Highya Krissi,
Hi my friend!
Glad to see you as often or not you can be here!! Theodore has buds as big as your arm!! They look so huge and inviting! And so loaded with trichomes! Nice! With all those golden pistils, and still white ones, too, she must be nearing the harvest. I'm guessing you can't wait!! I hope you have had a testor just for confidence. Happy Smokin'
I'm thinking she is getting pulled around the 16th-20th. At least that's what is in my head right now. She is starting to orange up now and the pistils are even curling in! She's definitely finishing up her bulking and she's got super long arms! I tried to do my best to trim off the very bottom so we didn't end up with lots of larf and she could focus on those big top half buds. Hoping I did a good job, she seems to be a happy gal! No tester yet but that Blueberry sweetness is all over your fingers when you touch her, omg sooooo yummy smelling!
Happy you were quickly able to find the solution to Simon's woes.
Me too girl, me too!
The BBs look good but oh my, that Blueberry - she's a stunner.
She is a pretty girl but these BBulls, they are caboose growers. They show their true promise come mid to late flower and I expect to see big fat things from those two, especially when Theo is out of the tent and it's just those two left to soak up the @Mars Hydro SP3000 sun-the SSC girls loves it when their Deelite Auto sister left the tent, too!

So it's been forever since an update. I'm not doing the best or most detailed update but I did get a few shots.

So the Bulls are pretty much neck and neck in terms of bud development. Alvin is seemingly more robust than Simon, as we had expected from the get go but Simon is not a small girl either.

They got fed yesterday, all 3 of them. The Bulls are drinking super fast, damn near bone dry every 3 days, enough the sides of the soil in the pots sinks in about a half an inch.

I'll be back to normal posting after the weekend is over. At that time, we will get back to the plant of the day focuses. I'll try to being Theo out in the forefront as she only has a couple weeks left with us!

Until then, here's some shots I uploaded 5 days ago with a Blueberry focus that I never got to throw into this journal, followed immediately by some shots from today.

Thanks for coming by!
Highya Krissi,

I'm glad you stopped by! Your girls are doing very well! Love the look of the two Big Bull's! Very big colas, and huge buds atop of them! As you said of them bulking up midway, I'm looking for them to be obscenely huge and gorgeous! What a nice thought!! Theodore is nearing her final day! She is looking very nice! Purpling color, tons of trichomes, mostly golden pistils. I'm thinking you'll be very pleased with her buds!! Very Nice!!
I'll be glad when you can relax on here with us!! Miss that sparkling personality!! Lunch time, so I must go!! Happy Smokin'
Highya Krissi,

I'm glad you stopped by!
Just a day late and a dollar short...or 3 days and 3 dollara short!
Your girls are doing very well! Love the look of the two Big Bull's! Very big colas, and huge buds atop of them! As you said of them bulking up midway, I'm looking for them to be obscenely huge and gorgeous! What a nice thought!!
These two Bulls are so very unique, each in their own right. We have our self topped Simon who has such a different stature and we have Alvin who is just plain old fat. My Maestro, the Big Bull predecessor, was not fat like Alvin. I expect her to take up a good amount of this tent once we start bulking. Maestro morphed into a huge plant come mid flower so let's see what happens here. Simon, I'm just so curious to see how she finishes. Still need to look for that Tulip again!!
Theodore is nearing her final day! She is looking very nice! Purpling color, tons of trichomes, mostly golden pistils. I'm thinking you'll be very pleased with her buds!! Very Nice!!
It's funny Bode, my first couple plants I probably pulled them a week early or so. I have found since, I keep them around longer than maybe I should? Everyone is always telling me so close and I'm like wait what? 2 more weeks you said?! Lol but no, you are right here, she is finishing FAST. I could be off on her start flower date too, give or take 3 days maybe. Either way, theee i49 Bluebwrry autos I have complete their life cycle in about 6-8 weeks. One of the fastest autos I've ever ran, right behind Blue Cheese. Wondering if it is the Blueberry parent in each?
I'll be glad when you can relax on here with us!! Miss that sparkling personality!! Lunch time, so I must go!! Happy Smokin'
I just finished 2 more reviews so I'll be casually working on the Nova vape review and then most of my efforts will be back to journals and playing around with the press so I can get going FINALLY on smooshing and that video review!

I got some pics of Theodore as promised. I was rushing a little cause my OCD hit me when I saw the tents, plural, dirtier than I like. So I got the big shop vac out and went to down. Then I had to feed the 4 x 4 tent and I just ran out of time.

