auto, her name was Sophia.








I think I have seagulls where I live and the Finch stay more west. I didn't say I never saw one but they aren't in my local demographic I don't think....I don't want to cut my other birds short, if the Finches are hungry enough, they'll come. Lots of cardinals, blue jays, and black and white tipped something or others, hawks and every other species flamingo and haven't seen a penguin either. And cranes only in the spring and summer and early fall. Don't think I've seen an eagle. Lots of doves. Grey doves. Turtle doves. Pigeons. Those, too. Black birds that flock in what seems to be thousands, baby even took out his fake phone to call Spiderman to save us from the flock migrating in the lawn across the street and in the trees and on the wires-looked like an Alfred Hitchcock movie.

Anyway...I was digging through my photos and I came across my 2nd grow that started last August. Funny how much things change over time. I was all autos and 1 photo this grow. I've since flipped this ratio on its head.

From beginning my first grow in June under the table with 6-60W grow bulbs.... a 2x2 with a @ParfactWorks HB1500 and those good old grow bulbs..... adding in my little 2x3 tent with the @ParfactWorks 150W and a @VIVOSUN 100W and using some cheap ornate LED strips and the grow bulbs in my small tent..... when I got my @Mars Hydro FC4800 in October, which happened to be the same time I started using @Prescription Blend..... you can see also when I started using my self-feed pots.....
....So I went ahead and bought my 4x4 tent to fit the 4800 with, then @Mars Hydro gave me a wonderful 3x3 which I use now with this grow and a 2x4 that I have yet to even open (Spring Grow use).

So within a year and a half, my grows have really morphed and it's something I'm particularly proud of. I credit most of it to the fact that I found this forum in July, only about a month into my 1st grow. Ever since, everything has gotten incrementally better with each and every plant I touch and I am just forever grateful to this community and its veterans and established growers for teaching me how to be a better mother to my plants.

So for nostalgic puporses...the nug is the 3rd plant I ever harvested, an AK-47 auto, her name was Sophia.








Yes they have! Amazing to see what love does!
Highya Krissi,

Amazing to look back and see how far you have come in short time!! You're second to none, now!!
all you need is love
Without love, we are cruel monsters!! We dearly need love. Coming from each other, makes us an awesome community! Happy Smokin'
Highya Krissi,

Amazing to look back and see how far you have come in short time!! You're second to none, now!!
Awww you're too kind to me Bode!
Without love, we are cruel monsters!! We dearly need love. Coming from each other, makes us an awesome community! Happy Smokin'
This is so very true this community is something special!!

So I took some shots of Theo as her trichomes proved she is worthy of being taken. I am uploading thr trichome shots still so I'm gonna briefly update with these photos.


At Day 6.5 of drought in a 5gl self feed water reserve pot, she is showing brittle leaves on most and some yellowing but only on a few

She is super caked now from the stress induced resin production via the drought

From scoping her, I snapped her main lol had to stick some bamboo and electrical tape on her for the next 12 hours.

Think I'll let her finish through the night and pull her in the AM.

I'll be back with trichome shots then we will go back to daily updates for thr Bull girls and see what final nuggets we get with our Blueberry Auto! Seemingly delicious from the looks and smell of things!

@Grand Daddy Black this post is for you.


Good night guys and gals! I'll be back tomorrow to catch up on threads and my other journal!
@CaptainLucky, how are your toes this morning? You got socks? Thought of you since it wasn't Dunkin, while I made this just now.. ti favorito un cafe, Columbiano

@CaptainLucky, how are your toes this morning? You got socks? Thought of you since it wasn't Dunkin, while I made this just now.. ti favorito un cafe, Columbiano

Thanks for asking Jersey I’m trying to stay inside as much as possible . lonly open the back door to smoke a cig and didn’t even wake n bake today. Nothing is going to make it better but warmer weather. Maybe I’m depressed but how can ya not be with Artic temps. Smh CL🍀
Thanks for asking Jersey I’m trying to stay inside as much as possible . lonly open the back door to smoke a cig and didn’t even wake n bake today. Nothing is going to make it better but warmer weather. Maybe I’m depressed but how can ya not be with Artic temps. Smh CL🍀
You can't smoke the herb inside?
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