These 3 were fed last night, all of them CMAG and Silica. I forgot to empty the dehumidifer last night and woke up at 645 to it being 78% humidity. Yikes. No worries. Garage door open. Ac unit on tent flaps open and we got that percentage down fast and back to normal parameters.

Check in with you all later!!

Just a day late and a dollar short...or 3 days and 3 dollara short!

These two Bulls are so very unique, rach in their own right. We have our self topped Simon who has such a different stature and we have Alvin who is just plain old fat. My Maestro, the Big Bull predecessor, was not fat like Alvin. I expect her to take up a good amount of thus tent once we start bulking. Maestro morphed into a huge plant come mid flower so let's see what happens here. Simon, I'm just so curious to see how she finishes. Still need to look for that Tulip again!!

It's funny Bode, my first couple plants I probably pulled them a week early or so. I have found since, I keep them around longer than maybe I should? Everyone is always telling me so close and I'm like wait what? 2 more weeks you said?! Lol but no, you are right here, she is finishing FAST. I could be off on her start flower date too, give or take 3 days maybe. Either way, theee i49 Bluebwrry autos I have complete their life cycle in about 6-8 weeks. One of the fastest autos I've ever ran, right behind Blue Cheese. Wondering if it is the Blueberry parent in each?

I just finished 2 more reviews so I'll be casually working on the Nova vape review and then most of my efforts will be back to journals and playing around with the press so I can get going FINALLY on smooshing and that video review!

I got some pics of Theodore as promised. I was rushing a little cause my OCD hit me when I saw the tents, plural, dirtier than I like. So I got the big shop vac out and went to down. Then I had to feed the 4 x 4 tent and I just ran out of time.

These 3 were fed last night, all of them CMAG and Silica. I forgot to empty the dehumidifer last night and woke up at 645 to it being 78% humidity. Yikes. No worries. Garage door open. Ac unit on tent flaps open and we got that percentage down fast and back to normal parameters.

Check in with you all later!!

You sure grow amazing auto’s, me personally will never grow another Pygmy. lol From now on it’s feminized or forget it. Beautiful grow though.👍 CL🍀
You sure grow amazing auto’s, me personally will never grow another Pygmy. lol From now on it’s feminized or forget it. Beautiful grow though.👍 CL🍀
You know, I hear that too often and it makes me sad. I know that there is always a chance for a runt or pygmy but I've been lucky to have avoided that I guess, at least so far. I mean, I think I had one auto plant like 2.5 oz on my first grow but since that, I'm averaging around 4. I think the pots play a huge role in what autos can do! I didn't use these pots with my first grow. Just saying...
I appreciate the love for the girls, though. Still don't want you to give up on autos. Maybe we just need to get you an XL?
You know, I hear that too often and it makes me sad. I know that there is always a chance for a runt or pygmy but I've been lucky to have avoided that I guess, at least so far. I mean, I think I had one auto plant like 2.5 oz on my first grow but since that, I'm averaging around 4. I think the pots play a huge role in what autos can do! I didn't use these pots with my first grow. Just saying...
I appreciate the love for the girls, though. Still don't want you to give up on autos. Maybe we just need to get you an XL?
I used 5gl grow bags and still grew Pygmy’s so sorry Krissi never again. Photos I only grew the one but it was 3’ tall. CL🍀
I used 5gl grow bags and still grew Pygmy’s so sorry Krissi never again. Photos I only grew the one but it was 3’ tall. CL🍀
How about in one of my pots? I bet if you tried just 1, you'd have a better yield. Maybe? One day? Just 1? Puleeeeaaaase?
How about in one of my pots? I bet if you tried just 1, you'd have a better yield. Maybe? One day? Just 1? Puleeeeaaaase?
Maybe one day I’ll try again just for you but if it gets stunted it’s in the garbage 🗑. lol CL🍀
Nice looking plant bummer about getting jacked. Bastards. CL🍀
Pics were mid bud
That was the second year, it grew by itself, from a seed that fell out
I didn't even add any amendments to the soil
I wasn't too mad I had 22 oz from the year before & still had lots left
Maybe one day I’ll try again just for you but if it gets stunted it’s in the garbage 🗑. lol CL🍀
I don’t think any auto’s are super in my book 🤔☠️☠️☠️lol CL🍀
Awww come on now, I've had a lot of nice autos. I love them! I started with them and 1 photo. Photos took over, clearly, but I always run 1 in the mix cause I think they are unpredictable and great for learning and still beautiful aaaand ALWAYS DIFFERENT
2 plants Green Crack + Tangie dry yield 4 grams. No Thanks. CL🍀
OK so these are extreme cases Clover...like really extreme..I am sorry for such a disappointing run with them though.
I thought I was growing tomato plant size plants when I planted this

Beauties. Can't wait to grow outdoors Brew
Pics were mid bud
That was the second year, it grew by itself, from a seed that fell out
I didn't even add any amendments to the soil
I wasn't too mad I had 22 oz from the year before & still had lots left
Not too shabby at all friend

Awww come on now, I've had a lot of nice autos. I love them! I started with them and 1 photo. Photos took over, clearly, but I always run 1 in the mix cause I think they are unpredictable and great for learning and still beautiful aaaand ALWAYS DIFFERENT

OK so these are extreme cases Clover...like really extreme..I am sorry for such a disappointing run with them though.

Beauties. Can't wait to grow outdoors Brew

Not too shabby at all friend
I hear ya I love growing outdoors next year I’ll be starting sooner. I started to late last year for feminized. CL🍀
Pics were mid bud
That was the second year, it grew by itself, from a seed that fell out
I didn't even add any amendments to the soil
I wasn't too mad I had 22 oz from the year before & still had lots left
Still no one likes being ripped off. CL🍀
Highya Krissi,

Great looking ladies! I didn't recognize them(Big Bulls). Must've been the time thing. Anyways...
Still need to look for that Tulip again!!
I'd think it'd disappear.
Bluebwrry autos I have complete their life cycle in about 6-8 weeks
Really short time!! Seems to be a favorite!! Yeah!
Then I had to feed the 4 x 4 tent and I just ran out of time.
Don't you feel good when you gave the day all you could, got a lot done, and say "tomorrow's another day?!?"
Garage door open. Ac unit on tent flaps open and we got that percentage down fast and back to normal parameters.
Fast thinking! Smart girl!
Maybe we just need to get you an XL?
Are those guaranteed?!? Lol.
Is that with the little puppy-dog eyes and sweet innocent look?
always run 1 in the mix cause I think they are unpredictable and great for learning and still beautiful aaaand ALWAYS DIFFERENT
They are unpredictable. I'm for predictability. Sorry, just serious when it comes to my smoke!
Can't wait to grow outdoors Brew
You're right there! It used to be the only way before electricity! I think it's the best way (just my opinion) still! Just need to start inside, plant outside when warm enough, and harvest before freezing! Wait until you see their size, and yield! All of mine will go 9 ft! I grow sativa's ( or 50/50) mostly!

You should be having fun switching channels - Jets in Buffalo (snow and rain) or Eagles playing against the Giants! 7-0 Eagles. Philadelphia is having a great year! So's Buffalo! I'm a Partiots fan, and secretly a Tom Brady fan, still!

I almost feel like being in your living room today! I think I've chatted enough without you being here, lol! Happy Smokin'
Highya Krissi,

Great looking ladies! I didn't recognize them(Big Bulls). Must've been the time thing. Anyways...

I'd think it'd disappear.

Really short time!! Seems to be a favorite!! Yeah!

Don't you feel good when you gave the day all you could, got a lot done, and say "tomorrow's another day?!?"

Fast thinking! Smart girl!

Are those guaranteed?!? Lol.

Is that with the little puppy-dog eyes and sweet innocent look?

They are unpredictable. I'm for predictability. Sorry, just serious when it comes to my smoke!

You're right there! It used to be the only way before electricity! I think it's the best way (just my opinion) still! Just need to start inside, plant outside when warm enough, and harvest before freezing! Wait until you see their size, and yield! All of mine will go 9 ft! I grow sativa's ( or 50/50) mostly!

You should be having fun switching channels - Jets in Buffalo (snow and rain) or Eagles playing against the Giants! 7-0 Eagles. Philadelphia is having a great year! So's Buffalo! I'm a Partiots fan, and secretly a Tom Brady fan, still!

I almost feel like being in your living room today! I think I've chatted enough without you being here, lol! Happy Smokin'
Go Buccaneers 🏴‍☠️ I lived in the Tampa area and have been a Bucs fan since the Warren Sapp days. CL🍀
I mean, I think I had one auto plant like 2.5 oz on my first grow but since that, I'm averaging around 4. I think the pots play a huge role in what autos can do! I didn't use these pots with my first grow. Just saying...
I appreciate the love for the girls, though. Still don't want you to give up on autos. Maybe we just need to get you an XL?

That's better than my first autos. I grew 2 Dark Devil autos and got 10 and 8 grams respectively. But, that didn't make me stop growing autos. In fact, my next 2 autos were Dark Devils again but this time, I yielded 91 grams from each of them so around 6.5 oz altogether.
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